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TX MS Tech Apps: 126.16.C.1.B

CodeHS Lessons

create, present, and publish original works as a means of personal or group expression

25.3 Turning Tracy
25.4 For Loops
25.5 Turning Tracy Using Angles
25.8 Artistic Effects
25.10 Variables
25.13 User Input
25.14 Parameters
25.16 Using i in For Loops
25.17 Extended Loop Control
25.18 If Statements
25.19 If/Else Statements
25.20 While Loops
25.7 Functions
25.21 Putting Together Control Structures
14.15 Your First Website
2.2 A Day at the Park
10.9 Complete Your Homepage
2.2 A Day at the Park
3.9 Complete Your Homepage
2.2 Turning Tracy
2.3 For Loops
2.4 Turning Tracy Using Angles
3.2 Naming Guidelines
3.3 Functions
3.4 Artistic Effects
3.6 Top Down Design
5.1 Variables
5.5 User Input
5.6 Parameters
5.9 Using i in For Loops
5.10 Extended Loop Control
7.1 If Statements
7.2 If/Else Statements
7.4 While Loops
8.1 Putting Together Control Structures
2.2 Turning Tracy
2.3 For Loops
2.4 Turning Tracy Using Angles
3.2 Naming Guidelines
3.3 Functions
3.4 Artistic Effects
3.6 Top Down Design
5.1 Variables
5.5 User Input
5.6 Parameters
5.9 Using i in For Loops
5.10 Extended Loop Control
7.1 If Statements
7.2 If/Else Statements
7.4 While Loops
8.1 Putting Together Control Structures
6.4 Ultra Karel
8.1 Final Project
1.14 Project: Your First Website
2.16 Karel Challenges
3.3 Turning Tracy
3.4 For Loops
3.5 Turning Tracy Using Angles
3.7 Naming Guidelines
3.8 Functions
3.9 Artistic Effects
3.10 Top Down Design
3.11 Variables
3.12 User Input
3.13 Parameters
3.14 Using i in For Loops
3.15 Extended Loop Control
3.16 If Statements
3.17 If/ Else Statements
3.18 While Loops
3.19 Putting Together Control Structures
9.10 Make a Game!
9.9 Final Touches
9.8 Level Up!
9.7 Putting Game
9.6 Event Handlers
9.5 Air Horn App
9.4 Make a Shot!
9.3 Sound Effects
9.2 Game Events
9.1 Sports Research
12.8 Project: The Effects of the Internet
11.6 Pixel Colors!
11.5 Hexadecimal
11.4 Pixel Images
1.14 Project: Your First Website
2.16 Karel Challenges
6.7 Naming Guidelines
9.10 Make a Game!
6.5 Turning Tracy Using Angles
6.4 For Loops
6.3 Turning Tracy
9.1 Sports Research
9.2 Game Events
9.3 Sound Effects
9.4 Make a Shot!
9.5 Air Horn App
9.6 Event Handlers
9.7 Putting Game
9.8 Level Up!
9.9 Final Touches
6.8 Functions
6.9 Artistic Effects
6.10 Top Down Design
6.11 Variables
6.12 User Input
6.13 Parameters
6.14 Using i in For Loops
6.15 Extended Loop Control
6.16 If Statements
6.17 If/ Else Statements
6.18 While Loops
6.19 Putting Together Control Structures
11.4 Pixel Images
11.5 Hexadecimal
11.6 Pixel Colors!
12.8 Project: The Effects of the Internet
1.16 Karel Challenges
5.1 Project: Your First Website
6.4 Pixel Images
6.5 Hexadecimal
6.6 Pixel Colors!
8.1 Project: The Effects of the Internet
13.5 Turning Tracy Using Angles
14.10 Make a Game!
13.4 For Loops
13.3 Turning Tracy
14.1 Sports Research
14.2 Game Events
14.3 Sound Effects
14.4 Make a Shot!
14.5 Air Horn App
14.6 Event Handlers
14.7 Putting Game
14.8 Level Up!
14.9 Final Touches
13.7 Naming Guidelines
13.8 Functions
13.9 Artistic Effects
13.10 Top Down Design
13.11 Variables
13.12 User Input
13.13 Parameters
13.14 Using i in For Loops
13.15 Extended Loop Control
13.16 If Statements
13.17 If/ Else Statements
13.18 While Loops
13.19 Putting Together Control Structures
1.14 Project: Your First Website
2.4 Pixel Images
2.5 Hexadecimal
2.6 Pixel Colors!
3.8 Project: The Effects of the Internet
1.16 Karel Challenges
3.14 More Karel Examples and Testing
3.16 Ultra Karel
3.17 Karel Challenges
3.18 Final Project
1.3 Turning Tracy
1.4 For Loops
1.5 Turning Tracy Using Angles
1.7 Naming Guidelines
1.8 Functions
1.9 Artistic Effects
1.10 Top Down Design
1.11 Variables
1.12 User Input
1.13 Parameters
1.14 Using i in For Loops
1.15 Extended Loop Control
1.16 If Statements
1.17 If/ Else Statements
1.18 While Loops
1.19 Putting Together Control Structures
12.1 Arduino Challenges
12.2 Explore a New Sensor
12.4 Final Project
14.1 Arduino Challenges
14.2 Explore a New Sensor
14.4 Final Project
2.1 Turning Tracy
2.2 For Loops
2.3 Turning Tracy Using Angles
3.2 Naming Guidelines
3.3 Functions
3.4 Artistic Effects
3.5 Top Down Design
4.1 Variables
4.2 User Input
4.3 Parameters
4.4 Using i in For Loops
4.5 Extended Loop Control
6.1 If Statements
6.2 If/ Else Statements
6.3 While Loops
8.1 Putting Together Control Structures
9.1 micro:bit Challenges
9.2 Explore a New Sensor
9.4 Final Project
8.2 More Karel Examples and Testing
8.4 Ultra Karel
9.1 Karel Challenges
10.1 micro:bit Challenges
10.2 Explore a New Sensor
10.4 Final Project
11.1 Final Project
3.1 micro:bit Challenges
3.2 Explore a New Sensor
3.4 Final Project
3.1 Arduino Challenges
3.2 Explore a New Sensor
3.4 Final Project
3.1 Sports Research
3.2 Game Events
3.3 Sound Effects
3.4 Make a Shot!
3.5 Air Horn App
3.6 Event Handlers
3.7 Putting Game
3.8 Level Up!
3.9 Final Touches
3.10 Make a Game!
1.1 Sports Research
2.1 Game Events
2.2 Sound Effects
2.3 Make a Shot!
2.4 Air Horn App
2.5 Event Handlers
2.6 Putting Game
2.7 Level Up!
2.8 Final Touches
2.9 Make a Game!
1.3 Turning Tracy
1.4 For Loops
1.5 Turning Tracy Using Angles
1.7 Naming Guidelines
1.8 Functions
1.9 Artistic Effects
1.10 Top Down Design
1.11 Variables
1.12 User Input
1.13 Parameters
1.14 Using i in For Loops
1.15 Extended Loop Control
1.16 If Statements
1.17 If/ Else Statements
1.18 While Loops
1.19 Putting Together Control Structures
7.7 Build Your Website!
8.4 Pixel Images
8.5 Hexadecimal
8.6 Pixel Colors!
15.1 micro:bit Challenges
15.2 Explore a New Sensor
15.4 Final Project
11.16 Karel Challenges
6.1 Final Project
2.1 Turning Tracy
2.2 For Loops
2.3 Turning Tracy Using Angles
3.2 Naming Guidelines
3.3 Functions
3.4 Artistic Effects
3.5 Top Down Design
4.1 Variables
4.2 User Input
4.3 Parameters
4.4 Using i in For Loops
4.5 Extended Loop Control
5.1 If Statements
5.2 If/ Else Statements
5.3 While Loops
6.1 Putting Together Control Structures
2.3 Turning Tracy
2.4 For Loops
2.5 Turning Tracy Using Angles
2.7 Naming Guidelines
2.8 Functions
2.9 Artistic Effects
2.10 Top Down Design
2.11 Variables
2.12 User Input
2.13 Parameters
2.14 Using i in For Loops
2.15 Extended Loop Control
2.16 If Statements
2.17 If/ Else Statements
2.18 While Loops
2.19 Putting Together Control Structures
6.2 More Karel Examples and Testing
6.4 Ultra Karel
7.1 Karel Challenges
8.1 Final Project
2.3 Turning Tracy
2.4 For Loops
2.5 Turning Tracy Using Angles
2.7 Naming Guidelines
2.8 Functions
2.9 Artistic Effects
2.10 Top Down Design
2.12 Variables
2.13 User Input
2.14 Parameters
2.16 Using i in For Loops
2.17 Extended Loop Control
2.18 If Statements
2.19 If/ Else Statements
2.20 While Loops
2.22 Putting Together Control Structures
1.3 Turning Tracy
1.4 For Loops
1.5 Turning Tracy Using Angles
1.7 Naming Guidelines
1.8 Functions
1.9 Artistic Effects
1.10 Top Down Design
1.11 Variables
1.12 User Input
1.13 Parameters
1.14 Using i in For Loops
1.15 Extended Loop Control
1.16 If Statements
1.17 If/ Else Statements
1.18 While Loops
1.19 Putting Together Control Structures
7.7 Build Your Website!
8.4 Pixel Images
8.5 Hexadecimal
8.6 Pixel Colors!
15.1 micro:bit Challenges
15.2 Explore a New Sensor
15.4 Final Project
11.16 Karel Challenges
3.3 Turning Tracy
3.4 For Loops
3.5 Turning Tracy Using Angles
3.7 Naming Guidelines
3.8 Functions
3.9 Artistic Effects
3.10 Top Down Design
3.11 Variables
3.12 User Input
3.13 Parameters
3.14 Using i in For Loops
3.15 Extended Loop Control
3.16 If Statements
3.17 If/ Else Statements
3.18 While Loops
3.19 Putting Together Control Structures
4.1 Sports Research
4.2 Game Events
4.3 Sound Effects
4.4 Make a Shot!
4.5 Air Horn App
4.6 Event Handlers
4.7 Putting Game
4.8 Level Up!
4.9 Final Touches
4.10 Make a Game!
9.14 Project: Your First Website
18.11 Variables
18.3 Turning Tracy
18.4 For Loops
18.5 Turning Tracy Using Angles
18.7 Naming Guidelines
18.8 Functions
18.9 Artistic Effects
18.10 Top Down Design
18.19 Putting Together Control Structures
18.12 User Input
18.13 Parameters
18.14 Using i in For Loops
18.15 Extended Loop Control
18.16 If Statements
18.17 If/ Else Statements
18.18 While Loops
1.3 Turning Tracy
1.4 For Loops
1.5 Turning Tracy Using Angles
1.7 Naming Guidelines
1.8 Functions
1.9 Artistic Effects
1.10 Top Down Design
1.11 Variables
1.12 User Input
1.13 Parameters
1.14 Using i in For Loops
1.15 Extended Loop Control
1.16 If Statements
1.17 If/ Else Statements
1.18 While Loops
1.19 Putting Together Control Structures
6.16 Karel Challenges
10.1 micro:bit Challenges
10.2 Explore a New Sensor
10.4 Final Project
2.2 A Day at the Park
3.9 Complete Your Homepage
5.4 Pixel Images
5.5 Hexadecimal
5.6 Pixel Colors!
7.1 Project: The Effects of the Internet
5.4 Pixel Images
5.5 Hexadecimal
5.6 Pixel Colors!
7.1 Project: The Effects of the Internet
18.15 Your First Website
1.3 Turning Tracy
1.4 For Loops
1.5 Turning Tracy Using Angles
1.7 Naming Guidelines
1.8 Functions
1.9 Artistic Effects
1.10 Top Down Design
1.11 Variables
1.12 User Input
1.13 Parameters
1.14 Using i in For Loops
1.15 Extended Loop Control
1.16 If Statements
1.17 If/ Else Statements
1.18 While Loops
1.19 Putting Together Control Structures
7.7 Build Your Website!
8.4 Pixel Images
8.5 Hexadecimal
8.6 Pixel Colors!
15.1 micro:bit Challenges
15.2 Explore a New Sensor
15.4 Final Project
11.16 Karel Challenges
1.3 Turning Tracy
1.4 For Loops
1.5 Turning Tracy Using Angles
1.7 Naming Guidelines
1.8 Functions
1.9 Artistic Effects
1.10 Top Down Design
1.11 Variables
1.12 User Input
1.13 Parameters
1.14 Using i in For Loops
1.15 Extended Loop Control
1.16 If Statements
1.17 If/ Else Statements
1.18 While Loops
1.19 Putting Together Control Structures
7.7 Build Your Website!
8.4 Pixel Images
8.5 Hexadecimal
8.6 Pixel Colors!
15.1 micro:bit Challenges
15.2 Explore a New Sensor
15.4 Final Project
11.16 Karel Challenges
1.3 Turning Tracy
1.4 For Loops
1.5 Turning Tracy Using Angles
1.7 Naming Guidelines
1.8 Functions
1.9 Artistic Effects
1.10 Top Down Design
1.11 Variables
1.12 User Input
1.13 Parameters
1.14 Using i in For Loops
1.15 Extended Loop Control
1.16 If Statements
1.17 If/ Else Statements
1.18 While Loops
1.19 Putting Together Control Structures
7.7 Build Your Website!
8.4 Pixel Images
8.5 Hexadecimal
8.6 Pixel Colors!
15.1 micro:bit Challenges
15.2 Explore a New Sensor
15.4 Final Project
11.16 Karel Challenges
6.3 Turning Tracy
6.4 For Loops
6.5 Turning Tracy Using Angles
6.6 Functions
6.7 Artistic Effects
6.8 Top Down Design
6.10 Variables
6.11 User Input
6.12 Parameters
6.13 If Statements
6.14 If/ Else Statements
6.15 While Loops
8.3 Turning Tracy
8.4 For Loops
8.5 Turning Tracy Using Angles
8.6 Functions
8.7 Artistic Effects
8.8 Top Down Design
8.10 Variables
8.11 User Input
8.12 Parameters
8.13 If Statements
8.14 If/ Else Statements
8.15 While Loops
1.3 Turning Tracy
1.4 For Loops
1.5 Turning Tracy Using Angles
1.7 Naming Guidelines
1.8 Functions
1.9 Artistic Effects
1.10 Top Down Design
1.11 Variables
1.12 User Input
1.13 Parameters
1.14 Using i in For Loops
1.15 Extended Loop Control
1.16 If Statements
1.17 If/ Else Statements
1.18 While Loops
1.19 Putting Together Control Structures
7.7 Build Your Website!
8.4 Pixel Images
8.5 Hexadecimal
8.6 Pixel Colors!
15.1 micro:bit Challenges
15.2 Explore a New Sensor
15.4 Final Project
11.16 Karel Challenges
1.3 Turning Tracy
1.4 For Loops
1.5 Turning Tracy Using Angles
1.7 Naming Guidelines
1.8 Functions
1.9 Artistic Effects
1.10 Top Down Design
1.11 Variables
1.12 User Input
1.13 Parameters
1.14 Using i in For Loops
1.15 Extended Loop Control
1.16 If Statements
1.17 If/ Else Statements
1.18 While Loops
1.19 Putting Together Control Structures
2.4 Pixel Images
2.5 Hexadecimal
2.6 Pixel Colors!
14.16 Karel Challenges
7.1 micro:bit Challenges
7.2 Explore a New Sensor
7.4 Final Project
12.7 Build Your Website!
1.3 Turning Tracy
1.4 For Loops
1.5 Turning Tracy Using Angles
1.7 Naming Guidelines
1.8 Functions
1.9 Artistic Effects
1.10 Top Down Design
1.11 Variables
1.12 User Input
1.13 Parameters
1.14 Using i in For Loops
1.15 Extended Loop Control
1.16 If Statements
1.17 If/ Else Statements
1.18 While Loops
1.19 Putting Together Control Structures
7.7 Build Your Website!
8.4 Pixel Images
8.5 Hexadecimal
8.6 Pixel Colors!
15.1 micro:bit Challenges
15.2 Explore a New Sensor
15.4 Final Project
11.16 Karel Challenges
3.3 Turning Tracy
3.4 For Loops
3.5 Turning Tracy Using Angles
3.7 Naming Guidelines
3.8 Functions
3.9 Artistic Effects
3.10 Top Down Design
3.11 Variables
3.12 User Input
3.13 Parameters
3.14 Using i in For Loops
3.15 Extended Loop Control
3.16 If Statements
3.17 If/ Else Statements
3.18 While Loops
3.19 Putting Together Control Structures
5.1 Project: Your First Website
8.16 Karel Challenges
9.4 Pixel Images
9.5 Hexadecimal
9.6 Pixel Colors!
14.1 Project: The Effects of the Internet
3.3 Turning Tracy
3.4 For Loops
3.5 Turning Tracy Using Angles
3.7 Naming Guidelines
3.8 Functions
3.9 Artistic Effects
3.10 Top Down Design
3.12 Variables
3.13 User Input
3.14 Parameters
3.15 Using i in For Loops
3.16 Extended Loop Control
3.17 If Statements
3.18 If/ Else Statements
3.19 While Loops
3.20 Putting Together Control Structures
1.4 Turning Tracy
1.5 For Loops
1.6 Turning Tracy Using Angles
1.8 Naming Guidelines
1.9 Functions
1.10 Artistic Effects
1.11 Top Down Design
1.12 Variables
1.13 User Input
1.14 Parameters
1.15 Using i in For Loops
1.16 Extended Loop Control
1.17 If Statements
1.18 If/ Else Statements
1.19 While Loops
1.20 Putting Together Control Structures
1.4 Turning Tracy
1.5 For Loops
1.6 Turning Tracy Using Angles
1.8 Naming Guidelines
1.9 Functions
1.10 Artistic Effects
1.11 Top Down Design
1.12 Variables
1.13 User Input
1.14 Parameters
1.15 Using i in For Loops
1.16 Extended Loop Control
1.17 If Statements
1.18 If/ Else Statements
1.19 While Loops
1.20 Putting Together Control Structures
1.3 Turning Tracy
1.4 For Loops
1.5 Turning Tracy Using Angles
1.7 Naming Guidelines
1.8 Functions
1.9 Artistic Effects
1.10 Top Down Design
1.11 Variables
1.12 User Input
1.13 Parameters
1.14 Using i in For Loops
1.15 Extended Loop Control
1.16 If Statements
1.17 If/ Else Statements
1.18 While Loops
1.19 Putting Together Control Structures
7.7 Build Your Website!
8.4 Pixel Images
8.5 Hexadecimal
8.6 Pixel Colors!
15.1 micro:bit Challenges
15.2 Explore a New Sensor
15.4 Final Project
11.16 Karel Challenges
1.3 Turning Tracy
1.4 For Loops
1.5 Turning Tracy Using Angles
1.7 Naming Guidelines
1.8 Functions
1.9 Artistic Effects
1.10 Top Down Design
1.11 Variables
1.12 User Input
1.13 Parameters
1.14 Using i in For Loops
1.15 Extended Loop Control
1.16 If Statements
1.17 If/ Else Statements
1.18 While Loops
1.19 Putting Together Control Structures
7.7 Build Your Website!
8.4 Pixel Images
8.5 Hexadecimal
8.6 Pixel Colors!
15.1 micro:bit Challenges
15.2 Explore a New Sensor
15.4 Final Project
12.16 Karel Challenges
16.3 Turning Tracy
16.4 For Loops
16.5 Turning Tracy Using Angles
16.8 Artistic Effects
16.10 Variables
16.13 User Input
16.14 Parameters
16.16 Using i in For Loops
16.17 Extended Loop Control
16.18 If Statements
16.19 If/Else Statements
16.20 While Loops
16.7 Functions
16.21 Putting Together Control Structures
16.3 Turning Tracy
16.4 For Loops
16.5 Turning Tracy Using Angles
16.8 Artistic Effects
16.10 Variables
16.13 User Input
16.14 Parameters
16.16 Using i in For Loops
16.17 Extended Loop Control
16.18 If Statements
16.19 If/Else Statements
16.20 While Loops
16.7 Functions
16.21 Putting Together Control Structures
8.14 Project: Your First Website
23.15 Your First Website
5.4 Pixel Images
5.5 Hexadecimal
5.6 Pixel Colors!
12.1 Sports Research
12.2 Game Events
12.3 Sound Effects
12.4 Make a Shot!
12.5 Air Horn App
12.6 Event Handlers
12.7 Putting Game
12.8 Level Up!
12.9 Final Touches
12.10 Make a Game!
5.14 Your First Website
14.1 Project: Your First Website
13.1 Project: The Effects of the Internet
24.15 Your First Website
2.1 Turning Tracy
2.2 For Loops
2.3 Turning Tracy Using Angles
3.2 Naming Guidelines
3.3 Functions
3.4 Artistic Effects
3.5 Top Down Design
4.2 Variables
4.3 User Input
4.4 Parameters
4.6 Using i in For Loops
4.7 Extended Loop Control
5.1 If Statements
5.2 If/ Else Statements
5.3 While Loops
6.1 Putting Together Control Structures
21.15 Your First Website
1.3 Turning Tracy
1.4 For Loops
1.5 Turning Tracy Using Angles
1.7 Naming Guidelines
1.8 Functions
1.9 Artistic Effects
1.10 Top Down Design
1.11 Variables
1.12 User Input
1.13 Parameters
1.14 Using i in For Loops
1.15 Extended Loop Control
1.16 If Statements
1.17 If/ Else Statements
1.18 While Loops
1.19 Putting Together Control Structures
7.7 Build Your Website!
8.4 Pixel Images
8.5 Hexadecimal
8.6 Pixel Colors!
15.1 micro:bit Challenges
15.2 Explore a New Sensor
15.4 Final Project
11.16 Karel Challenges
1.1 Sports Research
7.4 Pixel Images
7.5 Hexadecimal
7.6 Pixel Colors!
3.7 Explore a New Sensor
5.11 Complete Your Homepage
8.1 micro:bit Challenges
8.3 Final Project
2.2 Turning Tracy
2.3 For Loops
2.4 Turning Tracy Using Angles
3.2 Naming Guidelines
3.3 Functions
3.4 Artistic Effects
3.6 Top Down Design
5.1 Variables
5.5 User Input
5.6 Parameters
5.9 Using i in For Loops
5.10 Extended Loop Control
7.1 If Statements
7.2 If/Else Statements
7.4 While Loops
8.1 Putting Together Control Structures
2.2 Turning Tracy
2.3 For Loops
2.4 Turning Tracy Using Angles
3.2 Naming Guidelines
3.3 Functions
3.4 Artistic Effects
3.6 Top Down Design
5.1 Variables
5.5 User Input
5.6 Parameters
5.9 Using i in For Loops
5.10 Extended Loop Control
7.1 If Statements
7.2 If/Else Statements
7.4 While Loops
8.1 Putting Together Control Structures
11.3 Turning Tracy
11.4 For Loops
11.5 Turning Tracy Using Angles
11.8 Artistic Effects
11.10 Variables
11.13 User Input
11.14 Parameters
11.16 Using i in For Loops
11.17 Extended Loop Control
11.18 If Statements
11.19 If/Else Statements
11.20 While Loops
11.7 Functions
11.21 Putting Together Control Structures
19.15 Your First Website
2.2 A Day at the Park
3.9 Complete Your Homepage
2.2 Turning Tracy
2.3 For Loops
2.4 Turning Tracy Using Angles
3.2 Naming Guidelines
3.3 Functions
3.4 Artistic Effects
3.6 Top Down Design
5.1 Variables
5.5 User Input
5.6 Parameters
5.9 Using i in For Loops
5.10 Extended Loop Control
7.1 If Statements
7.2 If/Else Statements
7.4 While Loops
8.1 Putting Together Control Structures
1.3 Turning Tracy
1.4 For Loops
1.5 Turning Tracy Using Angles
1.7 Naming Guidelines
1.8 Functions
1.9 Artistic Effects
1.10 Top Down Design
1.11 Variables
1.12 User Input
1.13 Parameters
1.14 Using i in For Loops
1.15 Extended Loop Control
1.16 If Statements
1.17 If/ Else Statements
1.18 While Loops
1.19 Putting Together Control Structures
7.7 Build Your Website!
8.4 Pixel Images
8.5 Hexadecimal
8.6 Pixel Colors!
15.1 micro:bit Challenges
15.2 Explore a New Sensor
15.4 Final Project
11.16 Karel Challenges