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Standards Mapping

for Tennessee Middle School


Standards in this Framework


Standards Mapped


Mapped to Course

Standard Lessons
Analyze the advantages and limitations of existing computing devices to improve user experience.
  1. 4.3 Hardware
  2. 4.5 Internet of Things
Demonstrate skills in identifying and solving hardware and software problems that can occur during regular usage.
  1. 4.3 Hardware
Apply computational thinking to a variety of problems across multiple disciplines.
  1. 1.3 The Rabbit Chase
  2. 1.4 Lost in Space
  3. 2.2 A Day at the Park
  4. 3.3 A Day at the Carnival
  5. 3.4 Under the Sea
  6. 9.4 Intro to JavaScript
  7. 9.5 Variables
  8. 9.9 Your First Sprites
  9. 9.10 The Physics of Sprites
  10. 10.9 Complete Your Homepage
Understand how collaboration is essential to computer science and apply collaborative skills to develop computational solutions.
Use clearly named variables of various data types to create generalized algorithms.
  1. 3.4 Under the Sea
  2. 8.3 Variables
  3. 9.5 Variables
  4. 9.9 Your First Sprites
Create algorithms which include methods of controlling the flow of computation using “if…then… else” type conditional statements to perform different operations depending on the values of inputs.
  1. 1.4 Lost in Space
  2. 2.1 Quest for the Rosetta Stone
  3. 2.2 A Day at the Park
  4. 5.7 If/Else Statements
  5. 5.8 While Loops
  6. 5.9 Karel Challenges
  7. 8.7 Direction
  8. 8.8 Mouse Data
  9. 8.9 Keyboard Data
Identify algorithms that make use of sequencing, selection, or iteration.
  1. 1.3 The Rabbit Chase
  2. 1.4 Lost in Space
  3. 2.1 Quest for the Rosetta Stone
  4. 2.2 A Day at the Park
  5. 3.3 A Day at the Carnival
  6. 3.4 Under the Sea
  7. 5.4 Multiple Functions
  8. 5.5 For Loops
  9. 5.6 Conditional Statements
  10. 5.7 If/Else Statements
  11. 5.8 While Loops
  12. 5.9 Karel Challenges
  13. 8.4 The Draw Loop
  14. 8.5 Color Transitions
  15. 8.6 Shape Transformations
  16. 8.7 Direction
  17. 8.8 Mouse Data
  18. 8.9 Keyboard Data
Describe how algorithmic processes and automation increase efficiency
  1. 1.4 Lost in Space
  2. 5.5 For Loops
  3. 5.7 If/Else Statements
  4. 5.8 While Loops
  5. 5.9 Karel Challenges
Represent data using multiple encoding schemes, such as decimal, binary, Unicode, Morse code, Shorthand, student-created codes.
  1. 8.2 Color
Refine computational models based on the data they have generated.
  1. 12.6 Models
Collect, analyze, transform, and refine computational data to make it more useful and reliable.
  1. 12.5 Visualizing Data
  2. 12.7 Project: Statistical Questions
  3. 12.8 Project: Data Storytelling
  4. 12.9 Project: Tell Your Story
Identify and employ appropriate troubleshooting techniques used to solve computing or connectivity issues.
  1. 5.2 Karel's World
  2. 5.3 Functions
  3. 5.4 Multiple Functions
  4. 5.8 While Loops
  5. 5.9 Karel Challenges
Differentiate between secure and non-secure websites and applications including how they affect and use personal data
  1. 6.4 Cybersecurity
  2. 7.3 Internet Safety
  3. 7.4 Privacy & Security
Describe the causes and effects of intellectual property as it relates to print and digital media, considering copyright, fair use, licensing, sharing, and attribution.
  1. 7.6 Creative Credit & Copyright
Compare and contrast common methods of securing data and cybersecurity.
  1. 6.4 Cybersecurity
  2. 6.5 The CIA Triad
Analyze different modes of social engineering and their effectiveness.
  1. 6.4 Cybersecurity
Decompose problems and subproblems into parts to facilitate the design, implementation, and review of programs.
  1. 2.2 A Day at the Park
  2. 5.3 Functions
  3. 5.4 Multiple Functions
  4. 5.7 If/Else Statements
  5. 5.8 While Loops
  6. 5.9 Karel Challenges
  7. 9.4 Intro to JavaScript
  8. 9.7 Program Structure
Create procedures with parameters that hide the complexity of a task and can be reused to solve similar tasks.
  1. 3.4 Under the Sea
Seek and incorporate feedback from team members and users to refine a solution that meets user needs.
  1. 12.9 Project: Tell Your Story
  2. 13.7 Create Your Site!
Provide proper attribution when incorporating existing code, media, and libraries into original programs.
  1. 7.6 Creative Credit & Copyright
Use the iterative design process to systematically test and refine programs to improve performance and eliminate errors.
  1. 13.7 Create Your Site!
Document programs using comments and/or README files to make them easier to follow, test, and debug.
  1. 5.4 Multiple Functions
  2. 5.7 If/Else Statements
  3. 5.8 While Loops
  4. 5.9 Karel Challenges
Design a function using a programming language.
  1. 2.2 A Day at the Park
  2. 3.4 Under the Sea
  3. 5.3 Functions
  4. 5.4 Multiple Functions
  5. 5.5 For Loops
  6. 5.6 Conditional Statements
  7. 5.7 If/Else Statements
  8. 5.8 While Loops
  9. 5.9 Karel Challenges
Identify and evaluate the impacts computer science innovations have had on our society.
  1. 4.7 The Future of Computing
  2. 6.3 Impact of the Internet
Identify how computational systems are being used to collect and analyze information both public and private and understand the benefits and disadvantages of these systems for the user and developer
  1. 6.4 Cybersecurity
  2. 12.1 Your World in Numbers
Cite evidence of the positive and negative effects of data permanence on personal and professional digital identity.
  1. 7.1 Digital Footprint and Reputation
Discuss digital globalization and Internet censorship.
  1. 6.3 Impact of the Internet
  2. 7.8 Project: Public Service Announcement
Investigate a variety of education pathways and career options that utilize computational thinking and/or computer science skills across the state of Tennessee and the world.