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Nevada Computer Science and Applications


Unit Description
Welcome: Students are introduced to the course and develop goals for themselves for the course as well as investigate what type of learner they are.
Digital Citizenship and Cyber Hygiene: Students learn topics on Internet etiquette, how to stay safe on the web, potential effects of digital footprints, how to protect their information, and the implications of cyberbullying.
Introduction to Programming with Turtle Graphics: Students learn Python commands, functions, and control structures by drawing shapes on their screen and solve puzzles with Turtle Graphics!
Web Design: Students go through a high-level introduction to HTML, CSS, and the processes involved in viewing web pages on the internet. Students create several simple web pages to gain practice using the various features of HTML and CSS.
Networking Fundamentals: Students explore the structure and design of the internet and networks, how this design affects the reliability of network communication, the security of data, and personal privacy.
Final Project: Students are introduced to the theory and practice of user interface design. Students learn about what makes an engaging and accessible user interface, and employ an iterative design process including rapid prototyping and user testing to design and develop their own final project.

Unit Description
Final Exam:
Advanced Tracy Challenges:
Building Mathematical Models: Students are introduced to Tracy the Turtle and learn how to code different mathematical models in Python! No coding experience is necessary, but students should have completed Algebra I or higher.
Advanced HTML and CSS: This unit dives deeper into different things we can do with HTML and CSS. Students practice advanced topics in HTML and CSS, including visibility, image filtering, interaction, and animation, to develop more advanced web sites.
Intro to micro:bit: Students go through the basics of the micro:bit, such as how to light up and change the brightness of LEDs, and learn how variables can be used to write more versatile programs. Students will build circuits to control external LEDs with the micro:bit and explore how pseudocode can be used to structure programs from the start.
Program Control with micro:bit: Students will apply control structures, such as if/else statements and loops to create programs that will react to the outside world. They will build programs that use the built-in sensors that detect temperature, light, and acceleration, as well as external sensors, such as an ultrasonic range finder, which detects the distance from the device to nearby objects.
Advanced micro:bit: Students will have a chance to explore all of the capabilities of the micro:bit on their own! They will research, explore, and teach their peers about new sensors, follow directions to build an advanced device, and have a chance to create their very own micro:bit machine.