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Standards Mapping

for Colorado Coding II


Standards in this Framework


Standards Mapped


Mapped to Course

Standard Lessons
Demonstrate an understanding of the program development process and algorithm development.
  1. 1.6 Top Down Design and Decomposition in Karel
  2. 1.14 More Karel Examples and Testing
  3. 8.1 What is an Algorithm?
  4. 8.6 Advanced: Recursion
Implement programs using analysis and design, testing, coding standards and documentation.
  1. 1.7 Commenting Your Code
  2. 3.4 Javadocs and More Methods
  3. 5.13 Ethical Issues Around Data Collection
  4. 8.8 Informal Code Analysis
Write programs with correct syntax.
  1. 1.15 How to Indent Your Code
  2. 2.4 Arithmetic Expressions
Write programs with input/output using a variety of data types.
  1. 2.1 Printing in Java
  2. 2.3 User Input
Demonstrate the use of different data types.
  1. 2.2 Variables and Types
Show how operators work with different data types.
  1. 2.4 Arithmetic Expressions
  2. 2.5 Casting
Identify how data is represented in the system.
  1. 5.12 Binary
Use logical expressions in a program.
  1. 2.6 Booleans
  2. 2.7 Logical Operators
  3. 2.8 Comparison Operators
Show how scope/lifetime rules affect code.
  1. 4.10 Local Variables and Scope
Write programs with multiple decisions and loops.
  1. 1.9 For Loops
  2. 1.10 While Loops in Karel
  3. 1.11 If Statements
  4. 1.12 If/Else Statements
  5. 2.9 For Loops
  6. 2.10 While Loops
  7. 2.12 Loop-and-a-Half
Explain program flow.
  1. 1.3 Java Programs and the Run Method
  2. 2.14 De Morgan's Laws
Use both system-defined and programmer-defined functions/methods with value and reference parameters in a program.
  1. 1.5 Methods in Karel
  2. 3.1 Java Methods
  3. 3.2 Methods and Parameters
  4. 3.3 Methods and Return Values
Group different data types together in a structure, class or equivalent.
  1. 4.1 Introduction to Classes and Objects
  2. 4.2 Classes vs. Objects
  3. 4.3 Using a Class as a Client
  4. 4.4 Writing Classes
Write a program with arrays.
  1. 5.2 Introduction to Arrays
  2. 5.3 Using Arrays
  3. 5.4 Enhanced For Loops
  4. 5.6 Arrays vs ArrayLists
Demonstrate and use recursion in a program.
  1. 8.6 Advanced: Recursion
  2. 8.7 Mergesort
Use pointers/references in a program, if applicable.
  1. 4.7 Class Methods and Class Variables