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New Jersey Computer Science and Design Thinking: 8.1.12.AP.2

CodeHS Lessons

Create generalized computational solutions using collections instead of repeatedly using simple variables.

6.1 Array
7.1 ArrayList
7.1 Intro to Lists/Arrays
7.2 Indexing Into an Array
7.3 Adding/Removing From an Array
7.4 Array Length and Looping Through Arrays
7.5 Iterating Over an Array
7.6 Finding an Element in a List
7.7 Removing an Element From an Array
7.1 Tuples
7.2 Lists
7.3 For Loops and Lists
7.1 Intro to Lists/Arrays
7.2 Indexing Into an Array
7.3 Adding/Removing From an Array
7.4 Array Length and Looping Through Arrays
7.5 Iterating Over an Array
7.6 Finding an Element in a List
7.7 Removing an Element From an Array
2.1 Introduction to TensorFlow
2.2 Creating an Image Prediction Model
3.1 Creating a Sentiment Model
3.2 Generating New Text
1.3 Exploring Data Using Python
1.7 Pandas DataFrames
1.3 Exploring Data Using Python
1.7 Pandas DataFrames
5.3 Using Arrays
5.5 ArrayList Methods
7.1 Intro to Lists/Arrays
7.2 Indexing Into an Array
7.3 Adding/Removing From an Array
7.4 Array Length and Looping Through Arrays
7.5 Iterating Over an Array
7.6 Finding an Element in a List
7.7 Removing an Element From an Array
10.1 Introduction to TensorFlow
10.2 Creating an Image Prediction Model
11.1 Creating a Sentiment Model
11.2 Generating New Text
6.1 Intro to Lists/Arrays
6.2 Indexing Into an Array
6.3 Adding/Removing From an Array
6.4 Array Length and Looping Through Arrays
6.5 Iterating Over an Array
6.6 Finding an Element in a List
6.7 Removing an Element From an Array
6.1 Intro to Lists/Arrays
6.2 Indexing Into an Array
6.3 Adding/Removing From an Array
6.4 Array Length and Looping Through Arrays
6.5 Iterating Over an Array
6.6 Finding an Element in a List
6.7 Removing an Element From an Array
4.1 Intro to Lists/Arrays
4.2 Indexing Into an Array
4.3 Adding/Removing From an Array
4.4 Array Length and Looping Through Arrays
4.5 Iterating Over an Array
4.6 Finding an Element in a List
4.7 Removing an Element From an Array
5.1 Tuples
5.2 Lists
5.3 For Loops and Lists
6.1 Tuples
6.2 Lists
6.3 For Loops and Lists
4.1 Tuples
4.2 Lists
4.3 For Loops and Lists
7.3 Exploring Data Using Python
7.7 Pandas DataFrames
4.1 Tuples
4.2 Lists
4.3 For Loops and Lists
7.3 Exploring Data Using Python
7.7 Pandas DataFrames
13.1 Array
14.1 ArrayList
12.1 Array
13.1 ArrayList
7.3 Using Arrays
7.5 ArrayList Methods