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Utah Game Development Fundamentals 1: UT.GD1.2.2a

CodeHS Lessons

Understand design functionality (determine what to include in the game with regard to movements, power-ups, jumping, avoiding obstacles, collecting, etc.)

4.2 Building a Scene with Prefabs
4.3 Game Physics
7.1 Gameplay and Effects
7.6 Make It Your Own
9.1 Model Creation
9.2 Character Animation
3.2 Building a Scene with Prefabs
3.3 Game Physics
4.1 Gameplay and Effects
4.6 Make It Your Own
7.1 Model Creation
7.2 Character Animation
3.2 Building a Scene with Prefabs
3.3 Game Physics
4.1 Gameplay and Effects
4.7 Make It Your Own
8.1 Model Creation
8.2 Character Animation