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1. Getting Started
1.1 What is VR?
Video 1.1.1 Intro to A-Frame
Check for Understanding 1.1.2 Intro to A-Frame
Connection 1.1.3 A-Frame Examples
Example 1.1.4 Hello, A-Frame
Connection 1.1.5 Connection: Professional VR Uses
Connection 1.1.6 VR in Healthcare
Free Response 1.1.7 Using VR Professionally
Free Response 1.1.8 What are uses of VR?
1.2 Your First VR World
Video 1.2.1 Modifying a Sphere
Check for Understanding 1.2.2 Sphere Quiz
Example 1.2.3 Sphere
Exercise 1.2.4 Transform Your Sphere
Video 1.2.5 Your First A-Frame World
Check for Understanding 1.2.6 Your First A-Frame World
Example 1.2.7 Example: Planes
Exercise 1.2.8 Create the Floor
Exercise 1.2.9 Create a Wall
Exercise 1.2.10 Snowflakes
Exercise 1.2.11 Ring a Ring o' Roses
Challenge 1.2.12 Make a Scene
Badge 1.2.13 Learning VR Badge
2. Advanced Shapes
2.1 Advanced Shapes
Video 2.1.1 Boxes in Detail
Check for Understanding 2.1.2 Boxes Quiz
Example 2.1.3 Boxes
Example 2.1.4 Stairs
Exercise 2.1.5 Put the Box on the Floor
Video 2.1.6 Even More Shapes
Check for Understanding 2.1.7 Shapes in A-Frame Quiz
Example 2.1.8 Watermelon Patch
Example 2.1.9 Balancing Act
Exercise 2.1.10 Make a City
Exercise 2.1.11 Comfy Chair
Exercise 2.1.12 Great Pyramids of Egypt
Exercise 2.1.13 Garden Sculpture
Notes 2.1.14 Endless Supply of Shapes
Challenge 2.1.15 Create A New World
Badge 2.1.16 Advanced Shapes Badge
3. Animation
3.1 Animation
Check for Understanding 3.1.1 Animation Tag
Quiz 3.1.2 Animation Tag
Example 3.1.3 Cube Sliding
Example 3.1.4 Ball Drop
Exercise 3.1.5 Sliding Cylinder
Video 3.1.6 What Can We Animate?
Check for Understanding 3.1.7 What Can We Animate?
Example 3.1.8 Rolling Ball
Example 3.1.9 Types of Animation
Exercise 3.1.10 Radioactive
Video 3.1.11 How Can We Animate?
Check for Understanding 3.1.12 How Can We Animate?
Example 3.1.13 Starburst
Exercise 3.1.14 Wormhole
Exercise 3.1.15 Catapult
Exercise 3.1.16 Light Speed Ahead!
Notes 3.1.17 Advanced Options
Example 3.1.18 Starburst on a Timer
Challenge 3.1.19 Animate a Scene!
Badge 3.1.20 Animation Badge
4. Interaction
4.1 Click-Based Interaction
Video 4.1.1 Interacting in VR
Check for Understanding 4.1.2 Interacting in VR Quiz
Example 4.1.3 Click to move
Example 4.1.4 Click to change color
Example 4.1.5 Click to expand
Exercise 4.1.6 Too Much Sun
Exercise 4.1.7 Blast off!
Exercise 4.1.8 Going Outside
4.2 Gaze-Based Interaction
Video 4.2.1 Gaze-Based Interactions
Check for Understanding 4.2.2 Gaze-Based Interaction Quiz
Example 4.2.3 Gaze to change color
Example 4.2.4 Gaze to rotate
Example 4.2.5 Animation + Interaction
Exercise 4.2.6 Fill a Vase
Exercise 4.2.7 Tumbleweeds
Exercise 4.2.8 Vanishing Bubbles
Challenge 4.2.9 Challenge: Create your own
Badge 4.2.10 Interactions Badge
5. 360˚ Images
5.1 360˚ Images
Video 5.1.1 Using 360˚ Images
Check for Understanding 5.1.2 Using 360˚ Images Quiz
Video 5.1.3 360˚ Image Examples
Example 5.1.4 360˚ Image Example
Example 5.1.5 Image from a 360˚ Camera
Example 5.1.6 Video from a 360˚ Camera
Free Response 5.1.7 Find Some Images
Exercise 5.1.8 Snowless Snowglobe
Exercise 5.1.9 Surround Scenery
Challenge 5.1.10 Challenge: Make Your Own World
Badge 5.1.11 360˚ Images Badge
6. Next Steps
6.1 Using a VR Device
Video 6.1.1 Using a VR Device
Check for Understanding 6.1.2 Using a VR Device Quiz
Example 6.1.3 Earth in VR
Free Response 6.1.4 Viewing A VR World
6.2 Using A-Frame Docs
Video 6.2.1 Using A-Frame Docs
Check for Understanding 6.2.2 Using A-Frame Docs Quiz
Example 6.2.3 Exploring the Torus Knot
Exercise 6.2.4 Explore a New Shape
6.3 A-Frame Inspector Tool
Video 6.3.1 The A-Frame Inspector
Check for Understanding 6.3.2 The A-Frame Inspector Quiz
Example 6.3.3 Exploring the Inspector
Exercise 6.3.4 Secret Shapes
Exercise 6.3.5 Diagonal Lines
Exercise 6.3.6 Snowman
6.4 Extra Components
Video 6.4.1 Extra Components
Check for Understanding 6.4.2 Extra Components Quiz
Example 6.4.3 Adding Physics
Exercise 6.4.4 Billiards
Exercise 6.4.5 Bouncy Balls
6.5 Further Practice
Notes 6.5.1 Keep Learning!
Badge 6.5.2 Learn More Badge
7. Final Project
7.1 Final Lesson
Free Response 7.1.1 Brainstorm
Free Response 7.1.2 Sketch
Free Response 7.1.3 Milestones
Challenge 7.1.4 Final Project
Badge 7.1.5 Virtual Reality with A-Frame Badge