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Standards Mapping

for Indiana Computing Foundations for a Digital Age


Standards in this Framework


Standards Mapped


Mapped to Course

Standard Lessons
Define algorithm and explain what algorithms are used for.
  1. 5.1 How to Think Like a Programmer
Describe the difference between traditional algorithms and artificial intelligence/machine learning (AI/ML) algorithms and, at a high level, describe how AI/ML algorithms work.
  1. 5.14 Artificial Intelligence
Explain why/how sequence matters in an algorithm.
  1. 5.10 Functions and Return Values
Interpret and modify algorithms (e.g., to add functionality).
  1. 5.12 Basic Collection Types
Compare (at a high level) the trade-offs (e.g., speed, memory) of different algorithms.
  1. 5.13 Comparing Algorithms
Reference documentation and other online tools to assist with programming.
  1. 5.2 Printing in Python
  2. 5.3 Variables and Types
  3. 5.4 User Input
  4. 5.5 Mathematical Operators
  5. 5.6 String Operators
  6. 5.7 Comments
Interpret the function of a segment of code and convert an algorithm to code.
  1. 8.5 Top Down Design and Decomposition in Karel
  2. 8.15 Algorithms
Formulate algorithms using programming structures to decompose a complex problem.
  1. 5.8 Functions
  2. 8.5 Top Down Design and Decomposition in Karel
  3. 8.15 Algorithms
Assess a program by testing to verify correct behavior.
  1. 5.9 Functions and Parameters
  2. 5.12 Basic Collection Types
Illustrate knowledge of good programming practice including the use of conventional standards and comments.
  1. 5.2 Printing in Python
  2. 5.7 Comments
  3. 8.5 Top Down Design and Decomposition in Karel
  4. 8.6 Commenting Your Code
Identify and define data types (e.g., string, numeric, Boolean) and how it is created, stored, and used by computers.
  1. 5.3 Variables and Types
  2. 5.6 String Operators
Identify basic data formats (e.g., tables, schemas, JSON) and how computers represent data.
  1. 6.2 Getting Started with Data
Understand the difference between data and metadata.
  1. 6.2 Getting Started with Data
Describe how different types of data (e.g., audio, visual, spatial, environmental) can be collected computationally.
  1. 6.2 Getting Started with Data
Transform and prepare (e.g., normalize, merge, clean) data visualizations, models, and simulations using data collected using computational tools such as surveys.
  1. 6.5 Data Cleaning
  2. 6.6 Sort and Filter
  3. 6.7 Data Visualizations
  4. 6.8 Pivot Tables
Analyze data using computational thinking principles to make inferences or predictions.
  1. 6.8 Pivot Tables
  2. 6.9 Statistical Measures
Evaluate approaches to cleaning data in a given context.
  1. 6.5 Data Cleaning
Assess whether and how a given question can be answered using computational methods and data, and what specific data is needed.
  1. 6.1 What is Data Science?
  2. 6.3 The Data Science Life Cycle
  3. 9.1 What is Data Science?
Demonstrate awareness of the history of computing.
  1. 2.1 History of Computers
Evaluate the scalability and reliability of networks, by describing the relationship between routers, switches, servers, topology, and addressing.
  1. 3.2 IP Addresses
  2. 3.7 Network Devices
  3. 3.8 Network Options
Compare various security measures, considering tradeoffs between the usability and security of a computing system.
  1. 1.6 Cybersecurity Essentials
  2. 1.7 Common Cyber Attacks and Prevention
Explain tradeoffs when selecting and implementing cybersecurity recommendations.
  1. 1.6 Cybersecurity Essentials
  2. 1.7 Common Cyber Attacks and Prevention
Discuss the ethical and appropriate use of computer devices and examine device usability through several lenses including accessibility, ergonomics, and learnability.
  1. 1.4 Cyber Ethics and Laws
  2. 1.6 Cybersecurity Essentials
Examine the impact of the Internet on society.
  1. 3.4 Impact of the Internet
Examine the dynamic between privacy and security.
  1. 1.5 Personal Data Security
  2. 1.6 Cybersecurity Essentials
Identify various types of hardware (including components) and software (including operating systems) and explore the security practices, functionality, cost, accessibility, and aesthetics of a variety of hardware and software
  1. 2.3 Operating Systems
  2. 2.5 Comparing Operating Systems
  3. 2.7 Software and Applications
  4. 2.10 System Administration
  5. 3.5 Internal Components
  6. 3.6 Peripheral Devices
Explain what networks (including the Internet) are and explore the fundamental principles and components of computer networking.
  1. 3.1 What is the Internet?
  2. 3.3 Routing and Packets
  3. 3.9 Network Communication
  4. 3.10 Network Management
Explain how an operating system, other software, and hardware work together.
  1. 2.3 Operating Systems
  2. 2.5 Comparing Operating Systems
  3. 2.6 Compatibility
Describe why cybersecurity is important and evaluate the social and emotional implications of privacy in the context of safety, law, and ethics.
  1. 1.4 Cyber Ethics and Laws
  2. 1.6 Cybersecurity Essentials
Optimize operating systems and other software settings to achieve goals.
  1. 2.3 Operating Systems
  2. 2.4 Lab: Configuring a Computer
  3. 2.5 Comparing Operating Systems
Use documentation and other resources to guide tasks such as installation and troubleshooting.
  1. 4.1 Communication is Key!
  2. 4.2 Troubleshooting Methodology
  3. 4.3 Building a Knowledge Base
Explain the privacy concerns related to the collection and generation of data through implicit and explicit processes.
  1. 1.2 Personal Data and Collection
  2. 1.5 Personal Data Security
Discuss the laws surrounding intellectual property.
  1. 1.3 Can All Information Be Trusted?
  2. 1.4 Cyber Ethics and Laws
Examine tradeoffs in computing technologies through current events related to broad ideas including privacy, communication, and automation (i.e., driverless cars can increase convenience and reduce accidents, but they are susceptible to hacking. The emerging industry will reduce the number of taxi and ride-share drivers but will create software engineering and cybersecurity jobs).
  1. 1.6 Cybersecurity Essentials
  2. 1.7 Common Cyber Attacks and Prevention
Examine how emerging technologies are impacting a variety of practices (e.g., use of facial recognition in policing, AI-generated news products).
  1. 1.3 Can All Information Be Trusted?
  2. 1.6 Cybersecurity Essentials
Evaluate the use of emerging technologies (e.g., generative AI) for accuracy and to meet specific needs.
  1. 1.6 Cybersecurity Essentials