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1. Exploring Code with Karel
1.1 Introduction to Karel
Video 1.1.1 Introduction to Programming With Karel
Check for Understanding 1.1.2 Karel Commands Quiz
Example 1.1.3 Our First Karel Program
Video 1.1.4 Parentheses and Semicolons Intro
Exercise 1.1.5 Debug Karel's Code
Video 1.1.6 Debug Karel's Code
Exercise 1.1.7 Debug More of Karel's Code
Video 1.1.8 Debug More of Karel's Code
Exercise 1.1.9 Your First Karel Program
1.2 Karel's World
Video 1.2.1 More About Karel
Check for Understanding 1.2.2 More Basic Karel Quiz
Example 1.2.3 Karel's Morning Walk
Exercise 1.2.4 Karel's Evening Walk
Debugging 1.2.5 Can't Reach the Tennis Ball
Exercise 1.2.6 Tennis Ball Game Setup
1.3 Functions
Video 1.3.1 Karel Functions
Quiz 1.3.2 Functions Check for Understanding
Example 1.3.3 Climb the Stairs
Debugging 1.3.4 Spot the Bug 1
Debugging 1.3.5 Spot the Bug 2
Exercise 1.3.6 Spinning Karel
1.4 Multiple Functions
Video 1.4.1 Top Down Design and Decomposition
Check for Understanding 1.4.2 Top Down Design and Decomposition Quiz
Video 1.4.3 Top Down Design and Decomposition in Karel
Example 1.4.4 Using the Main Function
Exercise 1.4.5 Tennis Ball Stacks
Example 1.4.6 Comments in Karel
Debugging 1.4.7 Clean Up
1.5 For Loops
Video 1.5.1 For Loops
Check for Understanding 1.5.2 For Loops Quiz
Example 1.5.3 Repeated Move
Example 1.5.4 Draw a Line
Exercise 1.5.5 Pick Up Tennis Balls
Exercise 1.5.6 Draw Two Lines
Exercise 1.5.7 Tennis Ball in Each Corner
1.6 Conditional Statements
Video 1.6.1 If Statements and Conditionals
Check for Understanding 1.6.2 If Statements and Conditionals Quiz
Example 1.6.3 If Statements and Conditionals
Debugging 1.6.4 Stay Out of the Lake
Exercise 1.6.5 Bury Tennis Balls
Exercise 1.6.6 Checkerboard Karel
1.7 If/Else Statements
Video 1.7.1 If/Else Statements
Check for Understanding 1.7.2 If/Else Statements Quiz
Example 1.7.3 Opposite Day
Exercise 1.7.4 Build a Bridge
Debugging 1.7.5 Stay on the Path
Exercise 1.7.6 Dog Park Clean Up
Badge 1.7.7 Conditional Karel Badge
1.8 While Loops
Video 1.8.1 While Loops
Check for Understanding 1.8.2 While Loops Quiz
Example 1.8.3 Inside the Fence
Example 1.8.4 Run Home
Exercise 1.8.5 Path to Dog House
Debugging 1.8.6 Dive In!
Exercise 1.8.7 Clean Up
1.9 Karel Challenges
Notes 1.9.1 Karel Challenges
Challenge 1.9.2 Fetch
Challenge 1.9.3 Karel's Race
Challenge 1.9.4 Building Bridges
Challenge 1.9.5 Super Tennis Ball Clean Up
Badge 1.9.6 Karel Challenges Badge
1.10 Exploring Code with Karel Quiz
Unit Quiz 1.10.1 Exploring Code with Karel Quiz
2. Exploring Computing
2.1 History of Computing
Free Response 2.1.1 Life Without Computers
Article 2.1.2 The History of Computers
Connection 2.1.3 History of Computer Interaction
Free Response 2.1.4 Jigsaw: Computer Interaction Over the Decades
Free Response 2.1.5 Reflection: How do you interact with computers?
2.2 Software
Article 2.2.1 Software
Article 2.2.2 How to Build a Game
Article 2.2.3 Steps to Create a Game
Exercise 2.2.4 One Pager: Operating Systems
2.3 Hardware
Article 2.3.1 Computer Hardware
Video 2.3.2 Computer Peripheral Devices
Free Response 2.3.3 Brainstorm: New Computer Components
Free Response 2.3.4 Presentation: New Computer Components
2.4 Computer Processing and Algorithms
Video 2.4.1 Computer Processing Operations
Check for Understanding 2.4.2 Computer Processing Operations Quiz
Article 2.4.3 Sequential vs. Parallel Activity
Free Response 2.4.4 Free Response: Sequential vs. Parallel
Article 2.4.5 Searching Algorithms
2.5 Cloud Computing
Article 2.5.1 Introduction to Cloud Computing
Video 2.5.2 Cloud Computing Benefits
Article 2.5.3 Cloud or Physical?
Article 2.5.4 Case Study: Cloud Computing in Schools
Free Response 2.5.5 Reflection: Cloud Computing versus Physical Computing
2.6 Internet of Things
Connection 2.6.1 What is the Internet of Things?
Free Response 2.6.2 Daily Interaction with IoT Devices
Article 2.6.3 Privacy Concerns and the Internet of Things
Free Response 2.6.4 Privacy Concerns and the Internet of Things
Free Response 2.6.5 Design an Internet of Things Device
2.7 Ethics and Legal Considerations
Article 2.7.1 Legal, Ethics, and Bias in Computing
Article 2.7.2 Which Laws?
Connection 2.7.3 Self-driving Cars
Free Response 2.7.4 Self-driving Cars
Connection 2.7.5 Bias in Facial Recognition Software
Free Response 2.7.6 Bias in Facial Recognition Software
2.8 The Future of Computing
Video 2.8.1 The Future of Computing
Quiz 2.8.2 Future of Computing
Connection 2.8.3 The Future of AI
Article 2.8.4 AI vs Human Intelligence
Free Response 2.8.5 The Impacts of AI on Your Future
Free Response 2.8.6 Computer Science Career Exploration
2.9 Project: Design the Computer of Tomorrow
Free Response 2.9.1 Design the Computer of Tomorrow
Free Response 2.9.2 Peer Review
2.10 Quiz: Exploring Computing
Quiz 2.10.1 Exploring Computing
3. Exploring Simulations
3.1 Gravity Simulation
Free Response 3.1.1 Exploring Simulations
Video 3.1.2 JavaScript Gravity Simulation
Example 3.1.3 Our First Planet
Quiz 3.1.4 JavaScript Basics
Exercise 3.1.5 Solar System
Exercise 3.1.6 Turning On Gravity
Free Response 3.1.7 Gravity Observations
4. Exploring the Internet
4.1 What is the Internet?
Video 4.1.1 What is the Internet?
Video 4.1.2 The History of the Internet
Free Response 4.1.3 Internet Innovations
Video 4.1.4 The Internet is in the Ocean
Free Response 4.1.5 A Day Without the Internet
4.2 The Need for Protocols
Notes 4.2.1 The Alphabet Game
Free Response 4.2.2 Alphabet Game Reflection
Notes 4.2.3 The Networking Game
Free Response 4.2.4 Networking Game Reflection
Free Response 4.2.5 Protocols in your Life
Video 4.2.6 Network Simulation
4.3 Impact of the Internet
Free Response 4.3.1 Internet in My Daily Life
Video 4.3.2 Impact of the Internet
Free Response 4.3.3 Back in Time
Connection 4.3.4 What is the Digital Divide?
Free Response 4.3.5 What is the Digital Divide?
Exercise 4.3.6 Four Hats Reflection
4.4 Cybersecurity
Video 4.4.1 Cybersecurity
Article 4.4.2 Intruder Alert!
Free Response 4.4.3 Cybersecurity and You
Connection 4.4.4 Internet of Things
Connection 4.4.5 Hackers vs. Smart Homes
Free Response 4.4.6 Internet of Things Reflection
Article 4.4.7 Ransomware Simulation
Article 4.4.8 Phishing Simulator
Free Response 4.4.9 Cyber Defense 3-2-1
4.5 The CIA Triad
Video 4.5.1 CIA Triad
Check for Understanding 4.5.2 CIA Triad
Free Response 4.5.3 Which part of the CIA Triad?
Free Response 4.5.4 Which part of the CIA Triad?
Free Response 4.5.5 Breach of Confidentiality
Free Response 4.5.6 Breach of Availability
Free Response 4.5.7 CIA Connections
4.6 Encryption
Free Response 4.6.1 What is Cryptography?
Video 4.6.2 Cryptography: A Brief History
Article 4.6.3 Cryptogram Game!
Article 4.6.4 Encrypt/Decrypt
Notes 4.6.5 Using the Caesar Cipher
Article 4.6.6 Caesar Cipher Encryption
Article 4.6.7 Decrypt Caesar's Cipher!
Article 4.6.8 Cracking Caesar Program
Free Response 4.6.9 Security Tradeoffs
4.7 Project: Steganography
Video 4.7.1 What is Steganography?
Notes 4.7.2 Hidden Message Instructions
Example 4.7.3 Hidden Message
Free Response 4.7.4 Your turn: Hide Your Message!
Challenge 4.7.5 Your turn: Image Creation
Free Response 4.7.6 Partner Decrypt and Final Reflection
4.8 Exploring the Internet Quiz
Quiz 4.8.1 Exploring the Internet Quiz
5. Exploring Art with Code
5.1 Getting Started
Video 5.1.1 What is Creative Coding
Connection 5.1.2 p5.js Reference Guide
Video 5.1.3 Drawing and Shapes
Exercise 5.1.4 Create a Canvas
Connection 5.1.5 Canvas Coordinates
Exercise 5.1.6 Line
Exercise 5.1.7 Rectangle
Exercise 5.1.8 Ellipse
5.2 Color
Video 5.2.1 Color
Connection 5.2.2 Create a Color Palette
Connection 5.2.3 Hex to RGB Color Converter
Example 5.2.4 Using RGB Values
Exercise 5.2.5 Background Color
Exercise 5.2.6 Fill
Exercise 5.2.7 Stroke
5.3 Variables
Video 5.3.1 Variables
Example 5.3.2 Using Variables: Bricks
Exercise 5.3.3 Making Variables
Exercise 5.3.4 Reusing Variables
Exercise 5.3.5 Width and Height
5.4 The Draw Loop
Video 5.4.1 The Draw Loop
Connection 5.4.2 A Brief History of Animation
Exercise 5.4.3 Frame Rate
Exercise 5.4.4 No Loop
Exercise 5.4.5 Frame Count
5.5 Color Transitions
Video 5.5.1 Animated Color Transitions
Connection 5.5.2 Color Gradient
Exercise 5.5.3 Grayscale Gradient
Exercise 5.5.4 Grayscale to Color
Exercise 5.5.5 Color to Grayscale
5.6 Shape Transformations
Video 5.6.1 Shape Transformations
Exercise 5.6.2 Translation
Exercise 5.6.3 Animated Translation
Exercise 5.6.4 Rotation
Exercise 5.6.5 Animated Rotation
Exercise 5.6.6 Scale
Exercise 5.6.7 Animated Scale
5.7 Direction
Video 5.7.1 Direction
Exercise 5.7.2 Up and Down
Exercise 5.7.3 Left and Right
Exercise 5.7.4 Diagonal
5.8 Mouse Data
Video 5.8.1 Mouse Data
Exercise 5.8.2 mouseX
Exercise 5.8.3 mouseY
Exercise 5.8.4 mouseX and mouseY
Exercise 5.8.5 mouseButton
Exercise 5.8.6 Paint and Erase
5.9 Keyboard Data
Video 5.9.1 Keyboard Data
Exercise 5.9.2 keyIsPressed
Connection 5.9.3 Key Codes
Exercise 5.9.4 keyIsDown
Exercise 5.9.5 key
5.10 Project: Animate an Emoji
Exercise 5.10.1 Project: Animate an Emoji
6. Exploring Digital Citizenship
6.1 Digital Footprint and Reputation
Video 6.1.1 Digital Footprint and Reputation
Quiz 6.1.2 Digital Footprint and Reputation
Free Response 6.1.3 Building a Positive Digital Footprint
Connection 6.1.4 Right to be Forgotten?
Free Response 6.1.5 Right to be Forgotten
Free Response 6.1.6 What is your Digital Footprint?
Example 6.1.7 Social Media Clean-up
6.2 Cyberbullying
Video 6.2.1 Cyberbullying
Quiz 6.2.2 Cyberbullying
Free Response 6.2.3 Scenario: Student Ranking
Free Response 6.2.4 Scenario: Singled Out
Free Response 6.2.5 Stopping Cyberbullying
6.3 Internet Safety
Video 6.3.1 Internet Safety
Quiz 6.3.2 Internet Safety
Free Response 6.3.3 Scenario: School Stranger
Free Response 6.3.4 Scenario: Vacation Pals
Free Response 6.3.5 Staying Safe
6.4 Privacy & Security
Video 6.4.1 What is Data Privacy & Security?
Quiz 6.4.2 Privacy & Security Quiz
Connection 6.4.3 How Strong is your Password?
Free Response 6.4.4 How Strong is your password?
Connection 6.4.5 Google Privacy Policy Search
Free Response 6.4.6 Google Privacy Policy Search
Example 6.4.7 Guess: Password List
Example 6.4.8 Guess: Using an Algorithm
Example 6.4.9 Guess: Brute Force
6.5 Information Literacy
Video 6.5.1 Information Literacy
Quiz 6.5.2 Information Literacy
Free Response 6.5.3 Effective Internet Searches
Connection 6.5.4 Evaluate the Source 1
Free Response 6.5.5 Respond: Evaluate the Source 1
Connection 6.5.6 Evaluate the Source 2
Free Response 6.5.7 Respond: Evaluate the Source 2
Connection 6.5.8 Hero Pig?
6.6 Creative Credit & Copyright
Video 6.6.1 Creative Credit and Copyright
Quiz 6.6.2 Creative Credit and Copyright
Free Response 6.6.3 Cite!
Connection 6.6.4 Exploring Creative Commons
Free Response 6.6.5 Respond: Creative Commons
Free Response 6.6.6 Task: Finding Images
Free Response 6.6.7 Reflection: Why is Copyright Important?
6.7 Hacking Ethics
Video 6.7.1 Hacking Ethics & Legality
Quiz 6.7.2 Hacking Ethics & Legality
Connection 6.7.3 Penetration Testing
Free Response 6.7.4 Reflection: Penetration Testing
Connection 6.7.5 Hack the Pentagon?
Free Response 6.7.6 Reflection: Hack the Pentagon
Quiz 6.7.7 Ethical Hacker Agreement
6.8 Project: Public Service Announcement
Notes 6.8.1 Project Introduction
Free Response 6.8.2 Pick a Topic
Free Response 6.8.3 Timeline & Team Roles
Free Response 6.8.4 Research
Free Response 6.8.5 Choose Your Audience
Free Response 6.8.6 What kind of PSA?
Free Response 6.8.7 Draft your PSA
Free Response 6.8.8 Finalize and Present Your PSA!
6.9 Digital Citizenship and Cyber Hygiene Quiz
Quiz 6.9.1 Digital Citizenship and Cyber Hygiene Quiz
Badge 6.9.2 Digital Citizenship and Cybersecurity Badge
7. Exploring Digital Information
7.1 Intro to Digital Information
Video 7.1.1 What is Digital Information?
Check for Understanding 7.1.2 What is Digital Information Quiz
Example 7.1.3 Fast Food Menu
Free Response 7.1.4 Reflection: Encodings Everywhere
7.2 Number Systems
Video 7.2.1 Number Systems
Notes 7.2.2 Number Base Tool
Check for Understanding 7.2.3 Number Systems Quiz
Video 7.2.4 Decimal to Binary
Check for Understanding 7.2.5 Decimal to Binary Quiz
Exercise 7.2.6 Binary Game
7.3 Encoding Text with Binary
Video 7.3.1 Encoding Text with Binary
Check for Understanding 7.3.2 Encoding Text with Binary Quiz
Example 7.3.3 Custom Encoding
Example 7.3.4 Bits to ASCII
Exercise 7.3.5 Hello World in Bits
Exercise 7.3.6 Create your own Encoding
Badge 7.3.7 Encoding Badge
7.4 Pixel Images
Video 7.4.1 Pixel Images
Check for Understanding 7.4.2 Pixel Images Quiz
Resource 7.4.3 Creating Pixel Images
Example 7.4.4 CodeHS Logo
Exercise 7.4.5 Checkerboard
Exercise 7.4.6 Ladder
Exercise 7.4.7 Create an Image!
7.5 Hexadecimal
Video 7.5.1 Hexadecimal
Check for Understanding 7.5.2 Hexadecimal Quiz
Exercise 7.5.3 Binary to Hex Game
7.6 Pixel Colors!
Video 7.6.1 Pixel Colors
Check for Understanding 7.6.2 Pixel Colors Quiz
Example 7.6.3 Colors in Bits
Exercise 7.6.4 Exploring RGB
Exercise 7.6.5 Making Yellow
Exercise 7.6.6 Rainbow
Exercise 7.6.7 Create a Color Image!
7.7 Image Manipulation
Video 7.7.1 Manipulating Images
Check for Understanding 7.7.2 Manipulating Images Quiz
Video 7.7.3 Programming with WebImage
Check for Understanding 7.7.4 Programming with WebImage Quiz
Example 7.7.5 Black and White Filter
Example 7.7.6 Brighten Filter
Example 7.7.7 Saturation Filter
Example 7.7.8 Pixel Picker
Badge 7.7.9 Digital Information Badge
7.8 Digital Information Quiz
Unit Quiz 7.8.1 Digital Information Quiz