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CO 9-12: CS.HS.3.1c

CodeHS Lessons

Determine and use graphical or text-based languages.

1.1 Introduction to Programming With Karel
3.1 Hello World
3.3 User Input
4.1 Intro to the Canvas and Graphics
3.1 Printing in Python
25.1 Meet Tracy the Turtle
1.1 Why Programming? Why Java?
1.5 User Input
2.1 Objects: Instances of Classes
1.1 Welcome to AP CSP
3.1 What is Code
3.3 Hello World
9.3 User Input
4.11 Command Line Interface
6.11 Network Management
13.3 Looping
13.4 Branching
1.1 Welcome to AP CSP
3.1 What is Code
3.3 Hello World
1.1 Introduction to Programming With Karel
2.1 Hello World
2.3 User Input
3.1 Intro to the Canvas and Graphics
1.1 Introduction to Programming With Karel
3.1 Hello World
3.3 User Input
4.1 Intro to the Canvas and Graphics
1.1 Introduction to Programming With Karel
3.1 Hello World
3.3 User Input
4.1 Intro to the Canvas and Graphics
2.1 Introduction to Components
3.1 TouchableHighlight and the onPress Function
4.1 The Image Component
6.1 Using State to Control Values
7.1 Creating a Navbar
8.1 Conditionals and State Change
2.1 Introduction to Components
3.1 TouchableHighlight and the onPress Function
4.1 The Image Component
6.1 Using State to Control Values
7.1 Creating a Navbar
8.1 Conditionals and State Change
1.1 Intro to Python with Tracy the Turtle
1.1 Intro to Python with Tracy the Turtle
1.1 Introduction to Programming With Karel
12.3 User Input
12.1 Hello World
3.1 Intro to Python with Tracy the Turtle
3.3 User Input
3.5 Using Graphics in JavaScript
6.1 Intro to Python with Tracy the Turtle
13.1 Intro to Python with Tracy the Turtle
2.1 Magpie Lab
3.1 Picture Lab
4.1 Elevens
7.1 Writing BlackJack
8.1 Mad Libs
1.1 Intro to Python with Tracy the Turtle
2.1 Printing in Python
1.1 Introduction to Programming With Karel
3.3 User Input
3.5 Using Graphics in JavaScript
4.2 Graphics Challenges
1.1 Intro to Python with Tracy the Turtle
1.2 Your First VR World
2.1 Advanced Shapes
5.1 360Ëš Images
7.1 Final Lesson
8.1 Animation
9.1 Click-Based Interaction
9.2 Gaze-Based Interaction
10.4 Extra Components
2.1 Introduction to Programming With Karel
5.3 User Input
5.5 Using Graphics in JavaScript
6.1 Graphics Challenges
1.1 Intro to Python with Tracy the Turtle
1.2 More Basic Karel
1.4 Karel Can't Turn Right
1.5 Methods in Karel
1.6 Top Down Design and Decomposition in Karel
1.8 Super Karel
1.9 For Loops
1.10 While Loops in Karel
1.11 If Statements
1.12 If/Else Statements
1.16 Karel Challenges
2.1 Printing in Java
2.2 Variables and Types
2.3 User Input
2.4 Arithmetic Expressions
2.5 Casting
2.6 Booleans
2.7 Logical Operators
2.8 Comparison Operators
2.9 For Loops
2.10 While Loops
2.11 If Statements
2.12 Loop-and-a-Half
2.13 Short-Circuit Evaluation
2.15 Strings
3.2 Methods and Parameters
3.3 Methods and Return Values
3.4 Javadocs and More Methods
3.5 Strings Methods
3.6 Strings and Characters
4.2 Classes vs. Objects
4.3 Using a Class as a Client
4.4 Writing Classes
4.5 Writing Classes and Instance Methods
4.6 Getter and Setter Methods
4.7 Class Methods and Class Variables
4.8 Method Overloading
4.9 Local Variables and Scope
4.12 Inheritance
4.13 Class Design and Abstract Classes
4.14 Polymorphism
4.15 Interfaces
5.2 Introduction to Arrays
5.3 Using Arrays
5.4 ArrayList Methods
5.5 Arrays vs ArrayLists
5.10 Writing BlackJack
5.11 Battleship
6.1 Final Project
8.1 Mad Libs
7.1 Pokemon Simulation
1.1 Introduction to Programming With Karel
1.2 More Basic Karel
1.3 Java Programs and the Run Method
1.4 Karel Can't Turn Right
1.5 Methods in Karel
1.6 Top Down Design and Decomposition in Karel
1.7 Commenting Your Code
1.8 Super Karel
1.9 For Loops
1.10 While Loops in Karel
1.11 If Statements
1.12 If/Else Statements
1.13 Control Structures Example
1.14 More Karel Examples and Testing
1.15 How to Indent Your Code
1.16 Karel Challenges
2.1 Printing in Java
2.2 Variables and Types
2.3 User Input
2.4 Arithmetic Expressions
2.5 Casting
2.6 Booleans
2.7 Logical Operators
2.8 Comparison Operators
2.9 For Loops
2.10 While Loops
2.11 If Statements
2.12 Loop-and-a-Half
2.13 Short-Circuit Evaluation
2.14 De Morgan's Laws
2.15 Strings
3.1 Java Methods
3.2 Methods and Parameters
3.3 Methods and Return Values
3.4 Javadocs and More Methods
3.5 Strings Methods
3.6 Strings and Characters
3.7 Exceptions
3.8 String Processing
4.1 Introduction to Classes and Objects
4.2 Classes vs. Objects
4.3 Using a Class as a Client
4.4 Writing Classes
4.5 Writing Classes and Instance Methods
4.6 Getter and Setter Methods
4.7 Class Methods and Class Variables
4.9 Method Overloading
4.10 Local Variables and Scope
4.11 Key Terms for Classes
4.12 Objects vs Primitives
4.13 Inheritance
4.14 Class Design and Abstract Classes
4.15 Polymorphism
4.17 Interfaces
4.18 Classes and Object-Oriented Programming Quiz
5.1 What are Data Structures?
5.2 Introduction to Arrays
5.3 Using Arrays
5.5 ArrayList Methods
5.6 Arrays vs ArrayLists
5.8 The List Interface
5.9 2D Arrays (Matrices or Grids)
5.11 HashMaps
5.12 Binary
6.1 Writing BlackJack
8.1 What is an Algorithm?
8.2 Linear Search
8.3 Binary Search
8.4 Selection Sort
8.5 Insertion Sort
8.6 Advanced: Recursion
8.7 Mergesort
11.1 Pokemon Simulation
12.1 Mad Libs
15.1 Elevens
16.1 Magpie Lab
17.1 Picture Lab
1.1 Introduction to Programming With Karel
3.3 User Input
3.5 Using Graphics in JavaScript
4.2 Graphics Challenges
1.1 Introduction to Programming With Karel
3.3 User Input
3.5 Using Graphics in JavaScript
4.2 Graphics Challenges
1.1 Introduction to Programming With Karel
3.3 User Input
3.5 Using Graphics in JavaScript
4.2 Graphics Challenges
1.1 Intro to Python with Tracy the Turtle
2.1 Intro to Python with Tracy the Turtle
3.1 Printing in Python
1.1 Introduction to Programming With Karel
2.1 Hello World
3.1 Guessing Game
4.1 Timers
6.1 Breakout
6.3 User Input
2.1 Why Programming? Why Java?
2.5 User Input
3.1 Objects: Instances of Classes
5.11 Command Line Interface
8.1 What are Data Structures?
8.2 Introduction to Arrays
8.3 Using Arrays
8.5 ArrayList Methods
8.6 Arrays vs ArrayLists
8.8 The List Interface
8.9 2D Arrays
8.11 HashMaps
8.12 Binary
9.1 What is an Algorithm?
9.2 Linear Search
9.3 Binary Search
9.4 Selection Sort
9.5 Insertion Sort
9.7 Mergesort
2.1 Introduction to Programming With Karel
5.3 User Input
5.5 Using Graphics in JavaScript
6.1 Graphics Challenges
2.1 Introduction to Programming With Karel
4.14 Command Line Interface
4.15 Network Management
6.1 What is Code
6.4 User Input
6.6 Using Graphics in JavaScript
7.1 Graphics Challenges
2.1 Intro to Python with Tracy the Turtle
3.14 Command Line Interface
3.15 Network Management
5.1 Printing in Python
3.1 Introduction to Programming With Karel
6.3 User Input
6.5 Using Graphics in JavaScript
7.1 Graphics Challenges
2.1 Introduction to Programming With Karel
5.3 User Input
5.5 Using Graphics in JavaScript
6.1 Graphics Challenges
1.1 Intro to Python with Tracy the Turtle
2.1 Introduction to Programming With Karel
6.3 User Input
6.5 Using Graphics in JavaScript
7.1 Graphics Challenges
3.1 Intro to Python with Tracy the Turtle
6.4 Branching
6.3 Looping
2.1 Introduction to Programming With Karel
10.2 Hello World
10.4 User Input
10.9 Intro to the Canvas and Graphics
5.13 Network Management
3.1 What is Code
3.3 Hello World
2.1 Introduction to Programming With Karel
5.3 User Input
5.5 Using Graphics in JavaScript
6.1 Graphics Challenges
3.2 Printing in Python
18.1 Intro to Python with Tracy the Turtle
2.1 Introduction to Programming With Karel
10.4 User Input
10.6 Using Graphics in JavaScript
2.1 Introduction to Programming With Karel
5.3 User Input
5.5 Using Graphics in JavaScript
6.1 Graphics Challenges
1.1 Intro to Python with Tracy the Turtle
1.1 Introduction to Programming With Karel
2.1 Hello World
2.3 User Input
3.1 Intro to the Canvas and Graphics
13.9 Command Line Interface
1.1 Introduction to Programming With Karel
8.4 User Input
8.6 Using Graphics in JavaScript
9.2 Graphics Challenges
1.1 Introduction to Programming With Karel
8.4 User Input
8.6 Using Graphics in JavaScript
9.2 Graphics Challenges
4.2 Printing in Python
1.1 Introduction to Programming With Karel
4.3 User Input
4.5 Using Graphics in JavaScript
5.2 Graphics Challenges
6.9 Command Line Interface
7.7 Network Management
23.3 Looping
23.4 Branching
1.1 Intro to Python with Tracy the Turtle
2.1 Introduction to Programming With Karel
5.3 User Input
5.5 Using Graphics in JavaScript
6.1 Graphics Challenges
2.1 Introduction to Programming With Karel
5.3 User Input
5.5 Using Graphics in JavaScript
6.1 Graphics Challenges
1.1 Intro to Python with Tracy the Turtle
2.1 Introduction to Programming With Karel
5.3 User Input
5.5 Using Graphics in JavaScript
6.1 Graphics Challenges
1.1 Intro to Python with Tracy the Turtle
3.9 Command Line Interface
5.7 Network Management
6.1 Intro to Python with Tracy the Turtle
8.1 Hello World
8.3 User Input
7.1 Printing in Python
4.9 Command Line Interface
6.7 Network Management
8.1 Intro to Python with Tracy the Turtle
9.1 Printing in Python
10.3 User Input
10.1 Hello World
2.1 Introduction to Programming With Karel
5.3 User Input
5.5 Using Graphics in JavaScript
6.1 Graphics Challenges
1.1 Intro to Python with Tracy the Turtle
2.3 User Input
2.5 Using Graphics in JavaScript
2.3 User Input
2.5 Using Graphics in JavaScript
1.1 Intro to Python with Tracy the Turtle
2.1 Introduction to Programming With Karel
5.3 User Input
5.5 Using Graphics in JavaScript
6.1 Graphics Challenges
1.1 Intro to Python with Tracy the Turtle
3.1 Intro to Python with Tracy the Turtle
3.1 Intro to Python with Tracy the Turtle
1.9 Command Line Interface
3.1 Introduction to Programming With Karel
3.2 More Basic Karel
3.3 Java Programs and the Run Method
3.4 Karel Can't Turn Right
3.5 Methods in Karel
3.6 Top Down Design and Decomposition in Karel
3.7 Commenting Your Code
3.8 Super Karel
3.9 For Loops
3.10 While Loops in Karel
3.11 If Statements
3.12 If/Else Statements
3.13 Control Structures Example
3.14 More Karel Examples and Testing
3.15 How to Indent Your Code
3.16 Karel Challenges
4.2 Printing in Java
4.3 Variables and Types
4.4 User Input
4.5 Arithmetic Expressions
4.6 Casting
4.7 Booleans
4.8 Logical Operators
4.9 Comparison Operators
4.10 For Loops
4.11 While Loops
4.12 If Statements
4.13 Loop-and-a-Half
4.14 Short-Circuit Evaluation
4.15 De Morgan's Laws
4.16 Strings
5.1 Java Methods
5.2 Methods and Parameters
5.3 Methods and Return Values
5.4 Javadocs and More Methods
5.5 Strings Methods
5.6 Strings and Characters
5.7 Exceptions
5.8 String Processing
6.1 Introduction to Classes and Objects
6.2 Classes vs. Objects
6.3 Using a Class as a Client
6.4 Writing Classes
6.5 Writing Classes and Instance Methods
6.6 Getter and Setter Methods
6.7 Class Methods and Class Variables
6.9 Method Overloading
6.10 Local Variables and Scope
6.11 Key Terms for Classes
6.12 Objects vs Primitives
6.13 Inheritance
6.14 Class Design and Abstract Classes
6.15 Polymorphism
6.17 Interfaces
6.19 Classes and Object-Oriented Programming Quiz
7.1 What are Data Structures?
7.2 Introduction to Arrays
7.3 Using Arrays
7.5 ArrayList Methods
7.6 Arrays vs ArrayLists
7.8 The List Interface
7.9 2D Arrays
7.11 HashMaps
7.12 Binary
9.1 What is an Algorithm?
9.2 Linear Search
9.3 Binary Search
9.4 Selection Sort
9.5 Insertion Sort
9.6 Advanced: Recursion
9.7 Mergesort
12.1 Pokemon Simulation
13.1 Mad Libs
17.1 Elevens
18.1 Magpie Lab
19.1 Picture Lab
3.9 Command Line Interface
4.12 Network Management
2.1 Introduction to Programming With Karel
3.1 Hello World
3.3 User Input
6.1 Intro to the Canvas and Graphics
11.1 What is an Algorithm?
5.1 Introduction to Programming With Karel
7.1 Hello World
7.3 User Input
8.1 Intro to the Canvas and Graphics
2.1 What is Code
2.3 Hello World
2.1 Introduction to Programming With Karel
4.1 Hello World
4.3 User Input
5.1 Intro to the Canvas and Graphics
1.1 Intro to Python with Tracy the Turtle
1.1 Intro to Python with Tracy the Turtle
4.11 Command Line Interface
6.11 Network Management
10.3 Looping
10.4 Branching
1.1 Introduction to Programming With Karel
3.3 User Input
3.5 Using Graphics in JavaScript
4.1 Graphics Challenges
4.11 Command Line Interface
6.11 Network Management
13.3 Looping
13.4 Branching
1.1 Intro to Python with Tracy the Turtle
2.1 Introduction to Programming With Karel
5.3 User Input
5.5 Using Graphics in JavaScript
6.1 Graphics Challenges
10.11 Command Line Interface
12.11 Network Management
1.1 Intro to Python with Tracy the Turtle
4.1 Printing in Python
16.1 Meet Tracy the Turtle
4.1 Printing in Python
16.1 Meet Tracy the Turtle
3.1 Introduction to Programming With Karel
6.3 User Input
6.5 Using Graphics in JavaScript
7.1 Graphics Challenges
7.10 Command Line Interface
11.7 Network Management
16.3 Looping
16.4 Branching
1.1 Introduction to Programming With Karel
11.2 Command Line Interface
11.3 Network Management
4.1 Introduction to Programming With Karel
5.3 User Input
5.5 Using Graphics in JavaScript
2.1 Introduction to Programming With Karel
5.1 Hello World
5.3 User Input
6.1 Intro to the Canvas and Graphics
6.9 Command Line Interface
9.7 Network Management
20.3 Looping
20.4 Branching
1.2 Intro to Python with Tracy the Turtle
2.1 Introduction to Programming With Karel
5.3 User Input
5.5 Using Graphics in JavaScript
6.1 Graphics Challenges
4.9 Command Line Interface
10.7 Network Management
2.1 Introduction to Programming With Karel
5.3 User Input
5.5 Using Graphics in JavaScript
6.1 Graphics Challenges
1.1 Intro to Python with Tracy the Turtle
1.1 Introduction to Programming With Karel
1.2 More Basic Karel
1.3 Java Programs and the Run Method
1.4 Karel Can't Turn Right
1.5 Methods in Karel
1.6 Top Down Design and Decomposition in Karel
1.7 Commenting Your Code
1.9 Super Karel
1.10 For Loops
1.11 While Loops in Karel
1.12 If Statements
1.13 If/Else Statements
1.14 Control Structures Example
1.15 More Karel Examples and Testing
1.16 How to Indent Your Code
1.17 What is Code
1.19 Karel Challenges
7.1 Why Programming? Why Java?
7.5 User Input
8.1 Objects: Instances of Classes
12.1 Introduction to Classes and Objects
12.2 Classes vs. Objects
12.3 Using a Class as a Client
12.4 Writing Classes
12.5 Writing Classes and Instance Methods
12.6 Getter and Setter Methods
12.7 Class Methods and Class Variables
12.9 Method Overloading
12.10 Local Variables and Scope
12.11 Key Terms for Classes
12.12 Objects vs Primitives
12.13 Inheritance
12.14 Class Design and Abstract Classes
12.15 Polymorphism
12.17 Interfaces
12.18 Classes and Object-Oriented Programming Quiz
1.1 Introduction to Programming With Karel
1.2 More Basic Karel
1.3 Java Programs and the Run Method
1.4 Karel Can't Turn Right
1.5 Methods in Karel
1.6 Top Down Design and Decomposition in Karel
1.7 Commenting Your Code
1.9 Super Karel
1.10 For Loops
1.11 While Loops in Karel
1.12 If Statements
1.13 If/Else Statements
1.14 Control Structures Example
1.15 More Karel Examples and Testing
1.16 How to Indent Your Code
1.17 What is Code
1.19 Karel Challenges
6.1 Why Programming? Why Java?
6.5 User Input
8.1 Objects: Instances of Classes
18.1 Introduction to Classes and Objects
18.2 Classes vs. Objects
18.3 Using a Class as a Client
18.4 Writing Classes
18.5 Writing Classes and Instance Methods
18.6 Getter and Setter Methods
18.7 Class Methods and Class Variables
18.9 Method Overloading
18.10 Local Variables and Scope
18.11 Key Terms for Classes
18.12 Objects vs Primitives
18.13 Inheritance
18.14 Class Design and Abstract Classes
18.15 Polymorphism
18.17 Interfaces
18.18 Classes and Object-Oriented Programming Quiz
2.1 Printing in Python
1.1 Intro to Python with Tracy the Turtle
1.1 Intro to Python with Tracy the Turtle
2.1 Printing in Python
2.1 Printing in Python
11.1 Meet Tracy the Turtle
8.3 User Input
12.3 User Input
1.9 Command Line Interface
3.1 Introduction to Programming With Karel
3.2 More Basic Karel
3.3 Java Programs and the Run Method
3.4 Karel Can't Turn Right
3.5 Methods in Karel
3.6 Top Down Design and Decomposition in Karel
3.7 Commenting Your Code
3.8 Super Karel
3.9 For Loops
3.10 While Loops in Karel
3.11 If Statements
3.12 If/Else Statements
3.13 Control Structures Example
3.14 More Karel Examples and Testing
3.15 How to Indent Your Code
3.16 Karel Challenges
4.2 Printing in Java
4.3 Variables and Types
4.4 User Input
4.5 Arithmetic Expressions
4.6 Casting
4.7 Booleans
4.8 Logical Operators
4.9 Comparison Operators
4.10 For Loops
4.11 While Loops
4.12 If Statements
4.13 Loop-and-a-Half
4.14 Short-Circuit Evaluation
4.15 De Morgan's Laws
4.16 Strings
5.1 Java Methods
5.2 Methods and Parameters
5.3 Methods and Return Values
5.4 Javadocs and More Methods
5.5 Strings Methods
5.6 Strings and Characters
5.7 Exceptions
5.8 String Processing
6.1 Introduction to Classes and Objects
6.2 Classes vs. Objects
6.3 Using a Class as a Client
6.4 Writing Classes
6.5 Writing Classes and Instance Methods
6.6 Getter and Setter Methods
6.7 Class Methods and Class Variables
6.9 Method Overloading
6.10 Local Variables and Scope
6.11 Key Terms for Classes
6.12 Objects vs Primitives
6.13 Inheritance
6.14 Class Design and Abstract Classes
6.15 Polymorphism
6.17 Interfaces
6.20 Classes and Object-Oriented Programming Quiz
7.1 What are Data Structures?
7.2 Introduction to Arrays
7.3 Using Arrays
7.5 ArrayList Methods
7.6 Arrays vs ArrayLists
7.8 The List Interface
7.9 2D Arrays (Matrices or Grids)
7.11 HashMaps
7.12 Binary
9.1 What is an Algorithm?
9.2 Linear Search
9.3 Binary Search
9.4 Selection Sort
9.5 Insertion Sort
9.6 Advanced: Recursion
9.7 Mergesort
4.3 Looping
4.4 Branching
7.9 Command Line Interface
10.7 Network Management
1.1 Intro to Python with Tracy the Turtle
1.1 Intro to Python with Tracy the Turtle
2.1 Introduction to Programming With Karel
5.3 User Input
5.5 Using Graphics in JavaScript
6.1 Graphics Challenges
2.11 Command Line Interface
4.11 Network Management
6.3 User Input