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Elementary Standards Mapping

for SC CS K-5


Standards in this Framework

Standard Lessons
Recognize a program to use for word processing.
Recognize a program to use for creating presentations.
    Research Presentations Digital Research 2: Choice Research
Understand safety rules when using a computing device.
    Online Etiquette
Learn how to protect personal information (e.g., username, password).
Locate letter and number keys.
    Keyboard Introduction
Identify traditional computing devices (e.g., tablets, smartphones, desktops, laptops) and non-traditional computing devices (e.g., microwave, oven, car).
    Input Devices Computer Basics
Recognize that people use computing devices to perform tasks.
    Computer Basics
Use appropriate terminology in naming and identifying hardware (e.g., monitor, keyboard, mouse, earbuds, headphones, printer).
    Input Devices Computer Basics
Learn to handle computing devices with proper care (e.g., do not place food or drink near a computer or tablet; hold tablets or laptops with both hands when transporting them).
    Input Devices Computer Basics
Identify simple hardware problems (e.g., computer is not plugged into power source).
    Computer Detectives: Computer Problems
Recognize that people can communicate with others by using connected computing devices (e.g., cell phones, tablets).
    Input Devices Impacts of Technology in Our World Networks and the Internet
Recognize that data can be collected and stored on different computing devices over time (e.g., progress in a video game).
    Get Organized with Files Data Storage with Symbols
Recognize that data can be retrieved from different computing devices (e.g., progress in a video game; pictures from a smartphone).
    Get Organized with Files Data Storage with Symbols
Identify and give examples of data (e.g., lunch choice, weather conditions).
    Research Presentations Digital Research 1: Guided Research Advanced Data and Programming Data Patterns and Predictions Basic Data and Programming Project Get Organized with Files
Recognize data displayed in picture graphs.
    Research Presentations Digital Research 1: Guided Research Advanced Data and Programming Data Patterns and Predictions Basic Data and Programming Project
Draw conclusions and make predictions from picture graphs (e.g., make predictions based on weather data presented in a picture graph).
    Research Presentations Digital Research 1: Guided Research Advanced Data and Programming Data Patterns and Predictions Basic Data and Programming Project
List different ways in which computing devices are used in your daily life.
    Input Devices Computer Basics Impacts of Technology in Our World Networks and the Internet Get Organized with Files Data Storage with Symbols What Can AI Do?
Discover how some tasks can be completed with or without a computing device.
List different computing devices used for communication.
    Input Devices Computer Basics Networks and the Internet
Produce a simple sentence using word processing software.
Create a simple presentation with text and/or image.
    Research Presentations Digital Research 2: Choice Research
Demonstrate appropriate behaviors toward others when using a connected computing device.
    Online Etiquette
Recognize and avoid harmful behaviors (e.g., sharing private information).
    Impacts of Technology in Our World Online Etiquette Keeping Information Safe
Demonstrate how to log in and log out from a connected computing device.
Recognize the importance of logging out from a connected computing device.
Recognize the difference between public and private information (e.g., personal information).
Locate and use letter and number keys.
    Keyboard Introduction
Demonstrate the location of the home row keys.
Develop proper keyboarding technique when keying letters and numbers (e.g., use both hands; utilize proper finger placement on home row keys; use letter and number keys).
    Keyboard Introduction
Identify tasks that can be performed with computing devices.
    Input Devices Computer Basics
Recognize some computing devices (e.g., computer, smartphone) can perform a variety of tasks and some computing devices are specialized (e.g., navigation system, game controller).
    Computer Basics
Use appropriate terminology in naming and identifying software (e.g., web browser, application).
    Input Devices Computer Basics Digital Research 2: Choice Research
Recognize that software acts on the input to affect the output (e.g., clicking on a mouse opens a program or application; typing on a keyboard displays letters on a screen).
    Input Devices
Identify and describe simple hardware problems. (e.g., headphones, keyboard, and/or mouse not plugged into the correct port).
    Computer Detectives: Computer Problems
Identify and describe simple software problems (e.g., volume too soft/loud).
    Computer Detectives: Computer Problems
Recognize that the internet can be used to gather information.
    Digital Research 1: Guided Research Advanced Data and Programming Data Storage and Variables Basic Data and Programming Project Data Storage with Symbols Variables: Keeping Score
Identify ways to connect with other people (e.g., direct message, voice talk, email, video chat).
    Impacts of Technology in Our World Networks and the Internet
Recognize that a variety of data (e.g., music, video, images, text) can be stored in and retrieved from a computing device.
    Advanced Data and Programming Data Storage and Variables Basic Data and Programming Project Get Organized with Files Data Storage with Symbols Variables: Keeping Score
Identify computing devices (e.g., digital thermometer, video game) that collect and display data.
    Input Devices Computer Basics Impacts of Technology in Our World What Can AI Do?
Recognize data displayed in picture graphs, T-charts, tallies, and bar graphs.
    Research Presentations Digital Research 1: Guided Research Advanced Data and Programming Data Patterns and Predictions Basic Data and Programming Project
Draw conclusions and make predictions from different types of graphs (i.e., object graphs, picture graphs, bar graphs).
    Research Presentations Digital Research 1: Guided Research Advanced Data and Programming Data Patterns and Predictions Basic Data and Programming Project
Recognize that many different careers use computing devices.
    Careers in CS: Litter Free Communities Careers in CS: Coding for Fashion-Retail
Describe how some tasks can be completed with or without a computing device.
Describe the different ways people can communicate using computing devices.
    Input Devices Computer Basics Networks and the Internet
Create text documents using a word processing program.
Format a text document using a word processing program (e.g., change font style, including underline, italicize, bold; change font size).
Create a multi-slide presentation with graphics or images using presentation software (e.g., create a new slide; rearrange slides).
Demonstrate how to use appropriate behavior when sending messages online.
    Online Etiquette
Recognize how to credit work found online (e.g., image, photograph).
    Giving Credit Through Attributions
Identify the characteristics of a strong password.
Discuss the effects of password misuse.
Locate and use letter, number, and punctuation keys.
    Keyboard Introduction
Demonstrate the use of function keys (e.g., shift, enter, backspace, delete, spacebar)
Develop proper keyboarding technique when keying letters, numbers, and symbols (e.g., use both hands; utilize proper finger placement on home row keys; use letter, number, and punctuation keys).
    Keyboard Introduction
Classify computing devices according to purpose (e.g., navigation, game, communication, all-purpose).
Recognize that computing devices have limitations (e.g., printing, screen size, mobility).
Choose the appropriate computing device to complete a given task.
    Computer Basics
Describe the function of common computing devices and components (e.g., desktop computer, laptop computer, tablet, monitor, keyboard, mouse, printer).
    Input Devices
Recognize software that controls computing devices (e.g., use an application to draw on the screen; use software to write a story or control robots).
    Dash® Robot Storytelling Dash® Robot Mazes Introduction to LEGO® Spike Essential Introduction to Coding with LEGO® SPIKE Essential LEGO® SPIKE Essential: Design a Moving Statue LEGO® SPIKE Essential: Design for Changing Weather
Use appropriate hardware and software to complete a given task.
    Computer Basics
Recognize the difference between a simple hardware problem and a simple software problem (e.g., sound problem can mean headphones are unplugged (hardware) or sound is muted (software)).
    Computer Detectives: Computer Problems
Gather information from the internet with supervision.
    Research Presentations Digital Research 1: Guided Research
Identify email as one way to communicate digitally.
    Impacts of Technology in Our World Networks and the Internet
Use technology to work cooperatively and collaboratively with peers, teachers, and others.
    Design an Adventure Game Maze Game Project Moving Targets Game
Recognize where data is stored (i.e., on the computing device or elsewhere).
    Get Organized with Files
Store data (e.g., image, music) to a computing device.
Retrieve data (e.g., image, music) from a computing device.
    Research Presentations Digital Research 1: Guided Research Data Patterns and Predictions Basic Data and Programming Project
Identify different ways and tools to collect data.
    Research Presentations Digital Research 1: Guided Research Advanced Data and Programming Data Patterns and Predictions Basic Data and Programming Project
Collect, organize, and display data using object graphs, picture graphs, and bar graphs.
    Research Presentations Digital Research 1: Guided Research Advanced Data and Programming Data Patterns and Predictions Basic Data and Programming Project
Recognize how different data displays communicate information in different ways.
    Input Devices Computer Basics
Transform data into a new representation (i.e., object graphs, picture graphs, bar graphs, charts).
    Research Presentations Digital Research 1: Guided Research Advanced Data and Programming Data Patterns and Predictions Basic Data and Programming Project Get Organized with Files
Draw conclusions and make predictions from different types of graphs (i.e., picture graphs, bar graphs).
    Research Presentations Digital Research 1: Guided Research Advanced Data and Programming Data Patterns and Predictions Basic Data and Programming Project
Identify the ways that computing has changed throughout society.
    Impacts of Technology in Our World Careers in CS: Litter Free Communities Careers in CS: Coding for Fashion-Retail What Can AI Do?
Demonstrate how some tasks can be completed with or without a computing device.
    What Can AI Do?
Explore similarities and differences between in-person and online communications.
Create documents (e.g., essays, letters) using a word processing program.
    Introduction to Google Docs™ Introduction to Microsoft Word™ Productivity Software Inquiry Project
Edit and format a document using a word processing program to check spelling, change fonts, and change margins.
    Introduction to Google Docs™ Introduction to Microsoft Word™ Productivity Software Inquiry Project
Format a presentation using presentation software to insert an image/video, change background colors, and change text color.
    Introduction to Google Slides™ Introduction to Microsoft PowerPoint™ Productivity Software Inquiry Project
Understand that bullets are a way to organize a list.
    Introduction to Google Docs™ Introduction to Microsoft Word™ Productivity Software Inquiry Project
Demonstrate proper digital etiquette appropriate to the medium (e.g., not using all capital letters in an email).
    Digital Identity
Recognize the disparity with regards to access to technology around the world and discuss ways in which digital equality may be reached.
    Technology Timeline
Understand the importance of acceptable use policies (e.g., to enforce safe internet usage among all members of the community).
    Internet Positivity (Unplugged) Strong Usernames and Passwords Digital Identity
Distinguish between online content that is open and free to use and content that is protected by copyright.
    Giving Credit Through Attributions
Understand the notion of "digital footprint" and the permanence and trackability associated with online communication (e.g., email, social media).
    Digital Identity
Demonstrate proper keyboarding technique when keying letters, numbers, and symbols at a rate of 5 words per minute.
Use software capabilities to correct errors.
    Computer Detectives: Hardware and Software Problems Introduction to Google Docs™ Introduction to Microsoft Word™
Compare and contrast computing devices (e.g., tablets, laptops, smartphones).
    How Computing Systems Work
Identify the parts of a computing device (e.g., input devices, output devices, processors).
    How Computing Systems Work
Identify actions (e.g., opening a file; closing a window) that are specific to an operating system (e.g., Windows, MacOS, Android, iOS).
    Data Storage
Compare operating systems to application software (e.g., word processor, spreadsheet, presentation software, web browser).
    How Computing Systems Work Introduction to Productivity Software
Troubleshoot simple hardware problems that may occur during use (e.g., hardware is plugged in or batteries charged; sound is muted/unmuted).
    Computer Detectives: Hardware and Software Problems
Troubleshoot simple software problems that may occur during use (e.g., refresh or close a web browser; close a program).
    Computer Detectives: Hardware and Software Problems Introduction to Productivity Software
Identify and distinguish between wireless and wired connections.
    Networks, Packets, and the Internet
Communicate electronically with others with support from peers, teachers, and others.
    Online Collaboration
Recognize particular websites as sources of research.
    Research: Effective Keywords Productivity Software Inquiry Project
Understand the different types of data storage (e.g., flash drives, hard drives, cloud storage).
    Data Storage
Identify various kinds of data (e.g., text, images, sounds, numbers).
    Data Storage
Discuss appropriate tools for collecting data.
    Programming and Data Project
Represent data with bar graphs.
    Inquiry Project: Survey Bar Graph Inquiry Project: Data Bar Graph Inquiry Project: Line Graph
Interpret and analyze given data (i.e., tables).
    Programming and Data Project Inquiry Project: Survey Bar Graph Inquiry Project: Data Bar Graph Inquiry Project: Line Graph
Draw conclusions from different types of graphs (i.e., scaled bar graphs, line plots).
    Inquiry Project: Survey Bar Graph Inquiry Project: Data Bar Graph Inquiry Project: Line Graph
Discuss factors that impact accuracy.
    Inquiry Project: Survey Bar Graph Inquiry Project: Data Bar Graph Inquiry Project: Line Graph
Describe a daily task as a sequence of steps.
    Sequences: Parallel Programming Computational Thinking: Design an Obstacle Course Computational Thinking: Design a School Computational Thinking: Design a Neighborhood
Describe, using picture models, an ordered list of steps to perform a simple task.
    Sequences: Parallel Programming Computational Thinking: Design an Obstacle Course Computational Thinking: Design a School Computational Thinking: Design a Neighborhood
Identify a simple task (e.g., eating breakfast; brushing your teeth; walking to the bus stop).
    Computational Thinking: Design an Obstacle Course Computational Thinking: Design a School Computational Thinking: Design a Neighborhood
Identify a complex task (e.g., getting ready for school).
    Computational Thinking: Design an Obstacle Course Computational Thinking: Design a School Computational Thinking: Design a Neighborhood
Use picture directions to design a series of steps to complete a simple task.
    Sequences: Parallel Programming Computational Thinking: Design an Obstacle Course Computational Thinking: Design a School Computational Thinking: Design a Neighborhood
Test a series of directions to successfully complete a simple task.
    Sequences: Parallel Programming
List examples of how computing technology has changed and improved the way people live, work, and interact.
    Technology Timeline Ethical and Responsible Use of Generative AI AI Products: Ethical and Responsible Choices Humans Vs. Machines
Identify and discuss the relevance and appropriateness of various electronic information sources (e.g., online databases such as Discus; web search engines).
Create various documents (e.g., essays, posters) using a word processing program and including graphics (e.g., images, headlines).
    Introduction to Google Docs™ Introduction to Microsoft Word™ Productivity Software Inquiry Project
Edit and format a document using a word processing program to insert, delete and move material within the document.
    Introduction to Google Docs™ Introduction to Microsoft Word™ Productivity Software Inquiry Project
Format a presentation using presentation software to resize an image, change fonts, and change style.
    Productivity Software Inquiry Project
Insert and modify a bulleted list in a word processor and presentation software.
    Introduction to Google Docs™ Introduction to Microsoft Word™ Productivity Software Inquiry Project
Discuss methods for digital communication (e.g., email, instant messaging) and determine the best method for specific needs (e.g., quickly sending large amounts of information).
Recognize and describe the potential risks and benefits associated with various forms of digital communication.
    Our Words Have Power (Cyberbullying) Online Collaboration
Identify cyberbullying and describe potential strategies to manage and eliminate cyberbullying.
    Our Words Have Power (Cyberbullying)
Distinguish legal from illegal processes for downloading, sharing, and modifying online content.
    Giving Credit Through Attributions
Demonstrate proper keyboarding technique when keying letters, numbers, and symbols at a rate of 10 words per minute.
Use software capabilities to correct errors.
    How Computing Systems Work Computer Detectives: Hardware and Software Problems
Describe what distinguishes humans from machines.
    Training AI Using Data Machine Learning: Face Sensing Machine Learning: Teachable Machine Humans Vs. Machines
Identify a variety of computing devices and their functionality (e.g., mobility; available applications such as word processing; communication).
Describe the major hardware components (e.g., memory, processor) of a computing device (e.g., tablets, laptops, smartphones).
    How Computing Systems Work Data Storage Computer Detectives: Hardware and Software Problems
Explore the limitations and advantages of various computing devices for particular uses.
    How Computing Systems Work Training AI Using Data Machine Learning: Face Sensing Machine Learning: Teachable Machine Humans Vs. Machines
Explore application software (e.g., word processor, spreadsheet, presentation software, web browser).
    How Computing Systems Work Introduction to Google Docs™ Introduction to Microsoft Word™ Introduction to Google Slides™ Introduction to Google Sheets™ Introduction to Microsoft Excel™ Introduction to Microsoft PowerPoint™ Introduction to Productivity Software Productivity Software Inquiry Project
Reboot a computing device correctly.
    Computer Detectives: Hardware and Software Problems
Identify whether the operating system or an application is the source of an error message.
Identify and describe the causes of hardware (e.g., wiring), connectivity (e.g., no internet connection), and software (e.g., frozen screen) problems.
    Networks, Packets, and the Internet Computer Detectives: Hardware and Software Problems
Identify types of wireless and wired connections (e.g., Wi-Fi, cellular).
    Networks, Packets, and the Internet
Identify the appropriate use of email as a communication avenue.
    Online Collaboration
Effectively use search engines to find information.
    Research: Effective Keywords Productivity Software Inquiry Project
Identify websites that are appropriate sources of research.
    Research: Effective Keywords
Understand what it means to save a file in well-protected storage (e.g., hard drive, flash drive, cloud).
    Data Storage
Understand that computing devices have their own language (i.e., binary).
    Data Storage
Select and use appropriate non-digital and digital tools for collecting data.
    Programming and Data Project
Represent data with bar graphs and line plots.
    Using Digital Tools to Create Line Graphs Inquiry Project: Survey Bar Graph Inquiry Project: Data Bar Graph Inquiry Project: Line Graph
Interpret and analyze given graphs (i.e., bar graphs, line plots).
    Using Digital Tools to Create Line Graphs Programming and Data Project Inquiry Project: Survey Bar Graph Inquiry Project: Data Bar Graph Inquiry Project: Line Graph
Apply factors that impact the accuracy of a conclusion.
Use step-by-step instructions to perform tasks (i.e., sequential execution).
    Events Events: Dot in Space Events: Traveling with Scout Sequences: Parallel Programming Computational Thinking: Design an Obstacle Course Computational Thinking: Design a School Computational Thinking: Design a Neighborhood
Use a combination of picture models to reorder a sequence of steps.
    Computational Thinking: Design an Obstacle Course Computational Thinking: Design a School Computational Thinking: Design a Neighborhood
Recognize that the same steps can be ordered in different ways to perform the same task (i.e., simple control structures).
    Creating Algorithms Computational Thinking: Design an Obstacle Course Computational Thinking: Design a School Computational Thinking: Design a Neighborhood
Compose simple tasks (e.g., eating breakfast; brushing your teeth; walking to the bus stop) into a complex task (e.g., getting ready for school).
    Functions Dance Project Flower Garden Functions Project Scout's Quest: Functions with Boolean Inputs Scout's Quest: Functions with Number Inputs Functions: About Me Introduction to Functions Computational Thinking: Design an Obstacle Course Computational Thinking: Design a School Computational Thinking: Design a Neighborhood
Decompose a complex task (e.g., getting ready for school) into simple tasks (e.g., eating breakfast; brushing your teeth; walking to the bus stop).
    Game Mechanics with Comparison Operators Decimal Multiplication and Conditionals Plant and Animal Cells Animating Poetry Grammar Quiz Game Dash® Robot Mazes Cycle of Matter Multi-digit Multiplication and Conditionals Clones in Games Interactive Map of the 13 Colonies Interactive Map of the 13 Colonies with the BBC micro:bit® Digital Pet Project Dash® Robot 1 - Movement Cue Robot 1 - Movement Cue Robot 2 - Proximity Sensors Cue Robot 3 - Loops and Functions VEX GO®: Introduction VEX GO®: Measurement Minecraft® Coding Fundamentals - Basic Moves Minecraft® Coding Fundamentals - Repeat Loops with Sea Turtles Skills Practice: Events Skills Practice: Sequences Skills Practice: Operators Skills Practice: Functions with Number Inputs House Design with Area and Perimeter Classes and Objects in Games micro:bit®: Animal Response to the Environment Pair Programming: Create a Band VEX GO®: Speed and Energy How We See: Light Reflection LEGO® SPIKE Essential: Design a Car Sensor The US Government Choose Your Own Path: Elements of Culture VEX GO®: Lines and Angles Plan a Quest Pinball Game Project Mad Libs Project Functions Dance Project Flower Garden Functions Project Design an App Game Design Project Multiplying Fractions by Whole Numbers Geographic Effects on Early Civilizations Multiplying and Dividing Fractions Multimedia Book Report micro:bit® Reaction Game Scout's Scratch Expedition Part 1 Scout's Scratch Expedition Part 2 Scout's Scratch Expedition Part 3 Scout's Scratch Expedition Part 4 Create a Maze Animating Poetry Events: Dot in Space Broadcast Messages: Marco Polo Scout's Quest: Functions with Number Inputs Creating Turtle Graphics Broadcast Messages: Tell a Joke Events: Traveling with Scout Game Design Project Operators: Coin Flip Sequences: Parallel Programming House Design with Area and Perimeter Careers in CS: Health and Fitness Computational Thinking: Design an Obstacle Course Careers in CS: Major League Baseball Computational Thinking: Design a School Computational Thinking: Design a Neighborhood CS Innovators Research Project Dash® Robot 2 - Proximity Sensor Dash® Robot 3 - Loops and Functions
Use picture directions to design a series of steps to complete a complex task.
    Computational Thinking: Design an Obstacle Course Computational Thinking: Design a School Computational Thinking: Design a Neighborhood
Test a series of directions to successfully complete a complex task.
    Creating Algorithms
Compare and contrast how computing has changed society from the past to the present.
    Technology Timeline Ethical and Responsible Use of Generative AI AI Products: Ethical and Responsible Choices Humans Vs. Machines
Compare the relevance and appropriateness of various electronic information sources (e.g., online databases such as Discus; web search engines).
Create various documents using a word processing program with various page elements (e.g., headers, footers, citations, tables, textboxes).
    Productivity Software Inquiry Project
Edit and format a document using a word processing program to change page and paragraph layouts.
    Introduction to Google Docs™ Introduction to Microsoft Word™
Format a presentation using presentation software (e.g., add transitions and speaker notes).
    Research: Informational Programs Productivity Software Inquiry Project
Demonstrate an effective use of a bulleted list in a word processor and presentation software.
    Introduction to Google Docs™ Introduction to Microsoft Word™ Productivity Software Inquiry Project
Add data to spreadsheet software and create a simple graph.
    Using Digital Tools to Create Line Graphs Introduction to Google Sheets™ Introduction to Microsoft Excel™ Productivity Software Inquiry Project
Demonstrate an understanding of digital security (i.e., protecting your digital information).
    Strong Usernames and Passwords Training AI Using Data Machine Learning: Face Sensing Machine Learning: Teachable Machine
Demonstrate an understanding of digital rights and responsibilities (e.g., privacy, respectful communication).
    Online Collaboration
Demonstrate awareness of software piracy and its consequences.
Understand the legal ramifications for sending or receiving inappropriate content (e.g., cyberbullying, harassment).
    Our Words Have Power (Cyberbullying)
Demonstrate proper keyboarding technique when keying letters, numbers, and symbols at a rate of 15 words per minute.
Use software capabilities to correct errors.
    Computer Detectives: Hardware and Software Problems Introduction to Google Docs™ Introduction to Microsoft Word™
Demonstrate proper use of software capabilities to name, save, and retrieve information (e.g., organizing files and folders; following naming conventions).
Select the appropriate computing device for an application (e.g., writing an essay on a laptop versus on a smartphone).
    How Computing Systems Work Computer Detectives: Hardware and Software Problems
Explain the importance of the major hardware components of the computing device (e.g., input and output devices, processors).
    How Computing Systems Work
Justify the use of different computing devices for relevant tasks.
    How Computing Systems Work
Explore and compare multiple software applications (e.g., word processor, spreadsheet, presentation software, web browser).
    How Computing Systems Work Introduction to Google Sheets™ Introduction to Microsoft Excel™ Introduction to Productivity Software Productivity Software Inquiry Project
Respond appropriately to various error messages (e.g., “webpage not found;” “incorrect password”).
Identify the computing device components that may cause various problems.
    How Computing Systems Work Computer Detectives: Hardware and Software Problems
Identify the advantages and disadvantages of various network types (e.g., wired, Wi-Fi, cellular data).
    Networks, Packets, and the Internet
Recognize video conferencing as a communication avenue.
    Online Collaboration
Modify search criteria and use advanced search tactics to improve search results.
    Research: Effective Keywords
Utilize websites that are appropriate sources of research.
    Research: Effective Keywords
Save and retrieve files on computing devices.
Recognize how text, images, and sounds are represented as binary numbers in computing devices.
    Data Storage CS Innovators: Grace Hopper
Compare and contrast tools for collecting data.
    Programming and Data Project
Determine the most effective way to represent a given data set (e.g., bar graphs, line plots).
    Inquiry Project: Survey Bar Graph Inquiry Project: Data Bar Graph Inquiry Project: Line Graph
Compare and contrast models (e.g., graphs, tables) for data analysis.
    Inquiry Project: Survey Bar Graph Inquiry Project: Data Bar Graph Inquiry Project: Line Graph
Discuss accuracy based on data available.
    Inquiry Project: Survey Bar Graph Inquiry Project: Data Bar Graph Inquiry Project: Line Graph
Execute a sequence of instructions (i.e., algorithm) that mimic a daily task.
    Sequences: Parallel Programming
Recognize that a sequence of steps can be repeated.
    Loops (Unplugged) Loops Animation Loops Project Pong Game Debugging: Events and Loops Click-a-Mole Program an AI Chatbot Loops: Catch the Ball Code Tunes Loops: Falling Objects
Identify the result of a conditional statement (e.g., in the statement, “If it is dark, then turn on the light,” the result is the lights turning on).
    Introduction to Conditionals Complex Conditionals: Balloon Game Scout's Quest: Conditionals Conditionals: Flying Bird Conditionals: Changing Effects Conditionals: Underwater Exploration Conditionals: Color Sense Conditionals: Mazes
Compose multiple levels of simple tasks (e.g., eating breakfast can include going to the table, sitting down in a chair, and picking up a spoon; brushing your teeth; walking to the bus stop) to make a more complex task.
    Functions Dance Project Flower Garden Functions Project Creating Algorithms Scout's Quest: Functions with Boolean Inputs Scout's Quest: Functions with Number Inputs Functions: About Me Introduction to Functions Computational Thinking: Design an Obstacle Course Computational Thinking: Design a School Computational Thinking: Design a Neighborhood
Decompose a complex task of higher complexity (e.g., cooking a meal) into simple tasks (e.g., selecting a recipe, getting the ingredients, preparing the food, and serving the meal, where the task of getting the ingredients can be decomposed into writing a shopping list, going to a store, selecting and buying the ingredients, and going home).
    Game Mechanics with Comparison Operators Decimal Multiplication and Conditionals Animating Poetry Cycle of Matter Multi-digit Multiplication and Conditionals Clones in Games Interactive Map of the 13 Colonies Interactive Map of the 13 Colonies with the BBC micro:bit® Digital Pet Project Dash® Robot 1 - Movement Cue Robot 1 - Movement Cue Robot 2 - Proximity Sensors Cue Robot 3 - Loops and Functions VEX GO®: Introduction VEX GO®: Measurement Minecraft® Coding Fundamentals - Basic Moves Minecraft® Coding Fundamentals - Repeat Loops with Sea Turtles Skills Practice: Events Skills Practice: Sequences Skills Practice: Operators Skills Practice: Functions with Number Inputs House Design with Area and Perimeter Classes and Objects in Games micro:bit®: Animal Response to the Environment Pair Programming: Create a Band VEX GO®: Speed and Energy How We See: Light Reflection LEGO® SPIKE Essential: Design a Car Sensor The US Government Choose Your Own Path: Elements of Culture VEX GO®: Lines and Angles Plan a Quest Pinball Game Project Mad Libs Project Functions Dance Project Flower Garden Functions Project Design an App Game Design Project Multiplying Fractions by Whole Numbers Geographic Effects on Early Civilizations Multiplying and Dividing Fractions Multimedia Book Report micro:bit® Reaction Game Scout's Scratch Expedition Part 1 Scout's Scratch Expedition Part 2 Scout's Scratch Expedition Part 3 Scout's Scratch Expedition Part 4 Create a Maze Animating Poetry Events: Dot in Space Broadcast Messages: Marco Polo Scout's Quest: Functions with Number Inputs Creating Turtle Graphics Broadcast Messages: Tell a Joke Events: Traveling with Scout Game Design Project Operators: Coin Flip Sequences: Parallel Programming House Design with Area and Perimeter Careers in CS: Health and Fitness Computational Thinking: Design an Obstacle Course Careers in CS: Major League Baseball CS Innovators: Grace Hopper Computational Thinking: Design a School Computational Thinking: Design a Neighborhood CS Innovators Research Project Dash® Robot 2 - Proximity Sensor Dash® Robot 3 - Loops and Functions
Use a visual language to design and test a program that solves a simple task (e.g., online coding activity).
    Introduction to Computer Science and Scratch Practice with Conditionals Part 1 Adding with Loops Game Mechanics with Comparison Operators Loops (Unplugged) 3D Design: Codeblocks Exploring Ecosystems Balanced and Unbalanced Forces Sound Frequency & Amplitude Events Platform Game Design Communities Adapt to & Modify Their Environment Fractions and Variables Creative Storytelling Weather and Climate Scratch Digital Greeting Card From ScratchJr to Scratch Introduction to Comparison Operators Classifying Rocks Complex Conditionals: If/Then/Else Chase the Star Nutrition Maze Exploring Heat Decimal Multiplication and Conditionals Exploring Adaptations Physical Changes Variables Plant and Animal Cells Digital Flashcards Animating Poetry Exploring the Water Cycle Simple Algorithms Parts of Speech: Random Sentence Generator Introduction to Conditionals Wave Generator Division and Conditionals Multiple Algorithms Multiplication and Conditionals Unit Converter Sensing and Responding to the Environment Effects of Pollution Nonfiction Animated Recordings Measuring Lengths Grammar Quiz Game Drawing with micro:bit® and Scratch Loops Dash® Robot Storytelling Dash® Robot Mazes Animating Sprites with Multiplication Earth Systems Day and Night Cycle of Matter Multi-digit Multiplication and Conditionals Game Effects Clones in Games Constructive and Destructive Processes Revolutionary War Timeline Revolutionary War Timeline with the BBC micro:bit® Animal Classification Interactive Map of the 13 Colonies Interactive Map of the 13 Colonies with the BBC micro:bit® Digital Pet Project Animating Unit Fractions Multiplication Quiz Game ScratchJr to Scratch: Events and Loops Dash® Robot 1 - Movement Cue Robot 1 - Movement Cue Robot 2 - Proximity Sensors Cue Robot 3 - Loops and Functions VEX GO®: Introduction VEX GO®: Measurement Create a Drawing App Minecraft® Coding Fundamentals - Basic Moves Minecraft® Coding Fundamentals - Repeat Loops with Sea Turtles Skills Practice: Events Skills Practice: If/Then Conditionals Skills Practice: Repeat Loops Skills Practice: Functions Skills Practice: Forever Loops Skills Practice: If/Then/Else Conditionals Skills Practice: Variables Scratch Drawing Tools Skills Practice: Costumes, Backdrops, and Animations Coding with LEGO® Spike Prime Skills Practice: Functions with Boolean Inputs Skills Practice: Operators Skills Practice: Functions with Number Inputs House Design with Area and Perimeter Classes and Objects in Games micro:bit® Rounding to the Nearest Ten Punctuate a Title micro:bit®: Animal Response to the Environment Pair Programming: Create a Band micro:bit® Rounding to the Nearest Hundred micro:bit® Rounding with Decimals Seasonal Project (Spring): Create a Chase Game! VEX GO®: Speed and Energy How We See: Light Reflection Practice with Conditionals Part 2 Practice with Conditionals Part 4 LEGO® SPIKE Essential: Design a Car Sensor Seasonal Project (Summer): Pop The Balloons Practice with Conditionals Part 3 Seasonal Project (Fall): Gathering Apples Game Complex Conditionals: Balloon Game Choose Your Own Path: Elements of Culture VEX GO®: Lines and Angles Plan a Quest Pinball Game Project Mad Libs Project Functions Dance Project Flower Garden Functions Project Design an App Game Design Project Decimal Division and Conditionals Add and Subtract Fractions Multiplying Fractions by Whole Numbers Naming Numbers Game Modeling Life Cycles Fossils and Past Environments State Project Atoms and Molecules Rates and Unit Rates Positive and Negative Numbers Evaluate Algebraic Equations Balanced Ecosystems Multimedia Book Report micro:bit® Reaction Game Animating Sprites with Factors Animating Sprites with Division Makey Makey®: Introduction Makey Makey®: Graphing Points on a Coordinate Plane micro:bit®: Graphing Points on a Coordinate Plane Pong Game I-Spy with Lists Click-a-Mole Animating Poetry Creating Algorithms Introduction to Clones Program an AI Chatbot Events: Dot in Space Loops: Catch the Ball Scout's Quest: Functions with Boolean Inputs Broadcast Messages: Marco Polo Scout's Quest: Variables Clones: Throwing Acorns Game Scout's Quest: Functions with Number Inputs Lists: Shopping with Scout Scout's Quest: Conditionals Creating Turtle Graphics Conditionals: Flying Bird Broadcast Messages: Tell a Joke Lists: Spelling Bee Events: Traveling with Scout Variables in Dance Game Design Project Operators: Coin Flip Code Tunes Conditionals: Changing Effects Conditionals: Underwater Exploration Conditionals: Color Sense Conditionals: Mazes Introduction to Functions Costumes, Backdrops, and Animations Race Track Game Loops: Falling Objects House Design with Area and Perimeter Unit Fractions with Variables Digital Vocabulary Flashcard Quiz Seasonal Project (Winter): Design a Snowman micro:bit® Butterfly Migration Simulator Drawing Tools: Sea Creatures Introduction to Sphero Mini® and Sphero BOLT+® Loops: Sphero® Underwater Exploration Dash® Robot 2 - Proximity Sensor Conditionals: Sphero® Shark Race Dash® Robot 3 - Loops and Functions Winter Celebrations Around the World
Discuss the positive and negative impacts of computing on society.
    Technology Timeline Ethical and Responsible Use of Generative AI AI Products: Ethical and Responsible Choices
Demonstrate an understanding of the relevance and appropriateness of various electronic information sources (e.g., online databases such as Discus; web search engines).