Standards in this Framework
Standard | Description |
9.AP.1a | Decompose a problem or process into sub-components. |
9.AP.1b | Recognize characteristics or patterns to determine commonalities. |
9.AP.1c | Abstract relevant information to identify essential details. |
9.AP.1d | Use pseudocode and/or flowcharts to address complex problems as algorithms. |
9.AP.2a | Identify the goal and objectives of the program. |
9.AP.2b | Plan for the design or prototype of the program. |
9.AP.2c | Develop an outline for the program’s functionality. |
9.AP.2d | Engage with peers to collect feedback on relevant aspects. |
9.AP.3a | Read and interpret algorithms expressed using plain language, pseudocode, and block-based or text-based programming languages. |
9.AP.3b | Create an algorithm using plain language, pseudocode, or diagrams. |
9.AP.3c | Implement programs that accept input values, use variables, and produce output. |
9.AP.3d | Write and test algorithms using block-based or text-based programming languages. |
9.AP.4a | Trace a program for accuracy. |
9.AP.4b | Analyze and describe the results of a program for validity. |
9.AP.4c | Revise and improve an algorithm to resolve errors or produce desired outcomes. |
9.AP.4d | Document programs to improve the ability to trace, test, and debug. |
18.AP.1a | Categorize problems as classification, prediction, combinational search, or sequential decision problems. |
18.AP.1b | Determine when problems can be solved with programs and automation. |
18.AP.1c | Create a variety of programs while considering the needs and preferences of diverse user groups. |
18.AP.1d | Utilize existing code, media, and libraries into original programs, and give attribution. |
18.AP.2a | Predict and test the outcome or output of multiple test cases. |
18.AP.2b | Verify and refine the program based on the outcome of multiple test cases. |
18.AP.3a | Collaboratively plan, design, and revise programs. |
18.AP.3b | Explain design choices, including constraints, and audiences. |
18.AP.3c | Provide constructive feedback through peer review. |
18.AP.3d | Reflect on collaborative experiences. |
18.AP.4a | Analyze and decompose a problem. |
18.AP.4b | Use abstraction to determine a solution to a problem. |
18.AP.5a | Identify characteristics of block-based and text-based coding languages. |
18.AP.5b | Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of block-based and text-based coding languages. |
36.AP.1a | Identify problems that can be solved with a program. |
36.AP.1b | Justify a proposed solution to a problem. |
36.AP.1c | Use project management tools to support collaboration. |
36.AP.1d | Engage in peer review and incorporate evaluative feedback through the design process. |
36.AP.1e | Incorporate feedback provided through peer review to refine prototypes. |
36.AP.2a | Decompose problems into subcomponents to facilitate the creation of a program. |
36.AP.2b | Use documentation to explain the purpose of a section of code and its relationship to other parts of a program. |
36.AP.2c | Evaluate the limitations of models, algorithms, and programs considering multiple perspectives. |
36.AP.2d | Systematically test and refine programs. |
36.AP.3a | Read and write programs that combine loops and conditional control structures. |
36.AP.3b | Read and write programs using functions and procedures. |
9.CSY.1a | Explain the structure and function of hardware and software in computing devices. |
9.CSY.1b | Describe the interactions of hardware and software in computing systems. |
9.CSY.1c | Evaluate the usability of hardware and software from different perspectives. |
9.CSY.2a | Abstract the problems with computing devices and apply appropriate troubleshooting strategies. |
9.CSY.2b | Propose and implement solutions to a variety of hardware and software problems. |
18.CSY.1a | Explain the interactions of hardware and software components when collecting and exchanging data |
18.CSY.1b | Justify the selection of hardware and software components for project designs by considering multiple factors: functionality, cost, size, speed, accessibility, and data bias. |
18.CSY.2a | Evaluate design and user operability to assess user accessibility, hardware and software performance, and compatibility. |
18.CSY.2b | Develop and apply criteria to evaluate a computing system for a given purpose and its intended environment. |
36.CSY.1a | Analyze and evaluate the design of a computing device for the end user |
36.CSY.1b | Propose recommendations for improvements to a computing device to include accessibility, functionality, cost, size, speed, accessibility, data bias, and aesthetics. |
36.CSY.1c | Investigate additional improvements available through emerging technologies. |
9.CYB.1a | Describe how cyber-attacks can affect a computing system |
9.CYB.1b | Compare and contrast safe and unsafe computing practices. |
9.CYB.1c | Explore how industries and emerging technologies are addressing cyber solutions. |
9.CYB.1d | Model common prevention practices for cyber-attacks. |
18.CYB.1a | Create strategies for protecting information. |
18.CYB.1b | Describe the benefits and drawbacks of each type of information. |
18.CYB.1c | Analyze the impact of misclassified information. |
18.CYB.1d | Outline common causes and reasons for data breaches involving information. |
18.CYB.1e | Describe the role of social engineering and human error in data breaches. |
36.CYB.1a | Identify different types of data that can be encrypted. |
36.CYB.1b | Use simple encryption and decryption strategies to encode and decode a message. |
9.DA.1a | Identify and use computing technologies to collect data sets. |
9.DA.1b | Evaluate data sets and visualizations for limitations, reliability, and bias. |
9.DA.1c | Identify encoding schemes used to represent similar data. |
9.DA.1d | Transform data utilizing decomposition, pattern recognition, and abstraction to make inferences, predictions, and decisions about real-world phenomena. |
9.DA.1e | Explore how machine learning, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and emerging technologies automate data analysis. |
18.DA.1a | Create representations and visualizations of data. |
18.DA.1b | Assess data reliability and biases in the data collection process, data visualizations, and existing automation. |
18.DA.1c | Use and evaluate various schemes to represent data. |
18.DA.1d | Explore how emerging technologies including Artificial Intelligence (AI) organize data, make decisions, and formulate predictions. |
36.DA.1a | Communicate the significance of data visualizations and computation models in the real-world. |
36.DA.1b | Use existing data visualizations that refresh in real-time to make predictions about real-world phenomena. |
36.DA.1c | Create interactive data visualizations of real-world phenomena. |
9.IC.1a | Compare and contrast the benefits and risks of everyday use of computing technologies and their influences on daily life and society. |
9.IC.1b | Discuss issues of digital citizenship, ethics, bias, and accessibility in relation to computing technologies and the Internet. |
9.IC.1c | Identify and describe significant historical figures that made an impact in the computer science field. |
9.IC.2a | Investigate physical health effects associated with excessive screen time to include risk of obesity and related health issues. |
9.IC.2b | Investigate social and emotional effects associated with excessive screen time to include development of social skills and emotional intelligence. |
9.IC.2c | Investigate cognitive effects associated with excessive screen time to include the impact on attention span, concentration, and ability to focus. |
9.IC.2d | Analyze and differentiate between the use of technology and screen time for instructional benefits compared to recreational activities. |
9.IC.2e | Synthesize and report findings of the screen time usage and impact on one’s mental and physical health. |
9.IC.3a | Research computer science and information technology career pathways. |
9.IC.3b | Discuss careers that use computer science skills and practices. |
18.IC.1a | Identify correlations between historical developments in computing technologies and changes in society, including automated decision-making and emerging computing technologies. |
18.IC.1b | Explain how computing technologies can positively and negatively impact communities in Virginia and globally. |
18.IC.1c | Examine how risk and benefits have changed based on the development of computing technologies. |
18.IC.2a | Identify computer science related careers that relate to the student’s interest |
18.IC.2b | Evaluate different computer science related careers and develop a career plan. |
36.IC.1a | Describe tradeoffs between allowing information to be public and keeping information private and secure. |
36.IC.1b | Evaluate policies, laws, and regulations for computing technologies. |
36.IC.1c | Propose strategies to mitigate risks and increase benefits of computing technologies. |
36.IC.1d | Assess the benefits and drawbacks of using Internet technologies by considering factors such as: data storage, cost, speed, reliability, and privacy. |
9.NI.1a | Explain the role of networks and the Internet in different computing contexts: gaming, web browsing, communication, streaming, or other common use cases. |
9.NI.1b | Identify and describe hardware and software components that make up the Internet. |
9.NI.1c | Explain how hardware and software components can be combined to collect and exchange data. |
9.NI.1d | Compare and contrast different methods of data transfer. |
18.NI.1a | Define packet, protocol, server, and router. |
18.NI.1b | Analyze the role of computing devices in transmitting data. |
18.NI.1c | Model how data is transmitted across networks and the Internet. |
36.NI.1a | Define client, server, router, and switches. |
36.NI.1b | Identify how computing devices collect and exchange data. |
36.NI.1c | Compare and contrast network topologies. |
36.NI.1d | Illustrate the arrangement of topology among elements of a network. |
36.NI.1e | Model how information is transmitted amongst multiple computing devices within a network. |