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Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (2021) - Outline

  1. What is AI?

    1. 1.1 What is Artificial Intelligence?

    2. Video 1.1.1 What is Artificial Intelligence?
    3. Quiz 1.1.2 What is Artificial Intelligence?
    4. Connection 1.1.3 A Day in the Life of AI
    5. Free Response 1.1.4 A Day in the Life of AI
    6. Connection 1.1.5 Guess the Drawing
    7. Connection 1.1.6 Drawing with AI
    8. Free Response 1.1.7 Drawing with AI
    9. 1.2 Subsets of Artificial Intelligence

    10. Video 1.2.1 Subsets of Artificial Intelligence
    11. Quiz 1.2.2 Subsets of Artificial Intelligence
    12. Connection 1.2.3 Using a Natural Language Processor
    13. Free Response 1.2.4 Using a Natural Language Processor
    14. Notes 1.2.5 Teachable Machine Exploration
    15. Free Response 1.2.6 Teachable Machine Exploration
    16. Connection 1.2.7 Neural Network Playground
    17. 1.3 The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence

    18. Video 1.3.1 The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence
    19. Quiz 1.3.2 The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence
    20. Connection 1.3.3 Bias in Facial Recognition Software
    21. Free Response 1.3.4 Bias in Facial Recognition Software
    22. Notes 1.3.5 Testing a Biased Dataset
    23. Free Response 1.3.6 Debating the Ethics of Self Driving Cars
    24. 1.4 Project: Research an Ethical Dilemma in AI

    25. Free Response 1.4.1 Choosing An Ethical Dilemma
    26. Free Response 1.4.2 Researching Your Ethical Dilemma
    27. Free Response 1.4.3 Creating Your Ethical Presentation
    28. Free Response 1.4.4 Submit Your Ethical Presentation
  2. AI in Gaming

    1. 2.1 Artificial Intelligence in Gaming

    2. Video 2.1.1 AI in Gaming
    3. Quiz 2.1.2 AI in Gaming
    4. Connection 2.1.3 Determine Finite States
    5. Free Response 2.1.4 Determine Finite States
    6. Connection 2.1.5 The Future of AI in Gaming
    7. Free Response 2.1.6 The Future of AI in Gaming
    8. 2.2 Building Tic Tac Toe

    9. Notes 2.2.1 Building Tic Tac Toe
    10. Exercise 2.2.2 Build the Board
    11. Exercise 2.2.3 Take Turn
    12. Exercise 2.2.4 Check Win
    13. Exercise 2.2.5 Complete the Game
    14. 2.3 Creating a Non Player Character

    15. Connection 2.3.1 Pac-Man NPC Exploration
    16. Free Response 2.3.2 Pac-Man NPC Reflection
    17. Notes 2.3.3 Building a Non Player Character for Tic Tac Toe
    18. Exercise 2.3.4 Tic Tac Toe with Random NPC
    19. Free Response 2.3.5 Random NPC Reflection
    20. 2.4 Recursion

    21. Video 2.4.1 Search Trees and Recursion
    22. Quiz 2.4.2 Search Trees and Recursion
    23. Example 2.4.3 Summing with Recursion
    24. Exercise 2.4.4 Factorials with Recursion
    25. Exercise 2.4.5 Countdown!
    26. Exercise 2.4.6 Reverse a String
    27. Exercise 2.4.7 Bacteria Cultures
    28. Connection 2.4.8 Exploring Recursion and Tic Tac Toe
    29. 2.5 Minimax

    30. Video 2.5.1 Creating a Search Tree Algorithm
    31. Connection 2.5.2 Tic Tac Toe with Minimax
    32. Exercise 2.5.3 Implement Minimax Base Case
    33. Exercise 2.5.4 Implementing Minimax Recursive Case
    34. Notes 2.5.5 Tracing Our Program
    35. Free Response 2.5.6 Tracing Our Program Reflection
    36. Exercise 2.5.7 Getting the Row Col Values
    37. Exercise 2.5.8 Complete Game with Minimax
    38. Free Response 2.5.9 Tic Tac Toe with Minimax Reflection
    39. 2.6 Exploring Depth and Pruning

    40. Video 2.6.1 Exploring Depth
    41. Exercise 2.6.2 Adding Depth to Minimax
    42. Free Response 2.6.3 Evaluating Depth!
    43. Video 2.6.4 Alpha Beta Pruning
    44. Connection 2.6.5 Alpha Beta Pruning Speed
    45. Free Response 2.6.6 Alpha Beta Pruning Speed
    46. Exercise 2.6.7 Adding Alpha Beta Pruning
    47. 2.7 Implementing Connect Four

    48. Connection 2.7.1 Building Connect Four
    49. Exercise 2.7.2 Connect Four
    50. Notes 2.7.3 Challenge: Create Your Own Game
  3. AI and Chatbots

    1. 3.1 Using Chatbots

    2. Video 3.1.1 What is a Chatbot?
    3. Quiz 3.1.2 What is a Chatbot?
    4. Notes 3.1.3 Turing Test and the Chatbot
    5. Free Response 3.1.4 Turing Test and the Chatbot Free Response
    6. Notes 3.1.5 AI Dungeon
    7. Free Response 3.1.6 AI Dungeon Free Response
    8. 3.2 Building a Rule Based Chatbot

    9. Connection 3.2.1 Building a Rule Based Chatbot
    10. Free Response 3.2.2 Building a Rule Based Chatbot Free Response
    11. Exercise 3.2.3 Create Menu + Options
    12. Exercise 3.2.4 Complete your Rule Based Chatbot
    13. 3.3 Building a Pattern Matching Chatbot

    14. Connection 3.3.1 Building a Pattern Matching Chatbot
    15. Free Response 3.3.2 Building a Pattern-Matching Chatbot Free Response
    16. Exercise 3.3.3 Process Requests
    17. Connection 3.3.4 Creating a Decision Tree
    18. Presentation 3.3.5 Creating a Decision Tree
    19. Exercise 3.3.6 Respond to Requests
    20. Free Response 3.3.7 Chatbot User Testing
    21. 3.4 Analyzing User Sentiment

    22. Video 3.4.1 File I/O
    23. Check for Understanding 3.4.2 File I/O
    24. Example 3.4.3 Accessing a File
    25. Example 3.4.4 Using Split to Access Words
    26. Exercise 3.4.5 Creating a Sentiment Dictionary
    27. Exercise 3.4.6 Getting Overall Sentiment
    28. Exercise 3.4.7 Adding User Sentiment to Chatbot
    29. 3.5 Creating an AI Chatbot

    30. Video 3.5.1 Creating an AI Chatbot
    31. Quiz 3.5.2 Creating an AI Chatbot
    32. Example 3.5.3 A Simple Chatbot
    33. Exercise 3.5.4 Your First AI Chatbot
    34. Example 3.5.5 Chatbot with Chatterbox Trainers
    35. Exercise 3.5.6 Your First AI Chatbot with CorpusTrainer
    36. Exercise 3.5.7 Teaching your AI Chatbot
    37. 3.6 Project: Informational Chatbot

    38. Resource 3.6.1 Project Requirements
    39. Free Response 3.6.2 Project Brainstorm
    40. Exercise 3.6.3 Build Your Distinct Conversations
    41. Challenge 3.6.4 Build Your Informational Chatbot
    42. Free Response 3.6.5 User Testing Questionnaire
    43. Free Response 3.6.6 User Testing Analysis
    44. Challenge 3.6.7 Fine Tune Your Informational Chatbot
  4. Creating Predictive Models

    1. 4.1 Introduction to Predictive Models

    2. Video 4.1.1 Introduction to Predictive Models
    3. Quiz 4.1.2 Introduction to Predictive Models
    4. Connection 4.1.3 Making a Line of Best Fit
    5. Free Response 4.1.4 Making a Line of Best Fit Response
    6. Connection 4.1.5 Comparing Lines of Best Fit
    7. Free Response 4.1.6 Comparing Lines of Best Fit Response
    8. 4.2 Correlation

    9. Video 4.2.1 Correlation
    10. Quiz 4.2.2 Correlation
    11. Example 4.2.3 Pirates vs Global Warming
    12. Free Response 4.2.4 Spurious Correlations
    13. 4.3 Programming Linear Regression

    14. Video 4.3.1 Programming Linear Regression
    15. Video 4.3.2 Live Coding Demo: Linear Regression
    16. Quiz 4.3.3 Programming Linear Regression
    17. Example 4.3.4 Checking Correlation
    18. Example 4.3.5 Crickets and Temperature
    19. Example 4.3.6 Blood Pressure and Age: Determine Correlation
    20. Free Response 4.3.7 Determine Correlation Response
    21. Exercise 4.3.8 Blood Pressure and Age: Create the Model
    22. Free Response 4.3.9 Blood Pressure and Age: Analyze the Data
    23. 4.4 Training and Testing Data

    24. Video 4.4.1 Training and Testing Data
    25. Video 4.4.2 Live Coding Demo: Training and Testing Data
    26. Quiz 4.4.3 Training and Testing Data
    27. Example 4.4.4 Crickets Chirping and Temperature
    28. Free Response 4.4.5 Crickets Chirping Response
    29. Exercise 4.4.6 Blood Pressure and Age: Creating the Model
    30. Free Response 4.4.7 Blood Pressure and Age: Analyze the Data
    31. 4.5 Multivariable Linear Regression

    32. Video 4.5.1 Multivariable Linear Regression
    33. Video 4.5.2 Live Coding Demo: Multivariable Linear Regression
    34. Quiz 4.5.3 Multivariable Linear Regression
    35. Example 4.5.4 Visualizing the Antelope Data
    36. Example 4.5.5 Antelope Linear Regression Example
    37. Example 4.5.6 Analyzing Independent Variables for Car Prices
    38. Free Response 4.5.7 Analyzing Independent Variables for Car Prices
    39. Exercise 4.5.8 Predicting Car Prices
    40. Free Response 4.5.9 Predicting Car Prices Analysis
    41. Video 4.5.10 Gradient Descent
    42. Example 4.5.11 Exploring Gradient Descent
    43. Free Response 4.5.12 Exploring Gradient Descent Reflection
    44. 4.6 Classification and Logistic Regression

    45. Video 4.6.1 Logistic Regression and Classification
    46. Video 4.6.2 Live Coding Demo: Logistic Regression
    47. Quiz 4.6.3 Logistic Regression and Classification
    48. Example 4.6.4 Iris Classification Example
    49. Exercise 4.6.5 Purchase an SUV
    50. Free Response 4.6.6 Purchase an SUV Reflection
    51. 4.7 Building Unsupervised Models

    52. Video 4.7.1 Building Unsupervised Models
    53. Video 4.7.2 Live Coding Demo: Kmeans and Clustering
    54. Quiz 4.7.3 Building Unsupervised Models
    55. Example 4.7.4 Clustering and Old Faithful
    56. Example 4.7.5 Kmeans and Complex Shapes
    57. Exercise 4.7.6 Customer Segmentation
    58. Free Response 4.7.7 Customer Segmentation Analysis
    59. Notes 4.7.8 Clustering and Image Compression
    60. Example 4.7.9 Image Compression Exploration
    61. Free Response 4.7.10 Image Compression Reflection
    62. 4.8 Creating Your Own Predictive Model

    63. Connection 4.8.1 Project: Your Own Predictive Model
    64. Connection 4.8.2 Project Rubric
    65. Notes 4.8.3 Step 2: Choosing the Best Algorithm
    66. Connection 4.8.4 Get to Know You Dataset
    67. Free Response 4.8.5 Step 2: Choose Your Model
    68. Notes 4.8.6 Step 3: Program Your Model
    69. Challenge 4.8.7 Multivariable Linear Regression Model
    70. Challenge 4.8.8 Logistic Regression Model
    71. Challenge 4.8.9 Clustering (Kmeans) Model
    72. Presentation 4.8.10 Step 4: Analyze and Present!
  5. Programs Used as Examples

    1. 5.1 Examples for AI in Gaming

    2. Example 5.1.1 Determine Finite States
    3. Example 5.1.2 Example Minimax Game
    4. Example 5.1.3 Alpha Beta Pruning Speed
    5. Example 5.1.4 Alpha Beta Pruning Speed (Duplicate)
    6. Example 5.1.5 Connect Four
    7. Exercise 5.1.6 Connect Four with Miniax
    8. 5.2 Examples for Chatbot

    9. Example 5.2.1 Rule Based Chatbot
    10. Example 5.2.2 Pattern Matching Chatbot
    11. Example 5.2.3 Sentiment Analyzer
    12. 5.3 Creating Predictive Models

    13. Example 5.3.1 Teen Pregnancy vs Poverty Example
    14. Example 5.3.2 Line of Best Fit
    15. Example 5.3.3 Housing Prices and Room Numbers
    16. Example 5.3.4 Housing Prices + Line of Best Fit
    17. Example 5.3.5 Linear Regression with Visual
    18. 5.4 Old Correlation Activity

    19. Notes 5.4.1 Create Your Own Spurious Correlation
    20. Free Response 5.4.2 Create Your Own Spurious Correlation: Reflection
  6. AI Python Bootcamp

    1. 6.1 Tuples

    2. Video 6.1.1 Tuples
    3. Check for Understanding 6.1.2 Tuples
    4. Example 6.1.3 A Tuple Is a Sequence
    5. Example 6.1.4 A Tuple is Heterogeneous
    6. Example 6.1.5 Tuples With a Single Element
    7. Example 6.1.6 Concatenating Tuples
    8. Exercise 6.1.7 Fix This Tuple
    9. Practice 6.1.8 Citation
    10. Practice 6.1.9 Diving Contest
    11. Practice 6.1.10 Coordinate Pairs
    12. 6.2 Lists

    13. Video 6.2.1 Lists
    14. Check for Understanding 6.2.2 Lists
    15. Example 6.2.3 A List Is Like a Mutable Tuple
    16. Example 6.2.4 String <--> List
    17. Practice 6.2.5 Spell It Out
    18. Example 6.2.6 Splitting a String
    19. Practice 6.2.7 Listed Greeting
    20. Example 6.2.8 List of Tuples, Tuples of Lists
    21. 6.3 For Loops and Lists

    22. Video 6.3.1 For Loops and Lists
    23. Check for Understanding 6.3.2 For Loops and Lists
    24. Example 6.3.3 For Loops and Lists
    25. Example 6.3.4 For Loops and Lists, Part 2
    26. Practice 6.3.5 Max In List
    27. Practice 6.3.6 Owls
    28. Practice 6.3.7 Exclamat!on Po!nts
    29. Challenge 6.3.8 Word Ladder
    30. Challenge 6.3.9 Owls, Part 2
    31. 6.4 List Methods

    32. Video 6.4.1 List Methods
    33. Check for Understanding 6.4.2 List Methods
    34. Example 6.4.3 append and extend
    35. Exercise 6.4.4 How Many Names?
    36. Exercise 6.4.5 Five Numbers
    37. Example 6.4.6 sort
    38. Exercise 6.4.7 Librarian
    39. Example 6.4.8 reverse
    40. Example 6.4.9 count
    41. Example 6.4.10 remove
    42. Practice 6.4.11 Take a Thing Out, Sort It and Reverse It
    43. Challenge 6.4.12 Librarian, Part 2
    44. Badge 6.4.13 Lists Badge
    45. 6.5 2d Lists

    46. Video 6.5.1 2d Lists
    47. Check for Understanding 6.5.2 2d Lists
    48. Example 6.5.3 A List of Lists
    49. Example 6.5.4 Grid
    50. Example 6.5.5 2d Lists and Slices
    51. Exercise 6.5.6 Checkerboard, v1
    52. Exercise 6.5.7 Checkerboard, v2
    53. Exercise 6.5.8 Checkerboard, v3
    54. Challenge 6.5.9 Tic Tac Toe
    55. 6.6 Dictionaries

    56. Video 6.6.1 Dictionaries
    57. Check for Understanding 6.6.2 Dictionaries
    58. Example 6.6.3 Keys and Values
    59. Example 6.6.4 The in Keyword
    60. Exercise 6.6.5 Phone Book