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Codificación en la ciencia

Codificación en la ciencia es una serie de módulos independientes que utilizan la programación para reforzar y ampliar los conocimientos científicos de los alumnos. A medida que aprendan los principales conceptos de programación, desarrollarán proyectos relacionados con la ciencia que demuestren su dominio tanto de la ciencia como de la informática.

Overview & Highlights

Middle School, High School
Contact Hours

Course Overview

To view the entire syllabus, click here or click to explore the full course.

Gravedad de la codificación
[Middle or High School, 4-6 Hours] Students learn about the Universal Law of Gravity as they develop and use their own gravity simulation to explore its various effects.
Generador de Punnett Square
[High School, 2-4 Hours] Students use Turtle Graphics in Python to create their own Punnett Square generator by using if/else statements, string indexing, and string methods to print the genotypes from each allele pair.
Explorar las colisiones
[High School, 2-4 Hours] Students use JavaScript graphics to create their own elastic collision simulation using conservation of momentum and kinetic energy equations.
Simulación de pelota que rebota
[High School, 2-4 Hours] Students create a bouncing ball simulation in JavaScript, complete with gravity and collisions!

Offline Handouts

Demo Programs

Explore programs that your students will build throughout this course!

Course Resources

Here are a few examples of teacher resources and materials to use in the Codificación en la ciencia course

Customizable Assignments

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