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Standards Mapping

for Florida Digital Discoveries in Society


Standards in this Framework


Standards Mapped


Mapped to Course

Standard Lessons
Identify and explain the four parts of the problem solving process (Define, Prepare, Try, and Reflect).
  1. Introduction to Game Design with p5play
  2. 4.1 Mini Golf - Setup
Describe the strategies and processes to become a more effective problem solver.
  1. Introduction to Game Design with p5play
  2. 2.1 How to Think Like a Programmer
  3. 2.6 Basic Functions
  4. Introduction to Physical Computing with micro:bit
  5. 1.3 Comments & Pseudocode
Explain how computers help people to solve problems.
  1. Mix and Match Middle School Course
  2. 4.1 History of Computing
Compare and contrast how people and computers approach problems differently.
  1. Introduction to Game Design with p5play
  2. 2.1 How to Think Like a Programmer
Explain what a computer needs from people in order to solve problems effectively.
  1. Introduction to Game Design with p5play
  2. 2.1 How to Think Like a Programmer
Define "computer," and explain why it is important to have a basic understanding of how computers work.
  1. Fundamentals of Cybersecurity
  2. 6.1 Internal Components
  3. Mix and Match Middle School Course
  4. 4.1 History of Computing
Describe the four functions of the computing cycle (i.e., input, processing, output, storage).
  1. Fundamentals of Cybersecurity
  2. 6.1 Internal Components
  3. 6.3 Peripheral Devices
  4. 6.4 Storage Options
  5. Mix and Match Middle School Course
  6. 4.3 Hardware
  7. 4.4 Cloud Computing
Identify the internal components of a computer (e.g., case, CPU, RAM, ROM, power supply, hard drive, motherboard, expansion cards, cabling).
  1. Fundamentals of Cybersecurity
  2. 6.1 Internal Components
  3. Mix and Match Middle School Course
  4. 4.3 Hardware
Identify and know how to connect various computer input devices (e.g., mouse, keyboard, phone, camera, scanner, microphone, game controller, stylus, barcode reader, finger print scanner, GPS device, touch pad, graphics tablet) and describe their use.
  1. Fundamentals of Cybersecurity
  2. 6.3 Peripheral Devices
  3. Mix and Match Middle School Course
  4. 4.3 Hardware
Identify and know how to connect various computer output devices (e.g., monitor, printer, projector, speakers, and headphones) and describe their use.
  1. Fundamentals of Cybersecurity
  2. 6.3 Peripheral Devices
Identify and know how to connect various storage devices (e.g., flash drive, external hard drive (SSD, network drive), memory card, discs, and cloud).
  1. Fundamentals of Cybersecurity
  2. 6.4 Storage Options
Identify various computer connection ports, including USB, FireWire, parallel, serial, Ethernet (RJ-45), RJ-11, HDMI, audio.
  1. Fundamentals of Cybersecurity
  2. 6.5 Network Devices
Illustrate and correctly label the parts of a computer system.
  1. Fundamentals of Cybersecurity
  2. 6.1 Internal Components
  3. Mix and Match Middle School Course
  4. 4.7 The Future of Computing
Describe how people use computers at home, school and work.
  1. Mix and Match Middle School Course
  2. 4.1 History of Computing
Define the term "cloud storage" and explain the advantages and disadvantages of using cloud storage.
  1. Fundamentals of Cybersecurity
  2. 6.4 Storage Options
  3. Mix and Match Middle School Course
  4. 4.4 Cloud Computing
Identify types of networks and how they work.
  1. Fundamentals of Cybersecurity
  2. 6.7 Network Options
Define “privacy” and relate it to the term “digital footprint.”
  1. Fundamentals of Cybersecurity
  2. 1.1 Digital Footprint and Responsibility
  3. 1.2 Personal Data and Collection
  4. Mix and Match Middle School Course
  5. 7.1 Digital Footprint and Reputation
  6. 7.4 Privacy & Security
Practice cyber safety techniques to protect your personal information when using internet searches, email, chat rooms, and social network websites.
  1. Fundamentals of Cybersecurity
  2. 1.2 Personal Data and Collection
  3. 1.5 Personal Data Security
  4. Mix and Match Middle School Course
  5. 7.3 Internet Safety
  6. 7.4 Privacy & Security
Describe cyberbullying, its impact on perpetrators and victims and ways to respond.
  1. Fundamentals of Cybersecurity
  2. 1.1 Digital Footprint and Responsibility
  3. Mix and Match Middle School Course
  4. 7.2 Cyberbullying
Describe risks associated with online gaming, and identify ways to reduce these risks.
  1. Mix and Match Middle School Course
  2. 7.3 Internet Safety
Discuss issues related to downloading music, videos, or images from the Internet, including unethical vs. illegal actions.
  1. Fundamentals of Cybersecurity
  2. 1.3 Can All Information Be Trusted?
  3. 1.4 Cyber Ethics and Laws
  4. Mix and Match Middle School Course
  5. 7.6 Creative Credit & Copyright
Compare and contrast rules for copyright and fair use, especially in relation to using online resources for school and educational purposes.
  1. Fundamentals of Cybersecurity
  2. 1.3 Can All Information Be Trusted?
  3. Mix and Match Middle School Course
  4. 7.6 Creative Credit & Copyright
Properly cite sources used for images and information obtained from the internet for projects and research.
  1. Fundamentals of Cybersecurity
  2. 1.3 Can All Information Be Trusted?
  3. Mix and Match Middle School Course
  4. 7.6 Creative Credit & Copyright
Review your district/school Acceptable Use Policies when accessing the Internet and adhere to the AUP while using school equipment, internet and software.
  1. Fundamentals of Cybersecurity
  2. 1.3 Can All Information Be Trusted?
  3. Mix and Match Middle School Course
  4. 7.6 Creative Credit & Copyright
Identify and use web terminology (WWW, Web Browser, Internet, Web Server, Web Page, Address Bar, Hyperlinks, Navigation Buttons, Search Bar, Bookmarks/Favorites, Tab, Downloading, Plug-ins, and Social Media Plug-ins).
  1. Fundamentals of Cybersecurity
  2. 5.4 What is the Internet?
  3. 5.5 IP Addresses
Define Universal Resource Locators (URLs) and associated protocols (e.g., http, https, ftp, telnet, mailto).
  1. Fundamentals of Cybersecurity
  2. 5.4 What is the Internet?
  3. 5.5 IP Addresses
Compare and contrast the types of Internet domains (e.g., .com, .org, .edu, .gov, .net, .mil).
  1. Mix and Match Middle School Course
  2. 7.5 Information Literacy
Demonstrate proficiency using search engines, including Boolean and other advanced search techniques.
  1. Fundamentals of Cybersecurity
  2. 1.3 Can All Information Be Trusted?
  3. Mix and Match Middle School Course
  4. 7.5 Information Literacy
Demonstrate proficiency in uploading and downloading files, images, documents and music for class projects and collaboration.
  1. Fundamentals of Cybersecurity
  2. 5.1 Computers Speak Binary
  3. Mix and Match Middle School Course
  4. 7.8 Project: Public Service Announcement
Compare and contrast the roles of web browsers and search engines.
  1. Fundamentals of Cybersecurity
  2. 5.4 What is the Internet?
Evaluate online information for relevance, credibility and quality using basic guidelines and indicators (e.g. authority, affiliation, purpose, bias, date).
  1. Fundamentals of Cybersecurity
  2. 1.3 Can All Information Be Trusted?
  3. Mix and Match Middle School Course
  4. 7.5 Information Literacy
Distinguish between copyright infringement, plagiarism and fair use in an educational setting and in relation to school projects, especially with music and pictures.
  1. Fundamentals of Cybersecurity
  2. 1.3 Can All Information Be Trusted?
  3. Mix and Match Middle School Course
  4. 7.6 Creative Credit & Copyright
Identify and apply copyright and fair use guidelines, and explain plagiarism as an ethical and legal violation.
  1. Fundamentals of Cybersecurity
  2. 1.3 Can All Information Be Trusted?
  3. Mix and Match Middle School Course
  4. 7.6 Creative Credit & Copyright
Incorporate results from Internet searches into a research project (e.g., report, summary, website design, app creation, etc.).
  1. Mix and Match Middle School Course
  2. 7.8 Project: Public Service Announcement
Download images as needed to support a research project, complying with copyright notices.
  1. Mix and Match Middle School Course
  2. 7.6 Creative Credit & Copyright
  3. 7.8 Project: Public Service Announcement
Properly cite internet sources used to obtain information for a research project.
  1. Mix and Match Middle School Course
  2. 7.8 Project: Public Service Announcement
Explain what creative commons licensing is and why it is important to web designers and programmers.
  1. Fundamentals of Cybersecurity
  2. 1.3 Can All Information Be Trusted?
  3. Mix and Match Middle School Course
  4. 7.6 Creative Credit & Copyright
Identify website domains, and relate a site’s domain name and domain category to its purpose (.gov, .mil, .org, .com, etc.)
  1. Mix and Match Middle School Course
  2. 7.5 Information Literacy
Relate basic components of a webpage (e.g. color, space, written content, typography, images, links, multimedia) to aesthetic, functional and/or usable design principals.
  1. Mix and Match Middle School Course
  2. 13.1 Webpage Aesthetics
  3. 13.2 Webpage Design
Define aesthetic design, and explain how aesthetics can affect a visitors’ perception of a website’s information.
  1. Mix and Match Middle School Course
  2. 13.1 Webpage Aesthetics
  3. 13.2 Webpage Design
Demonstrate knowledge of color wheel concepts and effective use of color on a website.
Explain the CARP principles of design (contrast, alignment, repetition, proximity), and give an example of how each principle is used in designing aesthetic layouts.
  1. Mix and Match Middle School Course
  2. 13.1 Webpage Aesthetics
  3. 13.2 Webpage Design
Critique the aesthetic design, usability and accessibility of sample websites.
  1. Mix and Match Middle School Course
  2. 13.1 Webpage Aesthetics
  3. 13.2 Webpage Design
Define multimedia, and identify its role in webpage interactivity.
  1. Mix and Match Middle School Course
  2. 13.1 Webpage Aesthetics
Explain the primary steps of the website planning process.
  1. Mix and Match Middle School Course
  2. 13.5 Creating a Sitemap
Apply the website planning process to plan the design for basic website.
  1. Mix and Match Middle School Course
  2. 13.5 Creating a Sitemap
Build the site navigation scheme for a website.
  1. Mix and Match Middle School Course
  2. 13.5 Creating a Sitemap
Define “HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)” and related terms, including tag vs. element, container vs. empty tag, block-level vs. inline element, attribute value, semantic tag.
  1. Mix and Match Middle School Course
  2. 10.1 Introduction to HTML
Identify HTML elements required to create webpage structure (!DOCTYPE, html, head, title, body)
  1. Mix and Match Middle School Course
  2. 10.2 Structure of an HTML Page
Create webpages using basic HTML tags (e.g., headings, lists, character styles, text alignment, tables, and comments).
  1. Mix and Match Middle School Course
  2. 10.3 Formatting Text
  3. 10.6 Using Lists
Use HTML to create hyperlinks to multiple pages in a website or to outside sources.
  1. Mix and Match Middle School Course
  2. 10.4 Creating Links
Use HTML to insert common image file formats into webpages, and use an image as a hyperlink.
  1. Mix and Match Middle School Course
  2. 10.5 Incorporating Images
Explain Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) technology.
  1. Mix and Match Middle School Course
  2. 10.8 Introduction to CSS Styling
Apply CSS styles to an HTML page.
  1. Mix and Match Middle School Course
  2. 10.7 Applying Styling
  3. 10.8 Introduction to CSS Styling
Review webpage content, verify copyright restrictions, and create meta-data before publishing a site to the internet.
  1. Mix and Match Middle School Course
  2. 13.7 Create Your Site!
Test webpages for display, functionality, and accessibility before publishing a site to the Internet.
  1. Mix and Match Middle School Course
  2. 13.7 Create Your Site!
Validate webpage code using W3C validation tools before publishing a site to the Internet.
  1. Mix and Match Middle School Course
  2. 13.7 Create Your Site!
Describe network issues relating to websites, including bandwidth, compression, streaming, web hosting.
  1. Fundamentals of Cybersecurity
  2. 6.10 Network Communication
Explain the purpose of File Transfer Protocol (FTP) in accessing information on the Internet.
  1. Fundamentals of Cybersecurity
  2. 6.10 Network Communication
Design and create a personal website using HTML and CSS with at least three different pages that are hyperlinked to the homepage.
  1. Mix and Match Middle School Course
  2. 13.5 Creating a Sitemap
  3. 13.7 Create Your Site!
Publish a website.
Describe the role of games in modern society (e.g., education, task training, social networking, therapy, recreation).
  1. Mix and Match Middle School Course
  2. 9.1 Intro to Games
  3. 9.3 Categorizing Games
  4. Introduction to Game Design with p5play
  5. 1.1 Intro to Games
  6. 1.3 Categorizing Games
  7. Game Development in Unity
  8. 1.2 Types of Games
Identify various types of games (e.g., chance, skill, knowledge, role-playing, and storytelling).
  1. Mix and Match Middle School Course
  2. 9.1 Intro to Games
  3. 9.3 Categorizing Games
  4. Introduction to Game Design with p5play
  5. 1.1 Intro to Games
  6. 1.3 Categorizing Games
  7. Game Development in Unity
  8. 1.2 Types of Games
Identify the steps of the design process for creating a game.
  1. Mix and Match Middle School Course
  2. 9.2 Unpacking a Game
  3. Introduction to Game Design with p5play
  4. 1.2 Unpacking a Game
  5. Game Development in Unity
  6. 1.3 MDA Framework
  7. 1.4 Game Design Document (GDD)
Apply the design process to solving a problem.
  1. Mix and Match Middle School Course
  2. 9.2 Unpacking a Game
  3. Introduction to Game Design with p5play
  4. 1.2 Unpacking a Game
  5. Game Development in Unity
  6. 1.4 Game Design Document (GDD)
Analyze (deconstruct) existing games.
  1. Mix and Match Middle School Course
  2. 9.1 Intro to Games
  3. 9.2 Unpacking a Game
  4. 9.3 Categorizing Games
  5. Introduction to Game Design with p5play
  6. 1.1 Intro to Games
  7. 1.2 Unpacking a Game
  8. 1.3 Categorizing Games
  9. Game Development in Unity
  10. 1.2 Types of Games
  11. 1.3 MDA Framework
  12. 1.4 Game Design Document (GDD)
Identify the tools and skills needed for creating games.
Identify design criteria and constraints.
  1. Mix and Match Middle School Course
  2. 9.2 Unpacking a Game
  3. Introduction to Game Design with p5play
  4. 1.2 Unpacking a Game
  5. Game Development in Unity
  6. 1.3 MDA Framework
  7. 1.4 Game Design Document (GDD)
Create storyboards to model a game’s program flow and functionality.
  1. Game Development in Unity
  2. 6.2 Storyboard Gameplay
Identify the programmer’s role in creating games.
  1. Introduction to Game Design with p5play
  2. 2.1 How to Think Like a Programmer
Identify common programming languages and applications used to create computer games.
  1. Mix and Match Middle School Course
  2. 9.6 Introducing Libraries
  3. Introduction to Game Design with p5play
  4. 3.1 Introducing Libraries
Compare sequential, iteration (loop) and selection programming structures.
  1. Introduction to Game Design with p5play
  2. 4.4 If/Else Statements
  3. 5.6 Projectiles - Destroying Tiles
  4. Introduction to Physical Computing with micro:bit
  5. 2.4 If/Else Statements
Define the term algorithm (i.e., a set of repeatable steps) and how it applies to problem solving.
  1. Introduction to Game Design with p5play
  2. 2.1 How to Think Like a Programmer
  3. 5.6 Projectiles - Destroying Tiles
Create an algorithm to solve a problem or complete a task.
  1. Introduction to Game Design with p5play
  2. 2.1 How to Think Like a Programmer
  3. 5.6 Projectiles - Destroying Tiles
  4. Introduction to Physical Computing with micro:bit
  5. 2.5 Functions
Use pseudo-code to model a game program’s flow.
  1. Introduction to Game Design with p5play
  2. 2.6 Basic Functions
  3. 4.5 Mini Golf - Interactions
  4. Introduction to Physical Computing with micro:bit
  5. 1.3 Comments & Pseudocode
Define logic errors and identify them in a game program or model.
  1. Introduction to Game Design with p5play
  2. 2.6 Basic Functions
Explain the types and uses of variables in game programming.
  1. Mix and Match Middle School Course
  2. 9.5 Variables
  3. Introduction to Game Design with p5play
  4. 2.3 Variables
Describe basic Boolean concepts, including logical operators, order of precedence, expressions.
  1. Introduction to Game Design with p5play
  2. 4.3 Booleans
Describe the use of events, event handlers and functions in game programming.
  1. Introduction to Game Design with p5play
  2. 2.6 Basic Functions
Describe the use of parameters and arguments in game programming.
  1. Mix and Match Middle School Course
  2. 9.8 Understanding the Canvas
  3. Introduction to Game Design with p5play
  4. 3.3 Understanding the Canvas
Describe the use of objects, classes and instances in game programming.
  1. Mix and Match Middle School Course
  2. 9.9 Your First Sprites
  3. Introduction to Game Design with p5play
  4. 3.4 Your First Sprites
Describe the use of properties and methods with objects in game programming.
  1. Mix and Match Middle School Course
  2. 9.2 Unpacking a Game
  3. Introduction to Game Design with p5play
  4. 1.2 Unpacking a Game
Write appropriate code to create a simple game using structured programming.
  1. Mix and Match Middle School Course
  2. 9.7 Program Structure
  3. 9.9 Your First Sprites
  4. 9.10 The Physics of Sprites
  5. Introduction to Game Design with p5play
  6. 3.2 Program Structure
  7. 3.4 Your First Sprites
  8. 3.5 The Physics of Sprites
  9. 4.5 Mini Golf - Interactions
  10. 5.6 Projectiles - Destroying Tiles
Test and evaluate the game program you created.
  1. Introduction to Game Design with p5play
  2. 4.2 Mini Golf - Sprites
  3. 5.6 Projectiles - Destroying Tiles
Modify the game program as needed to solve a problem.
  1. Introduction to Game Design with p5play
  2. 4.2 Mini Golf - Sprites
  3. 5.6 Projectiles - Destroying Tiles
Create an animated object (i.e., sprite) to be used in a game program.
  1. Mix and Match Middle School Course
  2. 9.9 Your First Sprites
  3. 9.10 The Physics of Sprites
  4. Introduction to Game Design with p5play
  5. 3.4 Your First Sprites
  6. 3.5 The Physics of Sprites
  7. 4.2 Mini Golf - Sprites
Use programming code to control the behavior of an animated object (i.e., sprite) in a game program.
  1. Mix and Match Middle School Course
  2. 9.9 Your First Sprites
  3. 9.10 The Physics of Sprites
  4. Introduction to Game Design with p5play
  5. 3.4 Your First Sprites
  6. 3.5 The Physics of Sprites
  7. 4.5 Mini Golf - Interactions
  8. 4.7 Mini Golf - Hole #2 Challenge
  9. 5.6 Projectiles - Destroying Tiles
Define “programming” and discuss its role in computing.
  1. Mix and Match Middle School Course
  2. 5.1 Introduction to Karel
  3. Introduction to Game Design with p5play
  4. 2.1 How to Think Like a Programmer
  5. Introduction to Computer Science in JavaScript (Corgi)
  6. 1.1 Introduction to Programming With Karel
Explain the binary representation of data and programs in computers.
  1. Fundamentals of Cybersecurity
  2. 5.1 Computers Speak Binary
  3. 5.2 Bits, Text, and Numbers
Distinguish among the three types of programming languages (machine, assembly, high-level), and give examples.
  1. Fundamentals of Cybersecurity
  2. 13.1 The Language of Computers
Compare and contrast languages that are usually compiled (e.g., C++, Java) and interpreted (e.g., JavaScript, Python).
  1. Fundamentals of Cybersecurity
  2. 13.1 The Language of Computers
Describe the structure of a simple program, and explain why sequencing is important.
  1. Mix and Match Middle School Course
  2. 5.3 Functions
  3. 5.4 Multiple Functions
  4. Introduction to Game Design with p5play
  5. 2.6 Basic Functions
  6. Introduction to Computer Science in JavaScript (Corgi)
  7. 1.4 Functions in Karel
  8. 1.5 The Main Function
  9. Introduction to Physical Computing with micro:bit
  10. 2.5 Functions
Write a program design document using pseudo-code that shows program flow.
  1. Introduction to Game Design with p5play
  2. 2.6 Basic Functions
  3. Introduction to Computer Science in JavaScript (Corgi)
  4. 1.6 Top Down Design and Decomposition in Karel
  5. Introduction to Physical Computing with micro:bit
  6. 1.3 Comments & Pseudocode
  7. AP Computer Science Principles in Python
  8. 2.1 Practice PT: Pair-Programming Paint!
Define the term “algorithm,” and explain how it relates to problem-solving.
  1. Introduction to Game Design with p5play
  2. 2.1 How to Think Like a Programmer
  3. Introduction to Computer Science in JavaScript (Corgi)
  4. 1.15 More Karel Examples and Testing
  5. AP Computer Science Principles in Python
  6. 1.16 Algorithms
Explain the three types of programming errors (i.e., logic, syntax, runtime), and describe the forms of testing that can be used to locate and debug errors.
  1. Introduction to Game Design with p5play
  2. 2.6 Basic Functions
  3. AP Computer Science Principles in Python
  4. 1.15 Debugging Strategies
Solve a problem using logic by planning a strategy, designing and testing a hypothesis, and/or creating a set of step-by-step instructions to perform a task.
  1. Introduction to Game Design with p5play
  2. 4.1 Mini Golf - Setup
  3. 4.7 Mini Golf - Hole #2 Challenge
  4. Introduction to Computer Science in JavaScript (Corgi)
  5. 1.6 Top Down Design and Decomposition in Karel
  6. 1.15 More Karel Examples and Testing
  7. Introduction to Physical Computing with micro:bit
  8. 3.3 Follow a Step-by-Step Project
Define “structured programming” and discuss the advantages of this approach.
  1. Mix and Match Middle School Course
  2. 9.7 Program Structure
  3. Introduction to Game Design with p5play
  4. 2.6 Basic Functions
  5. 3.2 Program Structure
Define the three main programming control structures used in structured programming: sequential, selection (decision), and iteration (loops).
  1. Introduction to Game Design with p5play
  2. 2.6 Basic Functions
  3. 4.4 If/Else Statements
  4. 5.6 Projectiles - Destroying Tiles
  5. Introduction to Computer Science in JavaScript (Corgi)
  6. 1.5 The Main Function
  7. 1.9 For Loops
  8. 1.11 If/Else Statements
  9. 1.12 While Loops
  10. Introduction to Physical Computing with micro:bit
  11. 2.4 If/Else Statements
Describe iterative programming structures (e.g., while, do/while) and how they are used in programming.
  1. Introduction to Game Design with p5play
  2. 5.6 Projectiles - Destroying Tiles
  3. Introduction to Computer Science in JavaScript (Corgi)
  4. 1.12 While Loops
  5. Introduction to Physical Computing with micro:bit
  6. 2.2 While Loops
Describe selection programming structures (e.g., if/then, else) and explain the logic used for if statements.
  1. Introduction to Game Design with p5play
  2. 4.4 If/Else Statements
  3. Introduction to Computer Science in JavaScript (Corgi)
  4. 1.10 If Statements and Conditionals
  5. 1.11 If/Else Statements
  6. Introduction to Physical Computing with micro:bit
  7. 2.4 If/Else Statements
Write a simple program in pseudo-code that uses structured programming to solve a problem.
  1. Introduction to Game Design with p5play
  2. 2.6 Basic Functions
  3. 5.6 Projectiles - Destroying Tiles
  4. Introduction to Computer Science in JavaScript (Corgi)
  5. 1.6 Top Down Design and Decomposition in Karel
  6. Introduction to Physical Computing with micro:bit
  7. 1.3 Comments & Pseudocode
Explain the types and uses of variables in programming.
  1. Mix and Match Middle School Course
  2. 9.5 Variables
  3. Introduction to Game Design with p5play
  4. 2.3 Variables
  5. Introduction to Computer Science in JavaScript (Corgi)
  6. 3.2 Variables
  7. Introduction to Physical Computing with micro:bit
  8. 1.4 Variables
Describe fundamental Boolean concepts, including Boolean algebra, operators, and logic.
  1. Introduction to Game Design with p5play
  2. 4.3 Booleans
Convert a simple program from pseudo-code into a common high-level programming environment.
  1. Introduction to Game Design with p5play
  2. 2.6 Basic Functions
  3. Introduction to Physical Computing with micro:bit
  4. 1.3 Comments & Pseudocode
  5. 2.5 Functions
  6. 3.1 micro:bit Challenges
Troubleshoot and debug errors in code.
  1. Mix and Match Middle School Course
  2. 9.4 Intro to JavaScript
  3. Introduction to Game Design with p5play
  4. 2.2 Intro to JavaScript
  5. AP Computer Science Principles in Python
  6. 1.15 Debugging Strategies
Define “programming” and discuss its role in computing.
  1. Introduction to Physical Computing with micro:bit
  2. 1.1 Welcome to micro:bit!
View hardware as an approachable and fun topic in computing.
  1. Introduction to Physical Computing with micro:bit
  2. 1.1 Welcome to micro:bit!
Believe that anyone can contribute to innovation.
  1. Introduction to Physical Computing with micro:bit
  2. 1.1 Welcome to micro:bit!
Use physical computing (aka: Microbits, Circuit Playgrounds, Arduino, Lilypads, Makey-Makey, Piper Kits, Raspberry Pi’s, etc.) to solve problems.
  1. Introduction to Physical Computing with micro:bit
  2. 1.1 Welcome to micro:bit!
Determine how computers sense and respond to their environment.
  1. Introduction to Physical Computing with micro:bit
  2. 3.1 micro:bit Challenges
  3. 3.2 Explore a New Sensor
  4. 4.1 Sensing and Making Sound
Determine the kind of information that can be communicated with hardware outputs.
  1. Introduction to Physical Computing with micro:bit
  2. 3.1 micro:bit Challenges
Analyze how simple hardware can be used to develop innovative new products.
  1. Introduction to Physical Computing with micro:bit
  2. 3.3 Follow a Step-by-Step Project
Define prototype in relation to digital design.
  1. Introduction to Physical Computing with micro:bit
  2. 3.4 Final Project
Create a prototype of an original game that can be played using a physical computing device.
  1. Introduction to Physical Computing with micro:bit
  2. 3.4 Final Project