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IB CS Core SL: 4.3.13

CodeHS Lessons

Use of programming languages: Construct algorithms using predefined sub-programmes, onedimensional arrays and/or collections.

6.1 Array
6.2 Traversing Arrays
6.3 Enhanced for Loop for Arrays
6.4 Developing Algorithms Using Arrays
5.7 JavaScript vs Karel
7.4 Array Length and Looping Through Arrays
7.5 Iterating Over an Array
7.6 Finding an Element in a List
7.7 Removing an Element From an Array
5.7 JavaScript vs Karel
7.4 Array Length and Looping Through Arrays
7.5 Iterating Over an Array
7.6 Finding an Element in a List
7.7 Removing an Element From an Array
5.2 Introduction to Arrays
5.3 Using Arrays
5.4 Enhanced For Loops
8.2 Introduction to Arrays
8.3 Using Arrays
8.4 Enhanced For Loops
5.7 JavaScript vs Karel
7.4 Array Length and Looping Through Arrays
7.5 Iterating Over an Array
7.6 Finding an Element in a List
7.7 Removing an Element From an Array
4.7 JavaScript vs Karel
6.4 Array Length and Looping Through Arrays
6.5 Iterating Over an Array
6.6 Finding an Element in a List
6.7 Removing an Element From an Array
4.7 JavaScript vs Karel
6.4 Array Length and Looping Through Arrays
6.5 Iterating Over an Array
6.6 Finding an Element in a List
6.7 Removing an Element From an Array
7.2 Introduction to Arrays
7.3 Using Arrays
7.4 Enhanced For Loops
9.5 JavaScript vs Karel
4.4 Array Length and Looping Through Arrays
4.5 Iterating Over an Array
4.6 Finding an Element in a List
4.7 Removing an Element From an Array
13.1 Array
13.2 Traversing Arrays
13.3 Enhanced for Loop for Arrays
13.4 Developing Algorithms Using Arrays
12.1 Array
12.2 Traversing Arrays
12.3 Enhanced for Loop for Arrays
12.4 Developing Algorithms Using Arrays
7.2 Introduction to Arrays
7.3 Using Arrays
7.4 Enhanced For Loops