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Lessons |
Debug (identify and fix) errors in an algorithm or program that includes sequences and loops.
Exploring Ecosystems
Maze Game Project
Sound Frequency & Amplitude
Platform Game Design
Scratch Digital Greeting Card
Classifying Rocks
Nutrition Maze
Digital Flashcards
Nonfiction Animated Recordings
Grammar Quiz Game
Dash® Robot Storytelling
Dash® Robot Mazes
Classifying Shapes by Category
Cycle of Matter
Clones in Games
Revolutionary War Timeline
Digital Pet Project
Animating Unit Fractions
Ozobot® Programming 1: Introduction
Ozobot® Programming 2: More Color Codes
Dash® Robot 1 - Movement
Cue Robot 1 - Movement
Cue Robot 2 - Proximity Sensors
Cue Robot 3 - Loops and Functions
Minecraft® Coding Fundamentals - Basic Moves
Minecraft® Coding Fundamentals - Repeat Loops with Sea Turtles
Skills Practice: Events
Skills Practice: Sequences
Skills Practice: Repeat Loops
Skills Practice: Functions
Skills Practice: Forever Loops
Skills Practice: Variables
Scratch Drawing Tools
Skills Practice: Costumes, Backdrops, and Animations
Coding with LEGO® Spike Prime
Skills Practice: Functions with Boolean Inputs
Skills Practice: Operators
Skills Practice: Functions with Number Inputs
Area of a Rectangle with Tiles
House Design with Area and Perimeter
Classes and Objects in Games
micro:bit® Rounding to the Nearest Ten
Punctuate a Title
Pair Programming: Create a Band
micro:bit® Rounding to the Nearest Hundred
micro:bit® Rounding with Decimals
Seasonal Project (Spring): Create a Chase Game!
How We See: Light Reflection
LEGO® SPIKE Essential: Design a Car Sensor
Seasonal Project (Summer): Pop The Balloons
The Coordinate Plane
Choose Your Own Path: Elements of Culture
Classifying Shapes Using Lines and Angles
Classifying Quadrilaterals in a Hierarchy
Introduction to Speed Blocks
Plan a Quest
Animation Loops Project
Forever Loop Dance Party
Pinball Game Project
Mad Libs Project
Functions Dance Project
Flower Garden Functions Project
Design an App
Game Design Project
Add and Subtract Fractions
Multiplying Fractions by Whole Numbers
Naming Numbers Game
Modeling Life Cycles
Punctuation Game
State Project
Atoms and Molecules
Geographic Effects on Early Civilizations
Rates and Unit Rates
Multiplying and Dividing Fractions
Evaluate Algebraic Equations
Scale of Planets in the Solar System
Balanced Ecosystems
Multimedia Book Report
micro:bit® Reaction Game
Ozobot® Timeline
Ozobot® Cycle
Scout's Scratch Expedition Part 1
Scout's Scratch Expedition Part 2
Scout's Scratch Expedition Part 3
Scout's Scratch Expedition Part 4
Create an Original Story Animation
Debugging: Events and Loops
Debugging: Mazes
Events: Dot in Space
Loops: Catch the Ball
Scout's Quest: Functions with Boolean Inputs
Maze Game Project
Broadcast Messages: Marco Polo
Scout's Quest: Variables
Scout's Quest: Functions with Number Inputs
Debugging: Make a Pizza
Creating Turtle Graphics
Transportation Speeds and Sounds
Broadcast Messages: Tell a Joke
Events: Traveling with Scout
Variables in Dance
Game Design Project
Operators: Coin Flip
Sequences: Parallel Programming
Introduction to Functions
Costumes, Backdrops, and Animations
Loops: Falling Objects
House Design with Area and Perimeter
Unit Fractions with Variables
Digital Vocabulary Flashcard Quiz
Careers in CS: Health and Fitness
Careers in CS: Major League Baseball
Drawing Tools: Sea Creatures
CS Innovators Research Project
Dash® Robot 2 - Proximity Sensor
Dash® Robot 3 - Loops and Functions
Take on varying roles (e.g., researcher, programmer, test developer, designer, recorder) with teacher guidance, when collaborating with peers during the design, implementation, and review stages of program development.
Dash® Robot Storytelling
Dash® Robot Mazes
Dash® Robot 1 - Movement
Coding with LEGO® Spike Prime
Pair Programming: Create a Band
Create programs that use variables to store and modify data.
Game Mechanics with Comparison Operators
3D Design: Codeblocks
Balanced and Unbalanced Forces
Sound Frequency & Amplitude
Fractions and Variables
Introduction to Comparison Operators
Wave Generator
Unit Converter
Revolutionary War Timeline
Revolutionary War Timeline with the BBC micro:bit®
Interactive Map of the 13 Colonies
Interactive Map of the 13 Colonies with the BBC micro:bit®
Digital Pet Project
Animating Unit Fractions
Multiplication Quiz Game
Cue Robot 3 - Loops and Functions
Skills Practice: Variables
Skills Practice: Operators
Area of a Rectangle with Tiles
House Design with Area and Perimeter
Classes and Objects in Games
micro:bit® Rounding to the Nearest Ten
micro:bit®: Animal Response to the Environment
micro:bit® Rounding to the Nearest Hundred
micro:bit® Rounding with Decimals
Seasonal Project (Summer): Pop The Balloons
Seasonal Project (Fall): Gathering Apples Game
Using the Go To Page Block
Introduction to Speed Blocks
Forever Loop Dance Party
Pinball Game Project
Mad Libs Project
Design an App
Game Design Project
Naming Numbers Game
Rates and Unit Rates
Positive and Negative Numbers
Scale of Planets in the Solar System
Balanced Ecosystems
micro:bit® Reaction Game
I-Spy with Lists
Scout's Quest: Variables
Lists: Shopping with Scout
Transportation Speeds and Sounds
Lists: Spelling Bee
Variables in Dance
Game Design Project
Operators: Coin Flip
Race Track Game
House Design with Area and Perimeter
Unit Fractions with Variables
Digital Vocabulary Flashcard Quiz
Seasonal Project (Winter): Design a Snowman
Conditionals: Sphero® Shark Race
Inquiry Project: Survey Bar Graph
Inquiry Project: Data Bar Graph
Inquiry Project: Line Graph
Describe how internal and external parts of computing devices function to form a system.
Computer Basics
How Computing Systems Work
Introduction to micro:bit®
Drawing with micro:bit® and Scratch
Revolutionary War Timeline with the BBC micro:bit®
Interactive Map of the 13 Colonies with the BBC micro:bit®
Ozobot® Programming 1: Introduction
Dash® Robot 1 - Movement
Cue Robot 1 - Movement
Cue Robot 2 - Proximity Sensors
Introduction to LEGO® Spike Essential
Introduction to Coding with LEGO® SPIKE Essential
Introduction to Kibo®
Kibo®: Communicating Across Distances (Light and Sound)
Create a Drawing App
LEGO® SPIKE Essential: Design a Moving Statue
LEGO® SPIKE Essential: Design a Car Sensor
Ozobot® Timeline
Ozobot® Cycle
Dash® Robot 2 - Proximity Sensor
Dash® Robot 3 - Loops and Functions
Organize and present collected data visually to highlight relationships and support a claim.
Research: Effective Keywords
Research: Informational Programs
Using Digital Tools to Create Line Graphs
Programming and Data Project
Constructive and Destructive Processes
Scale of Planets in the Solar System
Inquiry Project: Survey Bar Graph
Inquiry Project: Data Bar Graph
Inquiry Project: Line Graph
Productivity Software Inquiry Project
Discuss computing technologies that have changed the world, and express how those technologies influence and are influenced by cultural practices.
Our Words Have Power (Cyberbullying)
How Computing Systems Work
Training AI Using Data
Technology Timeline
Ethical and Responsible Use of Generative AI
AI Products: Ethical and Responsible Choices
Humans Vs. Machines
How Machines Learn
Use public domain or creative commons media, and refrain from copying or using material created by others without permission.
Giving Credit Through Attributions
Discuss real-world cybersecurity problems and how personal information can be protected.
Strong Usernames and Passwords
Scout's Cybersecurity Adventure: Part 1
Scout's Cybersecurity Adventure: Part 2
Cybersecurity Policies and Laws
Scout's Cybersecurity Mission
Scout’s Cryptography Escape Room