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Utah Computer Science Principles: CSP.4.2b

CodeHS Lessons

Students will create pages with tags and attributes at the inline level. (<!DOCTYPE html>, <html> <head>, <title>, <body>, <h1>, <h2>, <h6>, <p>, <br>, etc.)

24.1 Introduction to HTML
24.2 Structure of an HTML Page
24.3 Formatting Text
24.4 Links
24.5 Images
24.6 HTML Lists
24.7 HTML Tables
24.8 HTML Styling
26.1 Introduction to HTML
26.2 Structure of an HTML Page
26.3 Formatting Text
26.4 Links
26.5 Images
26.6 HTML Lists
26.7 HTML Tables
26.8 HTML Styling
23.1 Introduction to HTML
23.2 Structure of an HTML Page
23.3 Formatting Text
23.4 Links
23.5 Images
23.6 HTML Lists
23.7 HTML Tables
23.8 HTML Styling
18.1 Introduction to HTML
18.2 Structure of an HTML Page
18.3 Formatting Text
18.4 Links
18.5 Images
18.6 HTML Lists
18.7 HTML Tables
18.8 HTML Styling
19.1 Introduction to HTML
19.2 Structure of an HTML Page
19.3 Formatting Text
19.4 Links
19.5 Images
19.6 HTML Lists
19.7 HTML Tables
19.8 HTML Styling
10.1 Introduction to HTML
10.2 Structure of an HTML Page
10.3 Formatting Text
10.4 Links
10.5 Images
10.6 HTML Lists
10.7 HTML Tables
10.8 HTML Styling