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Standards Mapping

for Virginia 7


Standards in this Framework


Standards Mapped


Mapped to Course

Standard Lessons
The student will construct programs to accomplish a task as a means of creative expression or scientific exploration using a block based or text based programming language, both independently and collaboratively, a) combining control structures such as if-statements and loops including compound conditionals; and b) creating clearly named variables that represent different data types, including numeric and non-numeric data, and perform operations on their values.
  1. 4.1 Programming Concepts
  2. 4.2 Programming with Karel
  3. 4.3 Looping
  4. 21.1 Challenge Problems
  5. 22.1 Booleans
  6. 22.2 Logical Operators
  7. 22.3 Comparison Operators
  8. 22.4 If Statements
  9. 22.5 For Loops in JavaScript
  10. 22.6 General For Loops
  11. 22.7 For Loop Practice
  12. 22.9 While Loops
  13. 22.10 Loop and a Half
The student will document programs to make them easier to follow, test, and debug.
  1. 4.6 Organizational Techniques
The student will distribute tasks and maintain a project timeline when collaboratively developing computational artifacts.
The student will decompose problems and subproblems into parts to facilitate the design, implementation, and review of programs.
The student will describe how the Internet connects devices and networks all over the world. Exclusion: Specific devices used to implement the Internet are beyond the scope of these standards.
  1. 9.1 Introduction to the Internet
  2. 9.4 Internet Hardware and Sending Information
  3. 9.7 Routing
  4. 9.8 Packets & Protocols
  5. 10.3 Network Devices
The student will explain how physical and digital security measures protect electronic information.
  1. 1.4 The CIA Triad
  2. 2.3 Internet Safety
  3. 2.4 Privacy & Security
  4. 7.6 Application Security
  5. 8.9 Common Security Problems
The student will identify existing cybersecurity concerns associated with Internet use and Internet-based systems and potential options to address these issues.
  1. 1.2 What is Cybersecurity?
  2. 1.3 Impact of Cybersecurity
  3. 1.4 The CIA Triad
  4. 2.3 Internet Safety
  5. 2.4 Privacy & Security
  6. 7.7 Browser Configuration
  7. 8.9 Common Security Problems
  8. 8.10 SQL Injection Overview
  9. 8.11 Types of SQLi and Prevention
  10. 10.4 Storage Options
  11. 10.6 Network Communication
The student will discuss the correctness of a model representing a system by comparing the model’s generated results with data that were observed in the system being modeled.
The student will refine computational models based on the data they have generated.
The student will explain how advances in technology have contributed to Virginia’s prosperity and role in the global economy.
  1. 9.10 Impact of the Internet
The student will describe the development of new technologies in communication, entertainment, and business and their impact on American life.
  1. 7.4 Software and Applications
  2. 9.10 Impact of the Internet
The student will explore careers related to the Internet.
  1. 8.4 Databases
  2. 8.9 Common Security Problems
The student will outline the advantages and disadvantages of transmitting information over the Internet, including speed, reliability, cost and security.
  1. 2.4 Privacy & Security
  2. 8.9 Common Security Problems
  3. 9.4 Internet Hardware and Sending Information
  4. 9.10 Impact of the Internet
The student will explain why protocols are necessary in data transmission. Model the role of protocols in transmitting data across networks and the Internet.
  1. 9.1 Introduction to the Internet
  2. 9.5 Internet Addresses
  3. 9.6 Domain Name System (DNS)
  4. 9.7 Routing
  5. 9.8 Packets & Protocols
The student will model how information is broken down into smaller pieces, transmitted as packets through multiple devices over networks and the Internet, and reassembled at the destination.
  1. 9.8 Packets & Protocols