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North Dakota 9-12 Framework


Standard Description
9.NI.1 Describe the issues that impact network functionality (e.g., bandwidth, load, delay, topology). Lessons
10.NI.1 Identify and define different network connection types (e.g., wifi, mobile data, ethernet). Lessons
11.NI.1 Compare and contrast different network connection types (e.g., wifi, mobile data, ethernet). Lessons
12.NI.1 Choose an appropriate network connection given a scenario or situation. Lessons
9.NI.2 Understand the implications of accessing publicly available Internet connections. Lessons
10.NI.2 Identify networkable devices. Lessons
11.NI.2 Understand the global impact of networkable devices. Lessons
12.NI.2 Compare and contrast the benefits and security risks of networkable devices. Lessons
9.HS.1 Compare and contrast appropriate device/hardware/software to complete a task. Lessons
9.HS.2 Define software and security patches/update. Lessons
10.HS.2 Recognize the importance of and effectively perform software and security patches/updates. Lessons
11.HS.2 Identify and choose hardware and software to help protect a system. Lessons
9.HS.3 Explain why a backup is necessary. Lessons
10.HS.3 Identify important data or systems that need redundancy. Lessons
11.HS.3 Identify different options for redundancy (e.g., cloud storage, external, duplicate devices). Lessons
12.HS.3 Implement redundancy. Lessons
9.T.1 Describe basic hardware and software problems using appropriate and accurate terminology. Lessons
10.T.1 Follow appropriate guidelines that convey systematic troubleshooting techniques to identify and fix errors. Lessons
12.T.1 Implement systematic troubleshooting strategies to identify and fix errors. Lessons
9.PSA.1 Identify, recognize, and use an algorithm to solve a complex problem across disciplines. Lessons
10.PSA.1 Create and test an algorithm to solve a complex problem across disciplines. Lessons
11.PSA.1 Demonstrate ways a given algorithm applies to problems across disciplines and explain the benefits and drawbacks of choices made. Lessons
12.PSA.1 Use and adapt common algorithms to solve computational problems. Lessons
9.DCA.1 Collect and analyze complex data. Lessons
10.DCA.1 Represent complex data in more than one way to support a claim. Lessons
11.DCA.1 Represent complex data in multiple ways to defend a student-generated claim. Lessons
12.DCA.1 Represent complex data using interactive data visualizations or computational models. Lessons
9.A.1 Plan and employ effective research strategies to locate information. Lessons
10.A.1 Curate relevant information from digital resources using a variety of tools and methods. Lessons
11.A.1 Devise new search strategies based on information gaps and new understanding. Lessons
12.A.1 Build knowledge by actively exploring real-world issues and problems, developing ideas and theories and pursuing answers and solutions. Lessons
9.E.1 Evaluate the accuracy, perspective, credibility, and relevance of information, media, data, or other resources. Lessons
10.E.1 Gather accurate, credible, and relevant sources of information, media, data, or other resources showing different perspectives. Lessons
11.E.1 Use accurate, credible, and relevant sources of information, media, data, or other resources showing different perspectives. Lessons
12.E.1 Explain source selection based on accuracy, perspective, credibility, and relevance of information, media, data, or other resources. Lessons
9.C.1 Create original works or responsibly repurpose or remix digital resources into new creations to communicate an idea. Lessons
10.C.1 Choose the appropriate platforms and tools for meeting the desired objectives of their creation or communication. Lessons
11.C.1 Publish or present content that customizes the message and medium for their intended audiences to communicate their idea. Lessons
12.C.1 Exhibit perseverance, a tolerance for ambiguity, and the capacity to work with openended problems in the design and creation process. Lessons
9.IP.1 Properly use copyrighted works, works in the creative commons, and works in the public domain. Lessons
10.IP.1 Demonstrate an understanding of and respect for the rights and obligations of using and sharing intellectual property. Lessons
11.IP.1 Explain the beneficial and harmful effects that intellectual property laws can have on innovation, creativity, and collaboration. Lessons
12.IP.1 Debate laws and regulations that impact the development and use of software. Lessons
9.IP.2 Cite sources in a standard format to ethically reference the intellectual property of others. Lessons
9.IP.3 Engage in positive, safe, legal and ethical behavior when using technology. Lessons
11.IP.3 Evaluate the social and economic implications of piracy and plagiarism in the context of safety, law, or ethics. Lessons
9.IC.1 Evaluate how technology has impacted the workforce positively and negatively. Lessons
10.IC.1 Evaluate the social, personal, and economic implications technology has on society and the economy. Lessons
11.IC.1 Explain how computing may change cultural aspects of society. Lessons
12.IC.1 Predict how computing may impact the workplace and personal lives. Lessons
9.SI.1 Identify how technology has affected our means of communication. Lessons
10.SI.1 Evaluate the impacts of technology on social interactions. Lessons
11.SI.1 Investigate ways to maximize the benefits and minimize the harmful effects technology can have on society Lessons
12.SI.1 Evaluate the impact of equity, bias, access, and influence on the availability of computing resources in a global society. Lessons
9.SE.1 Recognize the effects sharing information online can have on others' privacy. Lessons
10.SE.1 Implement best practices to secure personal information. Lessons
11.SE.1 Understand encryption and how it is used to protect data. Lessons
9.SE.2 Know how to modify account settings to protect privacy and security. Lessons
10.SE.2 Recognize the importance of monitoring your private data. Lessons
11.SE.2 Explain the privacy concerns related to the collection and generation of data through automated processes. Lessons
12.SE.2 Illustrate how sensitive data can be affected by malware and other attacks. Lessons
9.SE.3 Recognize that datacollection technology can be used to track navigation online. Lessons
10.SE.3 Manage personal data to maintain digital privacy and security and are aware of datacollection technology used to track online behaviors. Lessons
9.SE.4 Describe ways to prevent identity theft. Lessons
10.SE.4 Identify if their private data has been altered and can react appropriately. Lessons
11.SE.4 Develop a plan to recover from an incident that was tied to unauthorized access. Lessons
9.RU.1 Apply cyberbullying prevention strategies. Lessons
9.RU.2 Apply safe and ethical behaviors to personal electronic communication and interaction. Lessons
9.RU.4 Understand the purpose of and comply with Acceptable Use Policies. Lessons
10.RU.4 Understand the purpose of and comply with Acceptable Use Policies. Lessons
11.RU.4 Understand the purpose of and comply with Acceptable Use Policies. Lessons
12.RU.4 Understand the purpose of and comply with Acceptable Use Policies. Lessons
9.DI.1 Manage a digital identity and be aware of the permanence of actions in the digital world. Lessons