Activity | Points | Item Type |
Digital Citizenship & Cyber Hygiene | ||
1.1 Project Introduction | Lesson | |
1.1.1 Department of Health Project | 5 | Resource |
1.1.2 Project Reflection | 5 | Free Response |
1.2 Digital Footprint and Reputation | Lesson | |
1.2.1 Digital Footprint and Reputation | 1 | Video |
1.2.2 Digital Footprint and Reputation | 3 | Check for Understanding |
1.2.3 Building a Positive Digital Footprint | 5 | Free Response |
1.2.4 Right to be Forgotten? | 1 | Connection |
1.2.5 Right to be Forgotten | 5 | Free Response |
1.2.6 What is your Digital Footprint? | 5 | Free Response |
1.2.7 Social Media Clean-up | 1 | Example |
1.3 Cyberbullying | Lesson | |
1.3.1 Cyberbullying | 1 | Video |
1.3.2 Cyberbullying | 3 | Check for Understanding |
1.3.3 Scenario: Student Ranking | 5 | Free Response |
1.3.4 Scenario: Singled Out | 5 | Free Response |
1.3.5 Stopping Cyberbullying | 5 | Free Response |
1.4 Internet Safety | Lesson | |
1.4.1 Internet Safety | 1 | Video |
1.4.2 Internet Safety | 2 | Check for Understanding |
1.4.3 Scenario: School Stranger | 5 | Free Response |
1.4.4 Scenario: Vacation Pals | 5 | Free Response |
1.4.5 Staying Safe | 5 | Free Response |
1.4.6 Perspectives on Chatting Safely Online | 5 | Connection |
1.4.7 15 Social Networking Tips | 5 | Connection |
1.4.8 Reflection: Digital Communication | 5 | Free Response |
1.5 Privacy & Security | Lesson | |
1.5.1 What is Data Privacy & Security? | 1 | Video |
1.5.2 Privacy & Security Quiz | 2 | Check for Understanding |
1.5.3 How Strong is your Password? | 1 | Connection |
1.5.4 How Strong is your password? | 5 | Free Response |
1.5.5 Google Privacy Policy Search | 1 | Connection |
1.5.6 Google Privacy Policy Search | 5 | Free Response |
1.5.7 Guess: Password List | 1 | Example |
1.5.8 Guess: Using an Algorithm | 1 | Example |
1.5.9 Guess: Brute Force | 1 | Example |
1.6 Information Literacy | Lesson | |
1.6.1 Information Literacy | 1 | Video |
1.6.2 Information Literacy | 2 | Check for Understanding |
1.6.3 Internet Searches with Boolean Operators | 5 | Connection |
1.6.4 Effective Internet Searches | 5 | Free Response |
1.6.5 Evaluate the Source 1 | 1 | Connection |
1.6.6 Respond: Evaluate the Source 1 | 5 | Free Response |
1.6.7 Evaluate the Source 2 | 1 | Notes |
1.6.8 Respond: Evaluate the Source 2 | 5 | Free Response |
1.6.9 Hero Pig? | 1 | Connection |
1.7 Creative Credit & Copyright | Lesson | |
1.7.1 Creative Credit and Copyright | 1 | Video |
1.7.2 Creative Credit and Copyright | 2 | Check for Understanding |
1.7.3 Cite! | 5 | Free Response |
1.7.4 Exploring Creative Commons | 1 | Connection |
1.7.5 Respond: Creative Commons | 5 | Free Response |
1.7.6 Task: Finding Images | 5 | Free Response |
1.7.7 Reflection: Why is Copyright Important? | 5 | Free Response |
1.8 Digital Citizenship and Cybersecurity Quiz | Lesson | |
1.8.1 Digital Citizenship and Cybersecurity Quiz | 10 | Unit Quiz |
1.8.2 Digital Citizenship and Cybersecurity Badge | 1 | Badge |
Benchmark 1: Create a Blog Post | ||
2.1 Benchmark 1: Create a Blog Post | Lesson | |
2.1.1 Research: Communicable Disease Topic | 5 | Free Response |
2.1.2 Anatomy of a Blog Post | 5 | Connection |
2.1.3 Info Blog Post: Communicable Disease Topic | 20 | Free Response |
The Internet | ||
3.1 Intro to the Internet | Lesson | |
3.1.1 Welcome to the Internet | 1 | Video |
3.1.2 Welcome to the Internet Quiz | 1 | Check for Understanding |
3.1.3 The Internet and You | 5 | Free Response |
3.2 Internet Hardware | Lesson | |
3.2.1 Hardware of the Internet | 1 | Video |
3.2.2 Internet Hardware Quiz | 3 | Check for Understanding |
3.2.3 The Internet is in the Ocean | 1 | Connection |
3.3 Internet Addresses | Lesson | |
3.3.1 Internet Addresses | 1 | Video |
3.3.2 Internet Addresses Quiz | 1 | Check for Understanding |
3.3.3 The Need for Addresses | 5 | Free Response |
3.3.4 4-bit Addresses | 1 | Check for Understanding |
3.3.5 IPv4 vs IPv6 | 5 | Free Response |
3.4 DNS | Lesson | |
3.4.1 DNS | 1 | Video |
3.4.2 DNS Quiz | 2 | Check for Understanding |
3.4.3 How Does DNS Work? | 1 | Connection |
3.4.4 How Does DNS Work? | 5 | Free Response |
3.4.5 DNS Badge | 1 | Badge |
3.5 Routing | Lesson | |
3.5.1 Routing | 1 | Video |
3.5.2 Routing Quiz | 1 | Check for Understanding |
3.5.3 Redundancy | 5 | Free Response |
3.5.4 Route Tracing | 5 | Traceroute |
3.6 Packets and Protocols | Lesson | |
3.6.1 Packets and Protocols | 1 | Video |
3.6.2 Packets and Protocols Quiz | 1 | Check for Understanding |
3.6.3 Passing Notes | 10 | Resource |
3.6.4 How the Internet Works | 1 | Connection |
3.6.5 The Story of the Internet | 5 | Free Response |
3.7 The Impact of the Internet | Lesson | |
3.7.1 The Impact of the Internet | 1 | Video |
3.7.2 The Impact of the Internet Quiz | 2 | Check for Understanding |
3.7.3 What is the Digital Divide? | 1 | Connection |
3.7.4 What is the Digital Divide? | 5 | Free Response |
3.7.5 Mindsets | 5 | Survey |
3.8 The Internet Quiz | Lesson | |
3.8.1 The Internet Quiz | 15 | Unit Quiz |
Benchmark 2: Crowdsource an Editorial Blog Post | ||
4.1 Benchmark 2: Crowdsource an Editorial Blog Post | Lesson | |
4.1.1 Research: Protecting Citizens vs. Personal Privacy | 5 | Free Response |
4.1.2 Debate: Protecting Citizens vs. Personal Privacy | 5 | Free Response |
4.1.3 How to Crowdsource a Blog Post Using Google Docs | 5 | Connection |
4.1.4 Editorial Blog Post | 20 | Free Response |
Web Design | ||
5.1 Introduction to HTML | Lesson | |
5.1.1 Introduction to HTML | 1 | Video |
5.1.2 Introduction to HTML Quiz | 1 | Check for Understanding |
5.1.3 Our First HTML Page | 1 | Example |
5.1.4 Say Hello! | 5 | Exercise |
5.2 Structure of an HTML Page | Lesson | |
5.2.1 Structure of an HTML Page | 1 | Video |
5.2.2 Structure of an HTML Page Quiz | 1 | Check for Understanding |
5.2.3 HTML Template | 1 | Example |
5.2.4 Hello World Page | 1 | Example |
5.2.5 The <title> Tag | 5 | Exercise |
5.2.6 Your First HTML Page | 5 | Exercise |
5.3 Formatting Text | Lesson | |
5.3.1 Formatting Text | 1 | Video |
5.3.2 Formatting Text Quiz | 1 | Check for Understanding |
5.3.3 Dictionary | 1 | Example |
5.3.4 That's Bold | 5 | Exercise |
5.3.5 Artificial Intelligence | 5 | Exercise |
5.3.6 State Capitals | 5 | Exercise |
5.3.7 Formatting Badge | 1 | Badge |
5.4 Links | Lesson | |
5.4.1 Links | 1 | Video |
5.4.2 Links Quiz | 1 | Check for Understanding |
5.4.3 The <a> Tag | 1 | Example |
5.4.4 Simple Link | 5 | Exercise |
5.4.5 My Favorite Websites | 5 | Exercise |
5.5 Images | Lesson | |
5.5.1 Images | 1 | Video |
5.5.2 Images Quiz | 1 | Check for Understanding |
5.5.3 The <img> Tag | 1 | Example |
5.5.4 Building the CodeHS Homepage | 1 | Example |
5.5.5 Collage on a Theme | 5 | Exercise |
5.5.6 Linking an Image | 5 | Exercise |
5.5.7 Personal Library | 5 | Exercise |
5.5.8 Mindsets | 5 | Survey |
5.6 HTML Lists | Lesson | |
5.6.1 HTML Lists | 1 | Video |
5.6.2 HTML Lists Quiz | 1 | Check for Understanding |
5.6.3 Grocery Shopping | 1 | Example |
5.6.4 Favorite Things | 5 | Exercise |
5.6.5 To-Do List | 5 | Exercise |
5.6.6 List Article | 5 | Exercise |
5.7 HTML Tables | Lesson | |
5.7.1 HTML Tables | 1 | Video |
5.7.2 HTML Tables Quiz | 3 | Check for Understanding |
5.7.3 Address Book | 1 | Example |
5.7.4 Favorite Songs | 5 | Exercise |
5.7.5 Calendar | 5 | Exercise |
5.8 HTML Styling | Lesson | |
5.8.1 HTML Styling | 1 | Video |
5.8.2 HTML Styling Quiz | 1 | Check for Understanding |
5.8.3 Stylish Address Book | 1 | Example |
5.8.4 Background Colors | 5 | Exercise |
5.8.5 Style Your To-Do List | 5 | Exercise |
5.8.6 Styling Badge | 1 | Badge |
5.9 Introduction to CSS | Lesson | |
5.9.1 Introduction to CSS | 1 | Video |
5.9.2 Introduction to CSS Quiz | 2 | Check for Understanding |
5.9.3 Styling your H1s | 1 | Example |
5.9.4 First style with CSS | 5 | Exercise |
5.9.5 List Styling | 5 | Exercise |
5.10 CSS Select by Tag | Lesson | |
5.10.1 CSS Select by Tag | 1 | Video |
5.10.2 CSS Select by Tag Quiz | 1 | Check for Understanding |
5.10.3 Rainbow | 1 | Example |
5.10.4 Dog Styling | 1 | Example |
5.10.5 Restaurant Menu | 5 | Exercise |
5.10.6 Put Karel Together | 5 | Exercise |
5.11 CSS Select by Class | Lesson | |
5.11.1 CSS Select by Class | 1 | Video |
5.11.2 CSS Select by Class Quiz | 1 | Check for Understanding |
5.11.3 Simple Checkerboard | 1 | Example |
5.11.4 Tic Tac Toe | 5 | Exercise |
5.11.5 Music Library | 5 | Exercise |
5.12 CSS Select by ID | Lesson | |
5.12.1 CSS Select by ID | 1 | Video |
5.12.2 CSS Select by ID Quiz | 1 | Check for Understanding |
5.12.3 Logo | 1 | Example |
5.12.4 Favorite Dog | 5 | Exercise |
5.12.5 Bingo | 5 | Exercise |
5.13 Multi-file Websites | Lesson | |
5.13.1 Splitting Your Site into Files | 1 | Video |
5.13.2 Splitting Your Site into Files Quiz | 2 | Check for Understanding |
5.13.3 Multipage Site Example | 1 | Example |
5.13.4 Add a Style Sheet | 5 | Exercise |
5.13.5 Dividing the Site | 5 | Exercise |
5.13.6 Career Site: Creating Structure | 5 | Exercise |
5.14 Viewing Websites | Lesson | |
5.14.1 Viewing Websites | 1 | Video |
5.14.2 Viewing Websites Quiz | 5 | Check for Understanding |
5.14.3 Explaining a URL | 5 | Free Response |
5.14.4 Web Development Badge | 1 | Badge |
5.15 What is Intellectual Property? | Lesson | |
5.15.1 What is Intellectual Property? | 5 | Video |
5.15.2 What is Intellectual Property? | 5 | Quiz |
5.15.3 15 Patents that Changed the World | 5 | Connection |
5.15.4 Patents that Changed the World | 5 | Free Response |
5.15.5 Trademark vs. Generic Names | 5 | Free Response |
5.15.6 Be the Inventor! | 5 | Free Response |
5.15.7 10 Famous Trade Secrets | 5 | Connection |
5.15.8 Trade Secrets | 5 | Free Response |
5.16 Protecting Intellectual Property | Lesson | |
5.16.1 Protecting Intellectual Property | 5 | Video |
5.16.2 Protecting Intellectual Property | 3 | Quiz |
5.16.3 Secure Your Secret Notes! | 5 | Example |
5.16.4 Google Security Demo | 5 | Connection |
5.16.5 Redacting Information | 5 | Free Response |
5.16.6 Protecting IP: Firewalls and HTTPS | 5 | Video |
5.16.7 Protecting IP: Firewalls and HTTPS | 4 | Quiz |
5.16.8 Firewall Sign-in | 5 | Example |
5.16.9 How HTTPS Works | 5 | Connection |
5.16.10 How HTTPS Works | 5 | Free Response |
5.17 What is Web Optimization? | Lesson | |
5.17.1 What is Web Optimization? | 5 | Video |
5.17.2 What is Web Optimization? | 2 | Check for Understanding |
5.17.3 Website Folder Structure | 5 | Connection |
5.17.4 File Naming Conventions | 5 | Notes |
5.17.5 Folders and Files | 5 | Free Response |
5.18 Optimizing Web Information | Lesson | |
5.18.1 Optimizing Web Information | 5 | Video |
5.18.2 Optimizing Web Information | 3 | Check for Understanding |
5.18.3 How Search Works | 5 | Connection |
5.18.4 How Search Works | 5 | Free Response |
5.18.5 F-Pattern Reading | 5 | Connection |
5.18.6 F-Pattern Reading | 5 | Free Response |
5.18.7 What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)? | 5 | Connection |
5.18.8 SEO Definition | 5 | Free Response |
5.18.9 Yoast Analyzer | 5 | Connection |
5.18.10 Yoast Tool Activity | 5 | Free Response |
5.19 Web Design Quiz | Lesson | |
5.19.1 Web Design Quiz | 20 | Quiz |
Benchmark 3: Interview an Expert via a Podcast | ||
6.1 Benchmark 3: Interview an Expert via a Podcast | Lesson | |
6.1.1 Expert Interview: Spread of Diseases | 5 | Free Response |
6.1.2 How to Setup a Guest Interview for a Podcast | 5 | Connection |
6.1.3 Interview Questions | 5 | Free Response |
6.1.4 Expert Interview Podcast | 10 | Free Response |
6.1.5 Podcast Webpage | 10 | Challenge |
What is Computing? | ||
7.1 History of Computers | Lesson | |
7.1.1 History of Computers | 1 | Video |
7.1.2 Video Quiz | 3 | Check for Understanding |
7.1.3 Mission: Who invented the computer? | 1 | Notes |
7.1.4 Evidence Collection | 5 | Free Response |
7.1.5 Exhibit A: Charles Babbage | 5 | Connection |
7.1.6 Exhibit B: Ada Lovelace | 1 | Connection |
7.1.7 Exhibit C: Alan Turing | 5 | Connection |
7.1.8 Exhibit D: Mauchly and Eckert | 1 | Connection |
7.1.9 Exhibit E: ENIAC Programmers | 5 | Connection |
7.1.10 Exhibit F: Grace Hopper | 5 | Connection |
7.1.11 Exhibit G: Mark Dean | 5 | Connection |
7.1.12 Bonus Exhibit: Computer Inventors | 5 | Connection |
7.1.13 Culminating Activity | 5 | Free Response |
7.2 Computer Organization | Lesson | |
7.2.1 Computer Organization | 1 | Video |
7.2.2 Video Quiz | 4 | Check for Understanding |
7.2.3 Draw a Computer | 1 | Connection |
7.2.4 What Kind of Device? | 5 | Check for Understanding |
7.3 Software | Lesson | |
7.3.1 Software | 1 | Video |
7.3.2 Software Quiz | 2 | Check for Understanding |
7.3.3 Software Explained | 1 | Connection |
7.3.4 Computer Applications You Use | 5 | Free Response |
7.3.5 Operating Systems | 5 | Free Response |
7.3.6 Is This Original? | 5 | Free Response |
7.4 Hardware | Lesson | |
7.4.1 Hardware | 1 | Video |
7.4.2 Hardware Quiz | 3 | Check for Understanding |
7.4.3 Pick the Label | 4 | Check for Understanding |
7.4.4 Label Your Computer | 5 | Free Response |
7.4.5 Computer Analogy | 5 | Free Response |
7.4.6 Hardware vs. Software | 5 | Free Response |
7.4.7 Hardware Badge | 1 | Badge |
7.5 Internet Hardware and Sending Information | Lesson | |
7.5.1 Internet Hardware | 1 | Video |
7.5.2 Internet Hardware | 2 | Check for Understanding |
7.5.3 Sending Information | 1 | Video |
7.5.4 Sending Information | 3 | Check for Understanding |
7.5.5 The Internet is in the Ocean | 1 | Connection |
7.5.6 Internet in the Ocean Reflection | 5 | Free Response |
7.6 Clients and Servers | Lesson | |
7.6.1 Clients and Servers | 1 | Video |
7.6.2 Clients and Servers | 2 | Check for Understanding |
7.6.3 Inside a Google Data Center | 1 | Connection |
7.6.4 Inside a Google Data Center | 5 | Free Response |
7.6.5 Cloud Vulnerabilities | 1 | Connection |
7.6.6 Cloud Vulnerabilities Response | 5 | Free Response |
7.6.7 Client-Server Model | 1 | Video |
7.6.8 Client-Server Model | 2 | Check for Understanding |
7.6.9 The Future of User Privacy | 1 | Connection |
7.6.10 The Future of User Privacy | 5 | Free Response |
7.7 Personal Servers vs. Web Server Providers | Lesson | |
7.7.1 Personal Servers vs. Web Server Providers | 5 | Video |
7.7.2 Personal Servers vs. Web Server Providers | 5 | Quiz |
7.7.3 Hosting a Website from Your Own Home | 5 | Connection |
7.7.4 Self-Hosted or Web Server Provider? | 5 | Free Response |
7.8 Future of Computing | Lesson | |
7.8.1 Future of Computing | 1 | Video |
7.8.2 Video Quiz | 3 | Check for Understanding |
7.8.3 Using DNA for Storage | 1 | Connection |
7.8.4 Class Activity: Advancing Technology | 5 | Free Response |
7.8.5 Pros and Cons of AI | 1 | Connection |
7.8.6 AI: Is It a Bad Thing? | 5 | Free Response |
7.9 What is Computing? Quiz | Lesson | |
7.9.1 What is Computing? Quiz | 20 | Quiz |
Benchmark 4: Present a Data-Driven Insight from a Simulation | ||
8.1 Benchmark 4: Present a Data-Driven Insight from a | Lesson | |
8.1.1 Research: Find an Online Simulation | 5 | Free Response |
8.1.2 Make a Data Visualization | 10 | Presentation |
8.1.3 Drawing Conclusions | 10 | Free Response |
Designing User Interfaces | ||
9.1 Intro to Design Thinking | Lesson | |
9.1.1 Intro to Design Thinking | 1 | Video |
9.1.2 Intro to Design Thinking | 2 | Check for Understanding |
9.1.3 User Interface Scavenger Hunt | 5 | Free Response |
9.1.4 Case Study: Helping Blind People See | 1 | Connection |
9.1.5 Case Study Responses | 5 | Free Response |
9.1.6 Crash Course: Empathize | 1 | Connection |
9.1.7 Empathize Notes | 5 | Free Response |
9.1.8 Crash Course: Define | 1 | Connection |
9.1.9 Problem Statement | 5 | Free Response |
9.1.10 Crash Course: Ideate | 1 | Connection |
9.1.11 Ideate Notes | 5 | Free Response |
9.1.12 Crash Course: Prototype and Test | 1 | Connection |
9.1.13 Testing Notes | 5 | Free Response |
9.1.14 Topic Brainstorm | 5 | Free Response |
9.1.15 Narrowing Down Topics | 5 | Free Response |
9.2 Criteria and Rubrics for Evaluating Websites | Lesson | |
9.2.1 8 Guidelines for Web Design, Usability, & UX | 5 | Connection |
9.2.2 Reflection: Web Design Guidelines | 5 | Free Response |
9.2.3 Web Design Rubric | 5 | Resource |
9.2.4 Evaluate with the CodeHS Rubric | 5 | Free Response |
9.3 Empathy | Lesson | |
9.3.1 Empathy | 1 | Video |
9.3.2 Empathy Quiz | 2 | Check for Understanding |
9.3.3 A Cafeteria Designed for Me | 1 | Connection |
9.3.4 A Cafeteria Designed for Me | 5 | Free Response |
9.3.5 Accessibility | 1 | Connection |
9.3.6 Accessibility Tips | 5 | Free Response |
9.3.7 Accessibility: Designing for ALL | 5 | Free Response |
9.3.8 How to Interview | 1 | Connection |
9.3.9 How to Interview | 5 | Free Response |
9.3.10 User Interview | 5 | Free Response |
9.4 Define | Lesson | |
9.4.1 Define | 1 | Video |
9.4.2 Define Quiz | 2 | Check for Understanding |
9.4.3 Make a Composite Character Profile | 1 | Connection |
9.4.4 Composite Character Profile | 5 | Free Response |
9.4.5 Point-of-View Statement Brainstorm | 5 | Free Response |
9.4.6 POV Statement | 5 | Free Response |
9.5 Ideate | Lesson | |
9.5.1 Ideate | 1 | Video |
9.5.2 Ideate Quiz | 1 | Check for Understanding |
9.5.3 Stoke | 1 | Connection |
9.5.4 Get Stoked | 5 | Free Response |
9.5.5 Brainstorming Tips | 1 | Connection |
9.5.6 Ideate! | 5 | Free Response |
9.6 Prototype | Lesson | |
9.6.1 Prototype | 1 | Video |
9.6.2 Prototype Quiz | 1 | Check for Understanding |
9.6.3 Brainstorm Selection | 1 | Connection |
9.6.4 Harvest Ideas from the Brainstorm | 5 | Free Response |
9.6.5 Wizard of Oz Prototyping | 1 | Connection |
9.6.6 Example Wizard of Oz Paper Prototype | 1 | Connection |
9.6.7 Make Your Paper Prototypes! | 5 | Free Response |
9.7 Test | Lesson | |
9.7.1 Test | 1 | Video |
9.7.2 Testing Quiz | 1 | Check for Understanding |
9.7.3 Testing with Users | 1 | Connection |
9.7.4 Example: How to User Test | 1 | Connection |
9.7.5 How to User Test Responses | 5 | Free Response |
9.7.6 Example: How NOT to User Test | 1 | Connection |
9.7.7 How NOT to User Test Responses | 5 | Free Response |
9.7.8 Test Prototype 1 | 5 | Free Response |
9.7.9 Test Prototype 2 | 5 | Free Response |
9.7.10 Improve Your Prototype | 5 | Free Response |
9.8 Designing User Interfaces Quiz | Lesson | |
9.8.1 Designing User Interfaces Quiz | 10 | Unit Quiz |
9.8.2 Designing User Interfaces Badge | 1 | Badge |
Benchmark 5: Develop and Curate a Campaign Website | ||
10.1 Benchmark 5: Develop and Curate a Campaign Website | Lesson | |
10.1.1 Planning for the Campaign Website | 5 | Free Response |
10.1.2 Research: Layout and Design | 5 | Connection |
10.1.3 Research: Layout and Design | 20 | Free Response |
10.1.4 Project: Your Curated Website | 20 | Challenge |
Final | ||
11.1 Final | Lesson | |
11.1.1 Final Pt 1: Multiple Choice | 25 | Quiz |
Project: Public Service Announcement | ||
12.1 Project: Public Service Announcement | Lesson | |
12.1.1 Pick a Topic | 5 | Free Response |
12.1.2 Research | 5 | Free Response |
12.1.3 Choose Your Audience | 5 | Free Response |
12.1.4 What kind of PSA? | 5 | Free Response |
12.1.5 Draft your PSA | 5 | Free Response |
12.1.6 Finalize your PSA! | 15 | Free Response |
Project: The Effects of the Internet | ||
13.1 Project: The Effects of the Internet | Lesson | |
13.1.1 Topic Brainstorm | 5 | Free Response |
13.1.2 Gathering Resources | 5 | Free Response |
13.1.3 Make Your Project | 25 | Presentation |
13.1.4 The Internet Badge | 1 | Badge |
Project: Your First Website | ||
14.1 Project: Your First Website | Lesson | |
14.1.1 Your First Website | 10 | Challenge |
Final Project | ||
15.1 Final Web Design Project | Lesson | |
15.1.1 Brainstorming | 5 | Free Response |
15.1.2 Milestones | 5 | Free Response |
15.1.3 Final Project | 10 | Challenge |
15.1.4 Final Project Badge | 1 | Badge |
15.1.5 Web Design Completed | 1 | Badge |
What is Computing? Original Material | ||
16.1 History of Computers | Lesson | |
16.1.1 Timeline of Computer History | 1 | Connection |
16.1.2 Respond: Summarize an Era | 5 | Free Response |
16.1.3 Reflection: Computers' Role in Your Life | 5 | Free Response |
16.1.4 Who Really Invented the Modern Computer? | 1 | Connection |
16.1.5 Class Activity: Famous Computer Innovators | 5 | Free Response |
16.1.6 Computer Commercial from 1956 | 1 | Connection |
New Material (2020-2021) | ||
17.1 History of Computers | Lesson | |
17.1.1 History of Computers | 1 | Video |
17.1.2 Video Quiz | 3 | Check for Understanding |
17.1.3 Mission: Who invented the computer? | 1 | Notes |
17.1.4 Evidence Collection | 5 | Free Response |
17.1.5 Exhibit A: Charles Babbage | 5 | Connection |
17.1.6 Exhibit B: Ada Lovelace | 1 | Connection |
17.1.7 Exhibit C: Alan Turing | 5 | Connection |
17.1.8 Exhibit D: Mauchly and Eckert | 1 | Connection |
17.1.9 Exhibit E: ENIAC Programmers | 5 | Connection |
17.1.10 Exhibit F: Grace Hopper | 5 | Connection |
17.1.11 Exhibit G: Mark Dean | 5 | Connection |
17.1.12 Bonus Exhibit: Computer Inventors | 5 | Connection |
17.1.13 Culminating Activity | 5 | Free Response |
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