On our Pro plans, we have different Course Flavors available. Course Flavors means that you get exactly the right version of our course for your school, classroom, and students.
This course teaches basic computer science skills and is fully aligned with the Tennessee Computer Science Foundations standards. The course covers the core standards and all four focus areas.
This course includes exam practice for the CodeHS Cybersecurity Level 1 Certification. Students should take this course after they complete the CodeHS Fundamentals of Cybersecurity course.
This course includes exam practice for the CodeHS Cybersecurity Level 1 Certification. Students should take this course after they complete any of the following courses: AP Computer Science A (Nitro), AP Computer Science A (Mocha), Introduction to Java (Latte)
This course includes exam practice for the CodeHS JavaScript Level 1 Certification. Students should take this course after they complete the CodeHS Introduction to JavaScript course.
This course includes exam practice for the CodeHS Web Design Level 1 Certification. Students should take this course after they complete the CodeHS Introduction to Web Design (Picasso) course.
This course includes exam practice for the CodeHS Python Level 1 Certification. Students should take this course after they complete the CodeHS Intro to Computer Science in Python or CodeHS Python Programming 1 and 2 course.
This course includes exam practice for the CodeHS Web Development Level 1 Certification. Students should take this course after they complete the CodeHS Web Development course.
This course includes exam practice for the CodeHS Cybersecurity Level 2 Certification. Students should take this course after they complete the CodeHS Advanced Cybersecurity course.
The NCyTE Cybersecurity Concept Lessons are a collection of individual educational units, supplemental materials and activities. The lessons have been designed as an easy way to integrate cybersecurity concepts into the AP Computer Science Principles course (AP CSP). Because these lessons do not comprise a complete structured course, a roadmap showing how each lesson’s content maps to AP CSP Big Ideas and Learning Objectives is provided in lieu of a syllabus. All programming is in Python. This material is based upon work supported by National Cybersecurity Training & Education (NCyTE) Center and the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1548315. Visit www.NCyTE.net for more information on the NCyTE Center and other cybersecurity curriculum.
This month-long course is designed to introduce students to the metaverse world of Roblox. Students will learn about the platform, explore the Roblox Studio game engine, build an obstacle course ("obby"), add code scripts to the obby, and customize their own game. By the end of this course, students will publish their creations to Roblox for their friends and family to play!
The Digital Art with p5.js course explores the intersection of art and computer science. Using p5.js, a free and open-source JavaScript library for creative coding, students create digital drawings, animations, and interactive sketches while also learning how to code.
The Game Design in Unity course teaches the fundamentals of designing a game using the most widely accessed and preferred editing engine in the world. The intent of this course is to prepare high school students with the industry related skills needed for the workplace and higher learning environments. By the end of this course, they will understand the design planning process, be knowledgeable of industry related careers, and be able to navigate the Unity environment in order to create 3D games. Note: student devices must be able to download and install the Unity platform (not compatible on Chromebooks).
The Game Design in Unity course teaches the fundamentals of designing a game using the most widely accessed and preferred editing engine in the world. The intent of this course is to prepare high school students with the industry related skills needed for the workplace and higher learning environments. By the end of this course, they will understand the design planning process and utilize the Unity environment in order to create 3D games. Note: student devices must be able to download and install the Unity platform (not compatible on Chromebooks).
The Introduction to Computer Science in C++ focuses on broad computer science concepts such as input/output, variables, control statements, and basic data structures. The course emphasizes problem-solving skills while focusing on real-world assignments and projects.
In this course, students utilize Roblox Studio and Lua to learn programming concepts. Students will build worlds and games in Roblox, and they will be encouraged to use Roblox for their Performance Task assessment. In addition, they will explore computer science concepts through Roblox simulations.
The Texas Computer Science 2 course is designed to foster students' creativity and innovation by presenting opportunities to design, implement, and present meaningful programs through a variety of media.
The Utah Introduction to Python 2 course teaches students extended concepts in Python. Students learn how to use lists, manipulate strings, and work with files by solving puzzles and writing creative programs for Tracy to follow. NOTE: The content taught in the Utah Introduction to Python 1 course must be covered before beginning this course.
Utah Computer Programming 1 introduces students to the fundamentals of computer programming, with an emphasis on helping students develop logical thinking and problem-solving skills. Students will learn to design, code, and test their programs while applying mathematical concepts.
Utah Computer Programming 2 introduces students to more advanced programming concepts. Students will learn to create more powerful programs using functions, strings, data structures, file i/o operations, and objects.
The Utah Introduction to Python 1 course teaches students the basics of programming in Python. Students learn Python commands, functions, control structures, and user interaction by solving puzzles and writing creative programs for Tracy to follow.
The Mix and Match Middle School Course is an easily customizable option for our middle school content. Each module contains 10 hours of content and introduces students to a specific computer science topic. You can choose which modules to teach and the order you teach them in!
The Computer Science Explorations 1 course is an introductory course for early middle school students. Students learn the basics of programming with Karel and Tracy, computing, and digital citizenship.
The Computer Science Explorations 2 course is an introductory course for late middle school students. Students learn the basics of programming with Karel the Dog and learn how to code within the context of art and game design. Students also explore how the internet works and how to make web pages with HTML and CSS.
The Python Basics with Tracy 2 course teaches students extended concepts in Python. Students learn how to use lists, manipulate strings, and work with files by solving puzzles and writing creative programs for Tracy to follow. NOTE: The content taught in the Python Basics with Tracy 1 course must be covered before beginning this course.
The Python Basics with Tracy 1 course teaches students the basics of programming in Python. Students learn Python commands, functions, control structures, and user interaction by solving puzzles and writing creative programs for Tracy to follow.
The Utah Introduction to Python 1 and 2 course teaches students the basics of programming in Python. Students begin with Python commands, functions, control structures, and user interaction by solving puzzles and writing creative programs for Tracy to follow. Students then learn how to use lists, manipulate strings, and work with files by solving puzzles and writing creative programs for Tracy.
This is a first-semester course that introduces students to game design and programming. Through a guided and structured approach, students learn to design, develop, and publish games. Students also learn about major programming topics like variables, functions, conditionals, and mouse/keyboard events while building fun and interactive games that they can play and share with others. Learn more about p5play here: https://p5play.org/
Introduction to Python Programming 1 introduces students to the fundamentals of computer programming, with an emphasis on helping students develop logical thinking and problem-solving skills. Students will learn to design, code, and test their programs while applying mathematical concepts.
Introduction to Python Programming introduces students to the fundamentals of computer programming, with an emphasis on helping students develop logical thinking and problem-solving skills. Students begin by learning to design, code, and test their programs while applying mathematical concepts. Students then move to more advanced programming concepts and learn to create more powerful programs using functions, strings, data structures, and file i/o operations.
Introduction to Python Programming 2 introduces students to more advanced programming concepts. Students will learn to create more powerful programs using functions, strings, data structures, and file i/o operations.
Utah Computer Programming 1 and 2 introduce students to the fundamentals of computer programming, with an emphasis on helping students develop logical thinking and problem-solving skills. Students begin by learning to design, code, and test their programs while applying mathematical concepts. Students then move to more advanced programming concepts and learn to create more powerful programs using functions, strings, data structures, file i/o operations, and objects.
Students will embark on an exciting journey to master the fundamentals of game design and programming. Through hands-on projects and engaging challenges using the Unity game engine and CodeHS lessons, students will learn to create interactive and visually captivating 2D and 3D games. This course equips students with essential programming skills in C# and Unity's scripting system while honing their problem-solving abilities and fostering creativity in game development. Note: Student devices must be able to download and install the Unity platform (not compatible on Chromebooks).
This course is designed to take a look at how data can be used for machine learning to create models for Artificial Intelligence (AI). Students will be using TensorFlow with Python to create neural network models.
This course is on Indiana’s High Quality Curriculum Materials Advisory List. This course is designed to provide computer science instruction for Indiana 6th grade students, and it is aligned to Indiana 6-8 Computer Science Standards.
This course is on Indiana’s High Quality Curriculum Materials Advisory List. This course is designed to provide computer science instruction for Indiana 7th grade students, and it is aligned to Indiana 6-8 Computer Science Standards.
This course is on Indiana’s High Quality Curriculum Materials Advisory List. This course is designed to provide computer science instruction for Indiana 8th grade students, and it is aligned to Indiana 6-8 Computer Science Standards.
This is the quarter long Karel course as an introduction to computer science and programming with text or blocks.
This introductory course develops students’ abilities to analyze, evaluate, and reflect upon technologies such as computer hardware, computer software, networking, and security. Students will learn the fundamentals of programming, build computational thinking skills, and reflect on the impact of computing on society.
This introductory course develops students’ abilities to analyze, evaluate, and reflect upon technologies such as computer hardware, computer software, networking, and security. Students will learn the fundamentals of programming, build computational thinking skills, and reflect on the impact of computing on society.
In this mini course, students will explore the world of Artificial Intelligence by completing ten projects. Students will learn to use AI to generate content, to write effective prompts to generate desired results, and to build their own machine learning model using Teachable Machine. By the end of the course, students will have a more nuanced understanding of the benefits and challenges associated with AI.
In this course, students will have a chance to explore key aspects of Artificial Intelligence, including machine learning, large language models, bias in models, and the impacts they have on our society. Students will have a chance to engage with multiple AI tools throughout the course, such as ChatGPT, Gemini, and Teachable Machine.
The Texas Computer Science II Semester A course is the first course in a two-course series. Students learn the basic principles of application security, how to use the command prompt, how the Internet connects computers by use of networking protocols, and the basics of programming in Java.
This course is designed to emphasize the fundamentals of computer programming using Python. Topics include computer software, program design and development, and practical experience in programming. This course is fully aligned with the South Carolina Computer Programming 1 CTE course.
This course is designed to expand upon fundamental programming skills in Python. Topics include intermediate program design and development techniques, security and ethics, and practical experience in programming using a modern, text-based programming language. This course is fully aligned with the South Carolina Computer Programming 2 CTE course.
This course is designed to expand upon fundamental programming skills in Python. Topics include intermediate program design and development techniques, security and ethics, and practical experience in programming using a modern, text-based programming language. This course is fully aligned with the South Carolina Intermediate Computer Programming CTE course.
This course is designed to emphasize the fundamentals of computer programming using Python. Topics include computer software, program design and development, and practical experience in programming. This course is fully aligned with the South Carolina Introduction to Computer Programming CTE course.
In this course, students will be introduced to the exciting world of computers and technology! They will gain foundational skills in programming, explore the vast potential of the internet, and understand how to be a responsible digital citizen. Through engaging activities and projects, students will learn how technology can be used to solve problems, analyze data, and navigate the digital world effectively.
In this course, students will be introduced to the exciting world of computers and technology! They will gain foundational skills in programming, explore the vast potential of the internet, and understand how to be a responsible digital citizen. Through engaging activities and projects, students will learn how technology can be used to solve problems, analyze data, and navigate the digital world effectively.
Florida Advanced Information Technology teaches students the fundamentals of modern business and information systems, emphasizing current trends and technologies. By the end of this course, students will learn essential computer science concepts, including computer hardware and software, networks, web development, and the global impact of emerging technologies. Students will gain hands-on experience and develop the skills necessary to navigate today’s information-driven world.
The Florida Digital Discoveries in Society course introduces students to key concepts in programming, digital communication, and technology's role in society. Students begin by learning JavaScript basics before progressing to the p5play library to create interactive programs and games. The course also covers the fundamentals of computer hardware, the internet’s infrastructure, and network security, while emphasizing digital etiquette and online safety. Students will design and build websites using HTML, CSS, and principles of web layout and aesthetic design. Additionally, they will explore the micro:bit, learning how to program with sensors and control structures to create hands-on projects.
The Florida Coding Fundamentals course introduces students to key concepts in computing, programming, and data management. They will learn programming basics using Karel, enhance problem-solving skills, and explore system administration, operating systems, and fundamental concepts of the internet. The course also covers cybersecurity, ethical digital communication, steganography, and spreadsheet skills for data analysis.
This Connecticut course is an introductory course for 6th grade. Students learn the basics of programming with Karel and Tracy, computing, and digital citizenship.
This course is a continued introduction to computer science for 7th grade. Students learn the basics of programming with Karel the Dog and learn how to code within the context of art and game design. Students also explore how the internet works and how to make web pages with HTML and CSS.
This course teaches students the basics of programming in Python. Students learn Python commands, functions, control structures, and user interaction by solving puzzles and writing creative programs for Tracy to follow.
The North Carolina Introduction to Computer Science course teaches students the foundational concepts of computing and their real-world applications. Students will explore topics such as cybersecurity, programming, data protection, artificial intelligence, responsible digital navigation, and the evolution of technology. By the end of the course, students will have a comprehensive understanding of these essential concepts and their impact on today's digital world.
This course places an emphasis on security integration, application of cybersecurity practices and devices, ethics, and best practices management. The fundamental skills in this course cover both in-house and external threats to network security and design, how to enforce network-level security policies, and how to safeguard an organization’s information.
The Tennessee Computer Science Foundations course introduces students to the core concepts of computing, programming, and digital literacy. Through hands-on projects and interactive modules, students explore web design, cybersecurity, cloud computing, data analysis, and advanced coding concepts. This course provides a strong foundation in computational thinking, problem-solving, and digital ethics, preparing students for further studies and careers in technology.
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