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Review: AP® Computer Science A


Unit Description
Unit One: Primitive Types: This module contains practice problems and quizzes for the first module of AP CS A (Nitro) - Primitive Types.
Unit Two: Using Objects: This module contains practice problems and quizzes for the second module of AP CS A (Nitro) - Using Objects.
Unit Three: Boolean Expressions and if Statements: This module contains practice problems and quizzes for the third module of AP CS A (Nitro) - Boolean Expressions and if Statements.
Unit Four: Iteration: This module contains practice problems and quizzes for the fourth module of AP CS A (Nitro) - Iteration.
Unit Five: Writing Classes: This module contains practice problems and quizzes for the fifth module of AP CS A (Nitro) - Writing Classes.
Unit Six: Array: This module contains practice problems and quizzes for the sixth module of AP CS A (Nitro) - Array.
Unit Seven: ArrayList: This module contains practice problems and quizzes for the seventh module of AP CS A (Nitro) - ArrayList.
Unit Eight: 2D Array: This module contains practice problems and quizzes for the eighth module of AP CS A (Nitro) - 2D Array.
Unit Nine: Inheritance: This module contains practice problems and quizzes for the ninth module of AP CS A (Nitro) - Inheritance.
Unit Ten: Recursion: This module contains practice problems and quizzes for the tenth module of AP CS A (Nitro) - Recursion.
FRQ Practice Questions: This module contains practice FRQ questions.
Practice Tests: This module includes two full length practice AP exams to prepare students for the multiple choice section of the exam.