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Standards Mapping

for Colorado Coding I


Standards in this Framework


Standards Mapped


Mapped to Course

Standard Lessons
Identify key milestones in the development of computers and logical devices. a) Evaluate how computing impacts practices within the following contexts: i. Personal, ii. Ethical, iii. Social, iv. Economic, v. cultural
  1. 5.13 Ethical Issues Around Data Collection
Predict how computational innovations that have revolutionized aspects of our culture might evolve
Analyze ethical programming practices, including but not limited to the issues of: a) Confidentiality, b) Privacy, c) Piracy, d) Fraud and misuse, e) Liability, f) Copyright, g) Open source software, h) Trade secrets, i) Sabotage
  1. 5.13 Ethical Issues Around Data Collection
Differentiate between system-level and application solutions and identify an appropriate code-based strategy to solve a given problem.
  1. 4.1 Introduction to Classes and Objects
  2. 4.2 Classes vs. Objects
Apply the system management tools present in a programming development environment to: a) Develop syntactically correct program code using current best practices and emerging classes of development techniques, b) Use a compiler/interpreter to produce executable code
  1. 1.1 Introduction to Programming With Karel
Develop strategies that work within the constraints of major operating system fundamentals, such as: a) Opening a file for reading and writing, b) File management syntax requirements, including but not limited to creating, naming, organizing, copying, moving, and deleting files, c) File name conventions, as they apply across multiple software applications and file types
Write pseudocode and construct a flowchart for a process before starting to develop the program code.
Organize and develop a plan to acquire and manage the data values for a process, including the following: a) Data types, such as string, numeric, character, integer, and date, b) Program variable names, c) Variables and constants, d) Arrays (at least one-and two-dimensional), e) Input from files and user responses, f) Output to files and reports
  1. 2.2 Variables and Types
  2. 5.2 Introduction to Arrays
  3. 5.3 Using Arrays
  4. 5.5 ArrayList Methods
Using a programming language specified by the instructor, convert the pseudocode for a selected process to program code, incorporating some of the following: a) Operations and functions (user-defined and/or library), b) Repetition (loops), c) Decisions (if…else, case), d) Recursion
  1. 2.9 For Loops
  2. 2.10 While Loops
  3. 4.4 Writing Classes
  4. 4.5 Writing Classes and Instance Methods
Verify the correct operation of the resulting program code with several test cases: a) All valid values, b) Error trapping of invalid values, c) Error trapping of invalid program operations, d) Troubleshooting/remedying program problems
Convert numbers from base-10 to binary and hexadecimal
  1. 5.12 Binary
Compile the necessary documentation to understand the nature of a computer programming problem and the customer/client specifications for the request and summarize. This will include: a) Evidence of the scope of problem, b) Its intended input and output information, c) The required system processing, d) Software specifications involved
In the software development process, articulate the nature of the program designs by creating documentation that addresses topics including, but not limited to: a) The procedural, object-oriented, event-driven, or other nature of the various portions of the resulting application, b) The data structures used for inputs, outputs and the internal manipulations, c) The algorithms and guiding formulas used, d) Constraints on the accurate operation and results, e) Modular designs that enable portability, f) Interface details that permit ready maintenance and upkeep
  1. 3.4 Javadocs and More Methods
  2. 4.14 Class Design and Abstract Classes
Apply principles of quality assurance during application development to certify bug tracking, audit trails, testing results and other quality considerations. Annotate each quality assurance task with evidence from best practices endorsed by industry or research.