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Standards Mapping

for ID 9-12


Standards in this Framework


Standards Mapped


Mapped to Course

Standard Lessons
Identify and describe hardware components.
  1. Fundamentals of Cybersecurity
  2. 6.1 Internal Components
  3. 6.4 Storage Options
  4. 6.5 Network Devices
Identify and evaluate what computing system resources are required for a specific software program.
  1. Fundamentals of Cybersecurity
  2. 4.1 Operating Systems
  3. 4.6 Software and Applications
Identify the use of embedded computers in various applications.
Create or modify a program that uses different forms of input and output.
  1. Introduction to Python Programming
  2. 3.3 User Input
  3. 15.1 What is File I/O
  4. Introduction to Computer Science in JavaScript (Corgi)
  5. 3.3 User Input
  6. 10.4 Mouse Click Events
  7. 10.6 Key Events
Identify how a high level programming language abstracts machine language in a computer program.
  1. Introduction to Python Programming
  2. 2.7 Abstraction
Create a model of how embedded systems sense, process, and interact in a given environment.
Use applicable data collection techniques for various scenarios.
Apply basic techniques for locating, collecting, and understanding the quality of data sets.
Analyze data and identify patterns through modeling and simulation.
Use data analysis to show the transformation from data to information to knowledge.
Use models and simulations to help formulate, refine, and test scientific hypotheses.
Compare and contrast the viewpoints on cybersecurity from the perspective of security experts, privacy advocates, and the government.
  1. Fundamentals of Cybersecurity
  2. 1.4 Cyber Ethics and Laws
  3. 1.7 Common Cyber Attacks and Prevention
  4. 8.1 Data as a Resource
Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of security policies based on their usage of encryption and authentication strategies.
  1. Fundamentals of Cybersecurity
  2. 2.2 Symmetric Encryption
  3. 2.3 Asymmetric Encryption
  4. 2.4 Authentication Methods
Convert between binary, decimal, octal, and hexadecimal representations of data.
  1. Fundamentals of Cybersecurity
  2. 5.1 Computers Speak Binary
  3. 5.2 Bits, Text, and Numbers
Describe how real-world phenomena such as numbers, Strings, or images are represented as binary in a computer.
  1. Fundamentals of Cybersecurity
  2. 5.3 Encoding Images in Binary
Analyze the trade-offs among various compression algorithms.
Demonstrate responsible digital citizenship (legal and ethical behaviors) in the use of technology systems and software.
  1. Fundamentals of Cybersecurity
  2. 1.1 Digital Footprint and Responsibility
  3. 1.3 Can All Information Be Trusted?
  4. 1.4 Cyber Ethics and Laws
Explain the social and economic implications associated with unethical computing practices.
  1. Fundamentals of Cybersecurity
  2. 1.4 Cyber Ethics and Laws
  3. 1.6 Cybersecurity Essentials
  4. 1.7 Common Cyber Attacks and Prevention
Discuss trade-offs such as privacy, safety, and convenience associated with the collection and large-scale analysis of personal information.
  1. Fundamentals of Cybersecurity
  2. 1.5 Personal Data Security
  3. 1.6 Cybersecurity Essentials
  4. 1.7 Common Cyber Attacks and Prevention
Identify and evaluate the beneficial and harmful effects of computing innovations on behavior and culture.
  1. Fundamentals of Cybersecurity
  2. 1.1 Digital Footprint and Responsibility
  3. 1.4 Cyber Ethics and Laws
  4. 1.5 Personal Data Security
  5. 1.7 Common Cyber Attacks and Prevention
  6. 5.9 Impact of the Internet
Debate how the issues of equity, data access, and distribution of computing resources create a digital divide in a global society.
  1. Fundamentals of Cybersecurity
  2. 5.9 Impact of the Internet
Debate laws and regulations that impact the development, security and use of software.
  1. Fundamentals of Cybersecurity
  2. 4.7 Software Licenses
Understand and define artificial intelligence.
  1. Fundamentals of Cybersecurity
  2. 1.6 Cybersecurity Essentials
Research and explain the social, moral, ethical, and legal impacts of artificial intelligence systems and respective usage.
Explain how computer automation continues to transform society and the global economy (e.g. financial markets, transactions, predictions).
Research, analyze, and present how computational thinking has enabled computing to revolutionize business, manufacturing, commerce and society.
Evaluate the accessibility of a computational artifact.
Describe how computer science shares features with creating and designing an artifact such as in music and art.
Understand the ecosystem of open-source software development and its impact on global collaboration.
  1. Fundamentals of Cybersecurity
  2. 4.7 Software Licenses
Explain how computer science fosters innovation and enhances other career and disciplines.
  1. Fundamentals of Cybersecurity
  2. 5.9 Impact of the Internet
Illustrate the basic components of computer networks and protocols.
  1. Fundamentals of Cybersecurity
  2. 5.6 Routing and Packets
  3. 5.7 How Do Websites Work?
  4. 5.8 OSI Model
  5. 6.7 Network Options
Analyze the issues that impact network functionality.
  1. Fundamentals of Cybersecurity
  2. 5.6 Routing and Packets
  3. 6.7 Network Options
  4. 6.10 Network Communication
Describe the data flow that occurs when using Internet-based services.
  1. Fundamentals of Cybersecurity
  2. 5.6 Routing and Packets
  3. 5.7 How Do Websites Work?
  4. 5.8 OSI Model
Examine how encryption is essential to ensuring privacy and security over the internet.
  1. Fundamentals of Cybersecurity
  2. 2.2 Symmetric Encryption
  3. 2.3 Asymmetric Encryption
  4. 2.4 Authentication Methods
Diagram the flow of execution and output of a given program.
Design algorithms using sequence, selection, iteration and recursion.
  1. Introduction to Computer Science in JavaScript (Corgi)
  2. 2.1 Challenge Problems
  3. 7.1 Control Structures Challenges
  4. 11.1 Animation Challenges
  5. 12.1 Breakout
Use variable scope and encapsulation to design programs with cohesive and modular components.
  1. Introduction to Python Programming
  2. 22.5 Class Variables vs. Instance Variables
  3. Introduction to Computer Science in JavaScript (Corgi)
  4. 9.1 Functions Challenges
  5. 10.1 Timers
  6. 10.4 Mouse Click Events
Decompose a complex problem using abstraction through methods and/or classes.
  1. Introduction to Python Programming
  2. 22.1 Classes and Objects
  3. 22.2 Methods
Demonstrate the value of abstraction to manage problem complexity.
  1. Introduction to Python Programming
  2. 2.7 Abstraction
Demonstrate code reuse by creating programming solutions using APIs and libraries.
Evaluate the qualities of a program such as correctness, usability, readability, efficiency, portability and scalability through processes such as debugging and code review.
  1. Introduction to Python Programming
  2. 2.14 Debugging Strategies
Compare and contrast simple data structures and their uses.
  1. Introduction to Python Programming
  2. 12.1 Tuples
  3. 12.2 Lists
  4. Introduction to Computer Science in JavaScript (Corgi)
  5. 20.1 Intro to Arrays
  6. 21.1 Intro to Objects
Compare software development processes.
Demonstrate an understanding of the software life cycle process.
  1. Introduction to Python Programming
  2. 16.1 Software Engineer
Design and develop a software artifact by leading, initiating, and participating in a team.
Create collaborative software projects using Integrated Development Environments, or other collaborative tools.
Understand the positive and negative implications that arise when you add functionality to an existing program.
Demonstrate how diverse team collaboration improves the design and development of software products.
Compare a variety of programming languages available to solve problems and develop systems.
  1. Introduction to Python Programming
  2. 3.7 Programming Languages
Analyze security issues that might lead to compromised computer programs.
  1. Fundamentals of Cybersecurity
  2. 8.3 Security in Coding
Classify and define the different types of software licenses in order to understand how to apply each one to a specific software example.
  1. Fundamentals of Cybersecurity
  2. 4.7 Software Licenses
Analyze the notion of intelligent behavior through the programs that learn and adapt, play games, do image recognition, perform text analysis, and control the behavior of robots.
Illustrate how mathematical and statistical functions, sets, and logic are used in computation.
  1. Introduction to Python Programming
  2. 3.4 Mathematical Operators
  3. 5.4 Logical Operators
  4. 22.9 Modules
Describe the concept of parallel processing.
Explore issues surrounding mobile computing.
  1. Fundamentals of Cybersecurity
  2. 4.5 Laptops and Tablets
Explain the value of heuristic algorithms to approximate solutions for interactable problems.
Critically examine algorithms and design an original algorithm (e.g. adapt, remix, improve).
Classify problems as tractable, interactable, or computationally unsolvable.