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One Month of Artificial Intelligence (2021) - Outline

  1. What is AI?

    1. 1.1 What is Artificial Intelligence?

    2. Video 1.1.1 What is Artificial Intelligence?
    3. Quiz 1.1.2 What is Artificial Intelligence?
    4. Connection 1.1.3 A Day in the Life of AI
    5. Free Response 1.1.4 A Day in the Life of AI
    6. Connection 1.1.5 Guess the Drawing
    7. Connection 1.1.6 Drawing with AI
    8. Free Response 1.1.7 Drawing with AI
    9. 1.2 Subsets of Artificial Intelligence

    10. Video 1.2.1 Subsets of Artificial Intelligence
    11. Quiz 1.2.2 Subsets of Artificial Intelligence
    12. Connection 1.2.3 Using a Natural Language Processor
    13. Free Response 1.2.4 Using a Natural Language Processor
    14. Notes 1.2.5 Teachable Machine Exploration
    15. Free Response 1.2.6 Teachable Machine Exploration
    16. Connection 1.2.7 Neural Network Playground
    17. 1.3 The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence

    18. Video 1.3.1 The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence
    19. Quiz 1.3.2 The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence
    20. Connection 1.3.3 Bias in Facial Recognition Software
    21. Free Response 1.3.4 Bias in Facial Recognition Software
    22. Notes 1.3.5 Testing a Biased Dataset
    23. Free Response 1.3.6 Debating the Ethics of Self Driving Cars
    24. 1.4 Project: Research an Ethical Dilemma in AI

    25. Free Response 1.4.1 Choosing An Ethical Dilemma
    26. Free Response 1.4.2 Researching Your Ethical Dilemma
    27. Free Response 1.4.3 Creating Your Ethical Presentation
    28. Free Response 1.4.4 Submit Your Ethical Presentation
  2. AI and Chatbots

    1. 2.1 Using Chatbots

    2. Video 2.1.1 What is a Chatbot?
    3. Quiz 2.1.2 What is a Chatbot?
    4. Notes 2.1.3 Turing Test and the Chatbot
    5. Free Response 2.1.4 Turing Test and the Chatbot Free Response
    6. Notes 2.1.5 AI Dungeon
    7. Free Response 2.1.6 AI Dungeon Free Response
    8. 2.2 Building a Rule Based Chatbot

    9. Connection 2.2.1 Building a Rule Based Chatbot
    10. Free Response 2.2.2 Building a Rule Based Chatbot Free Response
    11. Exercise 2.2.3 Create Menu + Options
    12. Exercise 2.2.4 Complete your Rule Based Chatbot
    13. 2.3 Building a Pattern Matching Chatbot

    14. Connection 2.3.1 Building a Pattern Matching Chatbot
    15. Free Response 2.3.2 Building a Pattern-Matching Chatbot Free Response
    16. Exercise 2.3.3 Process Requests
    17. Connection 2.3.4 Creating a Decision Tree
    18. Presentation 2.3.5 Creating a Decision Tree
    19. Exercise 2.3.6 Respond to Requests
    20. Free Response 2.3.7 Chatbot User Testing
    21. 2.4 Analyzing User Sentiment

    22. Video 2.4.1 File I/O
    23. Check for Understanding 2.4.2 File I/O
    24. Example 2.4.3 Accessing a File
    25. Example 2.4.4 Using Split to Access Words
    26. Exercise 2.4.5 Creating a Sentiment Dictionary
    27. Exercise 2.4.6 Getting Overall Sentiment
    28. Exercise 2.4.7 Adding User Sentiment to Chatbot
    29. 2.5 Creating an AI Chatbot

    30. Video 2.5.1 Creating an AI Chatbot
    31. Quiz 2.5.2 Creating an AI Chatbot
    32. Example 2.5.3 A Simple Chatbot
    33. Exercise 2.5.4 Your First AI Chatbot
    34. Example 2.5.5 Chatbot with Chatterbox Trainers
    35. Exercise 2.5.6 Your First AI Chatbot with CorpusTrainer
    36. Exercise 2.5.7 Teaching your AI Chatbot
    37. 2.6 Project: Informational Chatbot

    38. Resource 2.6.1 Project Requirements
    39. Free Response 2.6.2 Project Brainstorm
    40. Exercise 2.6.3 Build Your Distinct Conversations
    41. Challenge 2.6.4 Build Your Informational Chatbot
    42. Free Response 2.6.5 User Testing Questionnaire
    43. Free Response 2.6.6 User Testing Analysis
    44. Challenge 2.6.7 Fine Tune Your Informational Chatbot