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NY 4-6: 4-6.DL.4
CodeHS Lessons
Use a variety of digital tools and resources to create and revise digital artifacts.
Standard |
5.11 Reading Documentation |
5.12 Using the Inspector |
Standard |
3.11 Reading Documentation |
3.12 Using the Inspector |
Standard |
2.1 Project: Steganography |
Standard |
1.3 The Rabbit Chase |
1.4 Lost in Space |
2.1 Quest for the Rosetta Stone |
2.2 A Day at the Park |
5.9 Karel Challenges |
6.7 Project: Steganography |
7.8 Project: Public Service Announcement |
10.9 Complete Your Homepage |
12.9 Project: Tell Your Story |
Standard |
5.8 Reading Documentation |
Standard |
1.3 The Rabbit Chase |
1.4 Lost in Space |
2.1 Quest for the Rosetta Stone |
2.2 A Day at the Park |
5.8 Project: Public Service Announcement |
6.9 Project: Tell Your Story |
Standard |
1.9 Karel Challenges |
2.7 Project: Steganography |
3.9 Complete Your Homepage |
6.9 Project: Tell Your Story |
Standard |
1.14 Project: Your First Website |
9.10 Make a Game! |
12.8 Project: The Effects of the Internet |
9.9 Final Touches |
9.8 Level Up! |
9.7 Putting Game |
9.6 Event Handlers |
9.5 Air Horn App |
9.4 Make a Shot! |
9.3 Sound Effects |
9.2 Game Events |
9.1 Sports Research |
7.9 Final Project |
7.8 Visualizing a Song |
7.7 Building Songs with Beats |
7.6 Loops in Music |
7.5 Chord Builder |
7.4 Custom Song Builder |
7.3 Simple Song Maker |
7.2 Visualizing Music |
7.1 Making Beats with Code |
8.10 Final Masterpiece |
8.9 Art Stories |
8.8 GIFs With Background Music |
8.7 GIF Generator |
8.6 Turtle Patterns |
8.5 Paintbrush |
8.4 Face Filters |
8.2 Filtered Collage |
8.1 Memes Memes Memes |
Standard |
1.14 Project: Your First Website |
9.10 Make a Game! |
12.8 Project: The Effects of the Internet |
9.9 Final Touches |
9.8 Level Up! |
9.7 Putting Game |
9.6 Event Handlers |
9.5 Air Horn App |
9.4 Make a Shot! |
9.3 Sound Effects |
9.2 Game Events |
9.1 Sports Research |
7.9 Final Project |
7.8 Visualizing a Song |
7.7 Building Songs with Beats |
7.6 Loops in Music |
7.5 Chord Builder |
7.4 Custom Song Builder |
7.3 Simple Song Maker |
7.2 Visualizing Music |
7.1 Making Beats with Code |
8.10 Final Masterpiece |
8.9 Art Stories |
8.8 GIFs With Background Music |
8.7 GIF Generator |
8.6 Turtle Patterns |
8.5 Paintbrush |
8.4 Face Filters |
8.2 Filtered Collage |
8.1 Memes Memes Memes |
Standard |
5.1 Project: Your First Website |
8.1 Project: The Effects of the Internet |
10.1 Project: Public Service Announcement |
14.1 Sports Research |
14.2 Game Events |
14.3 Sound Effects |
14.4 Make a Shot! |
14.5 Air Horn App |
14.6 Event Handlers |
14.7 Putting Game |
14.8 Level Up! |
14.9 Final Touches |
14.10 Make a Game! |
Standard |
2.1 Working with Parts and Models |
2.2 Properties |
2.3 Models |
2.4 Building Your Obby |
2.5 Checkpoints |
3.1 What is Scripting? |
3.2 Disappearing Platforms |
3.3 Fading Platforms |
3.4 Deadly Lava |
4.1 Completing Your Obby |
Standard |
2.4 Determining Allele Order |
2.5 Percent Genotype Dominance |
2.6 Print Total Genotype Dominance |
3.4 Changing Speeds on Collision |
3.5 Inelastic Collisions |
3.6 Elastic Collisions |
4.2 Adding Gravity |
4.3 Time to Impact |
4.4 Elastic Collisions |
Standard |
1.5 Pulling It All Together! |
2.5 Final Roofing Project |
3.4 The Formula Solver |
6.1 Modeling with Tracy |
Standard |
1.14 Project: Your First Website |
3.8 Project: The Effects of the Internet |
Standard |
9.3 Follow a Step-by-Step Project |
Standard |
10.3 Follow a Step-by-Step Project |
Standard |
3.3 Follow a Step-by-Step Project |
Standard |
2.1 Project: Public Service Announcement |
Standard |
1.1 What is VR? |
1.2 Your First VR World |
2.1 Advanced Shapes |
3.1 Animation |
4.1 Click-Based Interaction |
4.2 Gaze-Based Interaction |
5.1 360Ëš Images |
6.1 Using a VR Device |
6.2 Using A-Frame Docs |
6.3 A-Frame Inspector Tool |
6.4 Extra Components |
6.5 Further Practice |
7.1 Final Lesson |
8.1 Animation |
9.1 Click-Based Interaction |
9.2 Gaze-Based Interaction |
10.1 Using a VR Device |
10.2 Using A-Frame Docs |
10.3 A-Frame Inspector Tool |
10.4 Extra Components |
10.5 Further Practice |
Standard |
1.1 Making Beats with Code |
1.2 Visualizing Music |
1.3 Simple Song Maker |
1.4 Custom Song Builder |
1.5 Chord Builder |
1.6 Loops in Music |
1.7 Building Songs with Beats |
1.8 Visualizing a Song |
1.9 Final Project |
2.1 Memes Memes Memes |
2.2 Filtered Collage |
2.4 Face Filters |
2.5 Paintbrush |
2.6 Turtle Patterns |
2.7 GIF Generator |
2.8 GIFs With Background Music |
2.9 Art Stories |
2.10 Final Masterpiece |
3.1 Sports Research |
3.2 Game Events |
3.3 Sound Effects |
3.4 Make a Shot! |
3.5 Air Horn App |
3.6 Event Handlers |
3.7 Putting Game |
3.8 Level Up! |
3.9 Final Touches |
3.10 Make a Game! |
Standard |
1.1 Making Beats with Code |
2.1 Visualizing Music |
2.2 Simple Song Maker |
2.3 Custom Song Builder |
2.4 Chord Builder |
2.5 Loops in Music |
2.6 Building Songs with Beats |
2.7 Visualizing a Song |
2.8 Final Project |
Standard |
1.1 Sports Research |
2.1 Game Events |
2.2 Sound Effects |
2.3 Make a Shot! |
2.4 Air Horn App |
2.5 Event Handlers |
2.6 Putting Game |
2.7 Level Up! |
2.8 Final Touches |
2.9 Make a Game! |
Standard |
1.1 Memes Memes Memes |
2.1 Filtered Collage |
2.3 Face Filters |
2.4 Paintbrush |
2.5 Turtle Patterns |
2.6 GIF Generator |
2.7 GIFs With Background Music |
2.8 Art Stories |
2.9 Final Masterpiece |
Standard |
1.12 Project: Public Service Announcement |
Standard |
4.5 Project: Public Service Announcement |
7.7 Build Your Website! |
10.1 Project: The Effects of the Internet |
15.3 Follow a Step-by-Step Project |
Standard |
1.12 Project: Public Service Announcement |
Standard |
1.13 Project: Public Service Announcement |
Standard |
1.13 Project: Public Service Announcement |
Standard |
1.12 Project: Public Service Announcement |
Standard |
1.12 Project: Public Service Announcement |
Standard |
4.5 Project: Public Service Announcement |
7.7 Build Your Website! |
10.1 Project: The Effects of the Internet |
15.3 Follow a Step-by-Step Project |
Standard |
7.8 Project: Public Service Announcement |
12.3 Follow a Step-by-Step Project |
Standard |
1.13 Project: Public Service Announcement |
Standard |
5.1 Project: Public Service Announcement |
Standard |
4.1 Sports Research |
4.2 Game Events |
4.3 Sound Effects |
4.4 Make a Shot! |
4.5 Air Horn App |
4.6 Event Handlers |
4.7 Putting Game |
4.8 Level Up! |
4.9 Final Touches |
4.10 Make a Game! |
Standard |
1.13 Project: Public Service Announcement |
9.14 Project: Your First Website |
Standard |
1.12 Project: Public Service Announcement |
Standard |
4.5 Project: Public Service Announcement |
10.3 Follow a Step-by-Step Project |
Standard |
1.3 The Rabbit Chase |
1.4 Lost in Space |
2.1 Quest for the Rosetta Stone |
2.2 A Day at the Park |
Standard |
2.7 Project: Steganography |
3.9 Complete Your Homepage |
Standard |
1.9 Karel Challenges |
2.8 Project: Public Service Announcement |
Standard |
7.1 Project: The Effects of the Internet |
Standard |
7.1 Project: The Effects of the Internet |
Standard |
5.1 Project: Steganography |
22.1 Project: Public Service Announcement |
Standard |
4.5 Project: Public Service Announcement |
7.7 Build Your Website! |
10.1 Project: The Effects of the Internet |
15.3 Follow a Step-by-Step Project |
Standard |
1.12 Project: Public Service Announcement |
Standard |
1.12 Project: Public Service Announcement |
Standard |
4.5 Project: Public Service Announcement |
7.7 Build Your Website! |
10.1 Project: The Effects of the Internet |
15.3 Follow a Step-by-Step Project |
Standard |
1.12 Project: Public Service Announcement |
Standard |
4.5 Project: Public Service Announcement |
7.7 Build Your Website! |
10.1 Project: The Effects of the Internet |
15.3 Follow a Step-by-Step Project |
Standard |
1.12 Project: Public Service Announcement |
Standard |
4.5 Project: Public Service Announcement |
7.7 Build Your Website! |
10.1 Project: The Effects of the Internet |
15.3 Follow a Step-by-Step Project |
Standard |
8.5 Project: Public Service Announcement |
13.1 Project: The Effects of the Internet |
7.3 Follow a Step-by-Step Project |
12.7 Build Your Website! |
Standard |
1.12 Project: Public Service Announcement |
Standard |
4.5 Project: Public Service Announcement |
7.7 Build Your Website! |
10.1 Project: The Effects of the Internet |
15.3 Follow a Step-by-Step Project |
Standard |
2.1 Project: Public Service Announcement |
5.1 Project: Your First Website |
14.1 Project: The Effects of the Internet |
Standard |
2.8 Project: Public Service Announcement |
Standard |
5.14 Project: Public Service Announcement |
Standard |
1.8 Project: Public Service Announcement |
2.9 Karel Challenges |
4.7 Project: Steganography |
Standard |
1.12 Project: Public Service Announcement |
Standard |
4.9 Project: Steganography |
5.8 Project: Public Service Announcement |
Standard |
4.9 Project: Steganography |
5.8 Project: Public Service Announcement |
Standard |
5.11 Reading Documentation |
5.12 Using the Inspector |
Standard |
4.5 Project: Public Service Announcement |
7.7 Build Your Website! |
10.1 Project: The Effects of the Internet |
15.3 Follow a Step-by-Step Project |
Standard |
1.12 Project: Public Service Announcement |
Standard |
4.5 Project: Public Service Announcement |
7.7 Build Your Website! |
10.1 Project: The Effects of the Internet |
15.3 Follow a Step-by-Step Project |
Standard |
1.13 Project: Public Service Announcement |
8.14 Project: Your First Website |
24.11 Reading Documentation |
24.12 Using the Inspector |
Standard |
3.1 Project: Public Service Announcement |
6.1 Project: Steganography |
Standard |
1.5 Project: Public Service Announcement |
Standard |
10.7 Project: Public Service Announcement |
12.1 Sports Research |
12.2 Game Events |
12.3 Sound Effects |
12.4 Make a Shot! |
12.5 Air Horn App |
12.6 Event Handlers |
12.7 Putting Game |
12.8 Level Up! |
12.9 Final Touches |
12.10 Make a Game! |
Standard |
4.7 Project: Public Service Announcement |
21.3 Project: Public Service Announcement |
Standard |
13.1 Project: The Effects of the Internet |
12.1 Project: Public Service Announcement |
14.1 Project: Your First Website |
Standard |
3.1 Project: Public Service Announcement |
Standard |
3.1 Project: Public Service Announcement |
Standard |
1.12 Project: Public Service Announcement |
Standard |
4.5 Project: Public Service Announcement |
7.7 Build Your Website! |
10.1 Project: The Effects of the Internet |
15.3 Follow a Step-by-Step Project |
Standard |
5.11 Reading Documentation |
5.12 Using the Inspector |
Standard |
5.11 Reading Documentation |
5.12 Using the Inspector |
Standard |
1.1 Making Beats with Code |
Standard |
1.1 Memes Memes Memes |
Standard |
1.1 Sports Research |
Standard |
1.9 Karel Challenges |
4.7 Project: Steganography |
Standard |
1.9 Karel Challenges |
5.11 Complete Your Homepage |
8.2 Follow a Step-by-Step Project |
Standard |
3.1 Project: Public Service Announcement |
Standard |
1.3 The Rabbit Chase |
1.4 Lost in Space |
2.1 Quest for the Rosetta Stone |
2.2 A Day at the Park |
5.8 Project: Public Service Announcement |
6.9 Project: Tell Your Story |
Standard |
1.9 Karel Challenges |
2.7 Project: Steganography |
3.9 Complete Your Homepage |
6.9 Project: Tell Your Story |
Standard |
4.5 Project: Public Service Announcement |
7.7 Build Your Website! |
10.1 Project: The Effects of the Internet |
15.3 Follow a Step-by-Step Project |
Standard |
1.12 Project: Public Service Announcement |
Standard |
4.12 Reading Documentation |
4.13 Using the Inspector |
Standard |
1.9 Complete Your Homepage |
4.7 Project: Steganography |
Standard |
1.3 The Rabbit Chase |
1.4 Lost in Space |
2.1 Quest for the Rosetta Stone |
2.2 A Day at the Park |
4.9 Karel Challenges |
Standard |
3.9 Complete Your Homepage |
Standard |
8.7 Showcase Your Creation! |
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