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NCyTE Cybersecurity Concept Lessons (JavaScript)


1. Caesar Cipher
1.1 Caesar Ciphers
Connection 1.1.1 Introduction to Caesar Ciphers
Video 1.1.2 slides
Connection 1.1.3 A Caesar Cipher
Free Response 1.1.4 Encryption and Decryption
Check for Understanding 1.1.5 Decryption Practice
Exercise 1.1.6 Caesar Cipher Encryption
1.2 Decrypting and Breaking Caesar Ciphers
Exercise 1.2.1 Caesar Cipher Decryption
Exercise 1.2.2 Break Caesar's Cipher!
Free Response 1.2.3 Reflection: Caesar's Cipher
Connection 1.2.4 Ethics Moment: Apple v. Barr
Free Response 1.2.5 Reflection: Apple v. Barr
2. The CIA Triad
2.1 Introduction to Cybersecurity
Notes 2.1.1 Warm-Up
Video 2.1.2 Gone Phishing
Connection 2.1.3 Deepfake Videos
Free Response 2.1.4 Keeping Secrets
Connection 2.1.5 Phishing Quiz
Connection 2.1.6 How is Your Phishing IQ?
Example 2.1.7 Phishing Simulator
Free Response 2.1.8 Reflection: Phishing Emails
Free Response 2.1.9 Think-Pair-Share Activity
2.2 CIA Triad
Notes 2.2.1 Warm-Up
Video 2.2.2 CIA Triad
Free Response 2.2.3 Alice-Bob-Eve
Free Response 2.2.4 PII
Free Response 2.2.5 CIA Breach
Free Response 2.2.6 Identity Theft
Free Response 2.2.7 CIA and Phishing
Free Response 2.2.8 Challenge: Create a Phishing Email
Free Response 2.2.9 Challenge: Investigate Legalities
3. CyberEthics
3.1 CyberEthics
Video 3.1.1 Presentation
Free Response 3.1.2 Topics
Free Response 3.1.3 Problem Summary
Free Response 3.1.4 Pros and Cons
Free Response 3.1.5 Your Solution
Free Response 3.1.6 Writing an Introduction
Free Response 3.1.7 Developing your position
Free Response 3.1.8 Conclusion
Free Response 3.1.9 Position Paper
4. Data Structures
4.1 Introduction to Lists
Video 4.1.1 Intro to Lists
Check for Understanding 4.1.2 List Introduction
4.2 Traversing a List
Video 4.2.1 Traversing a List
Check for Understanding 4.2.2 Traversing a List
4.3 Applying Iteration - Usernames and Passwords
Video 4.3.1 Username and Password Creation
Free Response 4.3.2 Usernames and Passwords: Pseudocode
Exercise 4.3.3 Usernames and Passwords: JavaScript
Challenge 4.3.4 Username and Password Verification
Connection 4.3.5 Ethics Moment: Facebook and AWS
Free Response 4.3.6 Reflection: Facebook and AWS
5. Identity, Authentication and Authorization
5.1 Identity Crisis
Notes 5.1.1 Warm Up
Video 5.1.2 Identity Crisis
Connection 5.1.3 Sharing Passwords
Free Response 5.1.4 Reflect: Sharing Passwords
Connection 5.1.5 What is your password?
Free Response 5.1.6 Identity crisis activity
Free Response 5.1.7 World's Biggest Data Breaches
Free Response 5.1.8 Research: Types of Attacks
Example 5.1.9 You Can Be Tracked!
5.2 Let Me In
Notes 5.2.1 Warm Up
Video 5.2.2 Authenticate and Authorize
Free Response 5.2.3 How do you protect your data?
Free Response 5.2.4 Common Passwords
Connection 5.2.5 Password Strength
Free Response 5.2.6 Reflection: Password Strength
Video 5.2.7 What Makes a Password Strong?
Example 5.2.8 Multifactor Authentication
Exercise 5.2.9 One Pager: Password Security
6. Input Validation & Conditionals
6.1 Applying Conditionals - Password Validation
Video 6.1.1 Input Validation and Conditionals
AP Practice 6.1.2 Conditional Pseudocode Activity
Exercise 6.1.3 Password Checker
Connection 6.1.4 How are passwords saved?
Free Response 6.1.5 Reflect: How are passwords saved?
6.2 Password Protection
Video 6.2.1 Password Protection
Exercise 6.2.2 Create a password
Connection 6.2.3 Ethics Moment: Impact of Code
Free Response 6.2.4 Reflection: Impact of Code
7. Iterative Process
7.1 Iterative Process
Video 7.1.1 Iterations
AP Practice 7.1.2 Iterative Pseudocode Activity - Part 1
AP Practice 7.1.3 Iterative Pseudocode Activity - Part 2
Exercise 7.1.4 Verify the Password Length
Exercise 7.1.5 Making a Stronger Password
Exercise 7.1.6 Passwords with Letters and Numbers
Connection 7.1.7 Ethics Moment: Sampling Music
Free Response 7.1.8 Reflection: Sampling Music
8. Secure Networking
8.1 Introduction to Networking
Notes 8.1.1 Warm Up
Connection 8.1.2 Ethics Moment: Equifax Data Breach
Free Response 8.1.3 Reflection: Equifax Data Breach
Exercise 8.1.4 Muddy City
Free Response 8.1.5 Reflection: Muddy City
8.2 OSI model activity
Free Response 8.2.1 Introduction
Free Response 8.2.2 Event 1: Truck Payload Change
Free Response 8.2.3 Event 2: Truck Payload Change
Free Response 8.2.4 Event 3: Route Change
Free Response 8.2.5 Event 4: Envelopes Never Arrive
Free Response 8.2.6 Event 5: Missing One Box
Free Response 8.2.7 Event 6: Box Payload Change
Free Response 8.2.8 Organizing the Events
Video 8.2.9 Relating this to the Internet
8.3 Network Attacks
Notes 8.3.1 Warm Up
Exercise 8.3.2 One Pager: Network Attacks
Free Response 8.3.3 Reflection: Network Attacks
9. Personal Data Vulnerabilities
9.1 Unintentional Data Sharing
Notes 9.1.1 Warm up
Video 9.1.2 Personal Data Vulnerabilities
Free Response 9.1.3 Spokeo
Connection 9.1.4 Cyber Insecurity
Free Response 9.1.5 Who is this Person?
Free Response 9.1.6 Who is this Person? - Car
Free Response 9.1.7 Who is this Person? - Hobby
Free Response 9.1.8 What can you learn from ...
Example 9.1.9 Social Media Clean-up
9.2 Metadata and Data Collection
Notes 9.2.1 Warm Up
Video 9.2.2 Understanding Metadata
Free Response 9.2.3 Image Data Extraction
Free Response 9.2.4 Information about your images
Free Response 9.2.5 Security Vulnerability
Connection 9.2.6 Ethics Moment: Collection of Data
Free Response 9.2.7 Reflection: Collection of Data
Connection 9.2.8 Online Privacy
10. Risk
10.1 Basic Cybersecurity Risk Concepts
Notes 10.1.1 Warm up
Video 10.1.2 Basic Cybersecurity Risk, Part 1
Free Response 10.1.3 Personal Data Threats
Video 10.1.4 Basic Cybersecurity Risk, Part 2
Free Response 10.1.5 Risk and Consequences: Part 1
Free Response 10.1.6 Risk and Consequences: Part 2
Free Response 10.1.7 Digital Footprint
10.2 Cybersecurity Risk Model-Assessing Risk
Notes 10.2.1 Warm up
Video 10.2.2 Assessing Risk, Part 1
Notes 10.2.3 Think, Pair, Share: Assets
Video 10.2.4 Assessing Risk, Part 2
Free Response 10.2.5 Risk Scenario Assessment 1: Malware
Free Response 10.2.6 Risk Scenario Assessment 2: Identity Theft
Free Response 10.2.7 Risk Scenario Assessment 3: Ransomware
Free Response 10.2.8 Risk Scenario Assessment 4: Email Compromise
Free Response 10.2.9 Asset Identification Activity
10.3 Cybersecurity Risk Model-Vulnerabilities
Notes 10.3.1 Warm up
Video 10.3.2 Vulnerabilities
Check for Understanding 10.3.3 National Vulnerability Database Activity
Free Response 10.3.4 Exploring Vulnerabilities
10.4 Cybersecurity Risk Model-Security Controls
Notes 10.4.1 Warm up
Connection 10.4.2 Internet of Things
Video 10.4.3 Security Controls
Free Response 10.4.4 Defense in Depth
Connection 10.4.5 Ethics Moment: The Risk of AI
Free Response 10.4.6 Reflect: The Risk of AI
11. Steganography
11.1 Introduction to Steganography
Connection 11.1.1 Introduction to Steganography
Connection 11.1.2 What is steganography?
Example 11.1.3 Hide Text
Video 11.1.4 Steganography
Free Response 11.1.5 Creating a Secret Message
Exercise 11.1.6 Part 1: Loading images
11.2 Ethics of Steganography
Video 11.2.1 Steganography - Part 2
Connection 11.2.2 Government Surveillance and Reality Winner
Free Response 11.2.3 Government Surveillance and Reality Winner
Connection 11.2.4 Ethics Moment: Government Surveillance
Free Response 11.2.5 Reflection: Government Surveillance
Exercise 11.2.6 Upload your own photos
Exercise 11.2.7 Part 2: The encrypt function
11.3 Steganography Exploration
Connection 11.3.1 Data Hiding and Extraction
Free Response 11.3.2 Reflect: Data Hiding and Extraction
Exercise 11.3.3 Part 3: The decrypt function
12. Symmetric and Public Key Encryption
12.1 Symmetric and Public Key Encryption
Video 12.1.1 Symmetric and Public Key Encryption
Connection 12.1.2 Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange
Example 12.1.3 Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange
Exercise 12.1.4 Public Key Programming Exercise
Connection 12.1.5 RSA Encryption: Step 1
Connection 12.1.6 RSA Encryption: Step 2
Connection 12.1.7 RSA Encryption: Step 3
Connection 12.1.8 RSA Encryption: Step 4
Notes 12.1.9 RSA Encryption
Free Response 12.1.10 RSA Reflection
Connection 12.1.11 Ethics Moment: Ransomware
Free Response 12.1.12 Reflection: Ransomware
13. Vigenère Cipher
13.1 Vigenère Cipher
Video 13.1.1 Vigenère Cipher
Connection 13.1.2 One-Time Pad Cipher
Connection 13.1.3 How a Vigenère Cipher Works
Free Response 13.1.4 Vigenère Scavenger Hunt
Free Response 13.1.5 Vigenère Pseudocode
Exercise 13.1.6 Write your own Vigenère Cipher
Free Response 13.1.7 Reflection: Vigenère Cipher
Connection 13.1.8 Ethics Moment: Cryptography and the NSA
Free Response 13.1.9 Reflection: Cryptography and the NSA