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WCSD Python II


  1. Functions and Exceptions

    1. 1.1 Functions

    2. Description
    3. Objective
    4. 1.2 Functions and Parameters

    5. Description
    6. Objective
    7. 1.3 Namespaces in Functions

    8. Description
    9. Objective
    10. 1.4 Functions and Return Values

    11. Description
    12. Objective
    13. 1.5 Exceptions

    14. Description
    15. Objective
    16. 1.6 Functions & Exceptions Quiz

    17. Description
    18. Objective
  2. Strings

    1. 2.1 Indexing

    2. Description
    3. Objective
    4. 2.2 Slicing

    5. Description
    6. Objective
    7. 2.3 Immutability

    8. Description
    9. Objective
    10. 2.4 Strings and For Loops

    11. Description
    12. Objective
    13. 2.5 The in Keyword

    14. Description
    15. Objective
    16. 2.6 String Methods

    17. Description
    18. Objective
    19. 2.7 Strings Quiz

    20. Description
    21. Objective
  3. Creating and Altering Data Structures

    1. 3.1 Tuples

    2. Description
    3. Objective
    4. 3.2 Lists

    5. Description
    6. Objective
    7. 3.3 For Loops and Lists

    8. Description
    9. Objective
    10. 3.4 List Methods

    11. Description
    12. Objective
    13. 3.5 Creating and Altering Data Structures Quiz

    14. Description
    15. Objective
  4. Extending Data Structures

    1. 4.1 2d Lists

    2. Description
    3. Objective
    4. 4.2 List Comprehensions

    5. Description
    6. Objective
    7. 4.3 Packing and Unpacking

    8. Description
    9. Objective
    10. 4.4 Dictionaries

    11. Description
    12. Objective
    13. 4.5 Equivalence vs. Identity

    14. Description
    15. Objective
    16. 4.6 Extending Data Structures Quiz

    17. Description
    18. Objective
  5. Project: Guess the Word

    1. 5.1 Project: Guess the Word

    2. Description
    3. Objective
    4. 5.2 Intro to Computer Science in Python Completed

    5. Description
    6. Objective
  6. Final Exam

    1. 6.1 Final Exam

    2. Description
    3. Objective