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TX MS Tech Apps: 126.16.C.6.A

CodeHS Lessons

define and use current technology terminology appropriately

2.2 A Day at the Park
4.3 Hardware
6.2 The Need for Protocols
6.4 Cybersecurity
6.5 The CIA Triad
10.2 Structure of an HTML Page
2.2 A Day at the Park
3.3 Hardware
2.2 The Need for Protocols
2.4 Cybersecurity
2.5 The CIA Triad
3.2 Structure of an HTML Page
1.1 Introduction to HTML
1.2 Structure of an HTML Page
10.2 Computer Organization
10.3 Software
10.4 Hardware
11.1 Intro to Digital Information
11.2 Number Systems
11.3 Encoding Text with Binary
11.4 Pixel Images
11.5 Hexadecimal
12.2 Internet Hardware
12.3 Internet Addresses
12.4 DNS
12.6 Packets and Protocols
12.7 The Impact of the Internet
1.1 Introduction to HTML
1.2 Structure of an HTML Page
10.2 Computer Organization
10.3 Software
10.4 Hardware
11.1 Intro to Digital Information
11.2 Number Systems
11.3 Encoding Text with Binary
11.4 Pixel Images
11.5 Hexadecimal
12.2 Internet Hardware
12.3 Internet Addresses
12.4 DNS
12.6 Packets and Protocols
12.7 The Impact of the Internet
13.8 The CIA Triad
2.2 Computer Organization
2.3 Software
2.4 Hardware
4.1 Introduction to HTML
4.2 Structure of an HTML Page
6.1 Intro to Digital Information
6.2 Number Systems
6.3 Encoding Text with Binary
6.4 Pixel Images
6.5 Hexadecimal
7.2 Internet Hardware
7.3 Internet Addresses
7.4 DNS
7.6 Packets and Protocols
7.7 The Impact of the Internet
15.4 The CIA Triad
1.1 Introduction to HTML
1.2 Structure of an HTML Page
2.1 Intro to Digital Information
2.2 Number Systems
2.3 Encoding Text with Binary
2.4 Pixel Images
2.5 Hexadecimal
3.2 Internet Hardware
3.3 Internet Addresses
3.4 DNS
3.6 Packets and Protocols
3.7 The Impact of the Internet
2.2 Computer Organization
2.3 Software
2.4 Hardware
1.2 The CIA Triad
2.2 Computer Organization
2.3 Software
2.4 Hardware
6.1 Introduction to HTML
6.2 Structure of an HTML Page
8.1 Intro to Digital Information
8.2 Number Systems
8.3 Encoding Text with Binary
8.4 Pixel Images
8.5 Hexadecimal
9.2 Internet Hardware
9.3 Internet Addresses
9.4 DNS
9.6 Packets and Protocols
9.7 The Impact of the Internet
13.4 The CIA Triad
1.2 The CIA Triad
1.2 The CIA Triad
4.3 Computer Organization
4.4 Software
4.10 Number Systems
4.11 Encoding Text with Binary
1.2 The CIA Triad
3.3 Computer Organization
3.4 Software
3.10 Number Systems
3.11 Encoding Text with Binary
1.2 The CIA Triad
2.2 Computer Organization
2.3 Software
2.4 Hardware
6.1 Introduction to HTML
6.2 Structure of an HTML Page
8.1 Intro to Digital Information
8.2 Number Systems
8.3 Encoding Text with Binary
8.4 Pixel Images
8.5 Hexadecimal
9.2 Internet Hardware
9.3 Internet Addresses
9.4 DNS
9.6 Packets and Protocols
9.7 The Impact of the Internet
13.4 The CIA Triad
4.4 The Need for Protocols
4.6 Cybersecurity
4.7 The CIA Triad
8.2 Structure of an HTML Page
1.2 The CIA Triad
4.2 Computer Organization
4.3 Software
4.4 Hardware
1.3 Software
1.4 Hardware
1.6 Intro to Digital Information
1.8 The Impact of the Internet
1.2 Introduction to HTML
1.3 Structure of an HTML Page
1.2 The CIA Triad
4.2 Computer Organization
4.3 Software
4.4 Hardware
9.1 Introduction to HTML
9.2 Structure of an HTML Page
2.2 Computer Organization
2.3 Software
2.4 Hardware
8.4 The CIA Triad
2.2 A Day at the Park
3.3 Hardware
2.2 The Need for Protocols
2.4 Cybersecurity
2.5 The CIA Triad
3.2 Structure of an HTML Page
4.2 Computer Organization
4.3 Software
4.4 Hardware
5.1 Intro to Digital Information
5.2 Number Systems
5.3 Encoding Text with Binary
5.4 Pixel Images
5.5 Hexadecimal
6.2 Internet Hardware
6.3 Internet Addresses
6.4 DNS
6.6 Packets and Protocols
6.7 The Impact of the Internet
4.2 Computer Organization
4.3 Software
4.4 Hardware
5.1 Intro to Digital Information
5.2 Number Systems
5.3 Encoding Text with Binary
5.4 Pixel Images
5.5 Hexadecimal
6.2 Internet Hardware
6.3 Internet Addresses
6.4 DNS
6.6 Packets and Protocols
6.7 The Impact of the Internet
2.2 Computer Organization
2.3 Software
2.4 Hardware
6.1 Introduction to HTML
6.2 Structure of an HTML Page
8.1 Intro to Digital Information
8.2 Number Systems
8.3 Encoding Text with Binary
8.4 Pixel Images
8.5 Hexadecimal
9.2 Internet Hardware
9.3 Internet Addresses
9.4 DNS
9.6 Packets and Protocols
9.7 The Impact of the Internet
13.4 The CIA Triad
1.2 The CIA Triad
1.2 The CIA Triad
2.2 Computer Organization
2.3 Software
2.4 Hardware
6.1 Introduction to HTML
6.2 Structure of an HTML Page
8.1 Intro to Digital Information
8.2 Number Systems
8.3 Encoding Text with Binary
8.4 Pixel Images
8.5 Hexadecimal
9.2 Internet Hardware
9.3 Internet Addresses
9.4 DNS
9.6 Packets and Protocols
9.7 The Impact of the Internet
13.4 The CIA Triad
2.2 Computer Organization
2.3 Software
2.4 Hardware
6.1 Introduction to HTML
6.2 Structure of an HTML Page
8.1 Intro to Digital Information
8.2 Number Systems
8.3 Encoding Text with Binary
8.4 Pixel Images
8.5 Hexadecimal
9.2 Internet Hardware
9.3 Internet Addresses
9.4 DNS
9.6 Packets and Protocols
9.7 The Impact of the Internet
13.4 The CIA Triad
2.2 Computer Organization
2.3 Software
2.4 Hardware
6.1 Introduction to HTML
6.2 Structure of an HTML Page
8.1 Intro to Digital Information
8.2 Number Systems
8.3 Encoding Text with Binary
8.4 Pixel Images
8.5 Hexadecimal
9.2 Internet Hardware
9.3 Internet Addresses
9.4 DNS
9.6 Packets and Protocols
9.7 The Impact of the Internet
13.4 The CIA Triad
2.1 Intro to Digital Information
2.2 Number Systems
2.3 Encoding Text with Binary
2.4 Pixel Images
2.5 Hexadecimal
3.2 Internet Hardware
3.3 Internet Addresses
3.4 DNS
3.6 Packets and Protocols
3.8 The Impact of the Internet
9.2 Computer Organization
9.3 Software
9.4 Hardware
11.1 Introduction to HTML
11.2 Structure of an HTML Page
16.4 The CIA Triad
2.2 Computer Organization
2.3 Software
2.4 Hardware
6.1 Introduction to HTML
6.2 Structure of an HTML Page
8.1 Intro to Digital Information
8.2 Number Systems
8.3 Encoding Text with Binary
8.4 Pixel Images
8.5 Hexadecimal
9.2 Internet Hardware
9.3 Internet Addresses
9.4 DNS
9.6 Packets and Protocols
9.7 The Impact of the Internet
13.4 The CIA Triad
4.1 Introduction to HTML
4.2 Structure of an HTML Page
9.1 Intro to Digital Information
9.2 Number Systems
9.3 Encoding Text with Binary
9.4 Pixel Images
9.5 Hexadecimal
13.2 Internet Hardware
13.3 Internet Addresses
13.4 DNS
13.6 Packets and Protocols
13.7 The Impact of the Internet
4.1 Introduction to HTML
4.2 Structure of an HTML Page
1.2 Computer Organization
1.3 Software
1.4 Hardware
5.2 The CIA Triad
3.3 Hardware
4.2 The Need for Protocols
4.4 Cybersecurity
4.5 The CIA Triad
1.2 The CIA Triad
2.3 Hardware
4.2 The Need for Protocols
4.6 Cybersecurity
2.3 Hardware
4.2 The Need for Protocols
4.6 Cybersecurity
8.1 Hardware
2.2 Computer Organization
2.3 Software
2.4 Hardware
6.1 Introduction to HTML
6.2 Structure of an HTML Page
8.1 Intro to Digital Information
8.2 Number Systems
8.3 Encoding Text with Binary
8.4 Pixel Images
8.5 Hexadecimal
9.2 Internet Hardware
9.3 Internet Addresses
9.4 DNS
9.6 Packets and Protocols
9.7 The Impact of the Internet
13.4 The CIA Triad
2.2 Computer Organization
2.3 Software
2.4 Hardware
6.1 Introduction to HTML
6.2 Structure of an HTML Page
8.1 Intro to Digital Information
8.2 Number Systems
8.3 Encoding Text with Binary
8.4 Pixel Images
8.5 Hexadecimal
9.2 Internet Hardware
9.3 Internet Addresses
9.4 DNS
9.6 Packets and Protocols
9.7 The Impact of the Internet
11.4 The CIA Triad
1.3 The CIA Triad
2.2 Computer Organization
2.3 Software
2.4 Hardware
8.1 Introduction to HTML
8.2 Structure of an HTML Page
2.2 Computer Organization
2.3 Software
2.5 Hardware
4.1 Introduction to HTML
4.2 Structure of an HTML Page
9.3 The CIA Triad
4.2 Computer Organization
4.5 Hardware
5.1 Intro to Digital Information
5.2 Number Systems
5.3 Encoding Text with Binary
5.4 Pixel Images
5.5 Hexadecimal
7.2 Internet Hardware
7.3 Internet Addresses
7.4 DNS
7.6 Packets and Protocols
7.7 The Impact of the Internet
1.1 Intro to Digital Information
1.2 Number Systems
1.3 Encoding Text with Binary
1.4 Computer Organization
1.5 Software
1.6 Hardware
3.2 Internet Hardware
3.3 Internet Addresses
3.4 DNS
3.6 Packets and Protocols
3.7 The Impact of the Internet
5.1 Introduction to HTML
5.2 Structure of an HTML Page
7.2 Computer Organization
7.4 Hardware
1.2 The CIA Triad
1.4 The CIA Triad
2.2 Computer Organization
2.3 Software
2.4 Hardware
6.1 Introduction to HTML
6.2 Structure of an HTML Page
8.1 Intro to Digital Information
8.2 Number Systems
8.3 Encoding Text with Binary
8.4 Pixel Images
8.5 Hexadecimal
9.2 Internet Hardware
9.3 Internet Addresses
9.4 DNS
9.6 Packets and Protocols
9.7 The Impact of the Internet
13.4 The CIA Triad
2.3 Hardware
4.2 The Need for Protocols
4.4 Cybersecurity
4.5 The CIA Triad
7.1 Intro to Digital Information
7.2 Number Systems
7.3 Encoding Text with Binary
7.4 Pixel Images
7.5 Hexadecimal
5.2 Structure of an HTML Page
1.4 The CIA Triad
2.2 A Day at the Park
3.3 Hardware
2.2 The Need for Protocols
2.4 Cybersecurity
2.5 The CIA Triad
3.2 Structure of an HTML Page
2.2 Computer Organization
2.3 Software
2.4 Hardware
6.1 Introduction to HTML
6.2 Structure of an HTML Page
8.1 Intro to Digital Information
8.2 Number Systems
8.3 Encoding Text with Binary
8.4 Pixel Images
8.5 Hexadecimal
9.2 Internet Hardware
9.3 Internet Addresses
9.4 DNS
9.6 Packets and Protocols
9.7 The Impact of the Internet
13.4 The CIA Triad
1.2 Structure of an HTML Page
3.1 Intro to Digital Information
3.2 Number Systems
3.3 Encoding Text with Binary
3.4 Pixel Images
3.5 Hexadecimal
4.2 The Need for Protocols
4.4 Cybersecurity
4.5 The CIA Triad
2.2 A Day at the Park
3.3 Hardware
1.2 Computer Organization
1.3 Software
1.5 Hardware
3.2 Structure of an HTML Page
8.3 The CIA Triad