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GA WD: IT-WD-2.1

CodeHS Lessons

Define key terms in site development: cloud computing, versions of HTML, CSS, design consistency, deprecated tags, wire framing/layout design, hyperlinks

2.2 Structure of an HTML Page
2.4 Links
3.1 Introduction to CSS
3.2 CSS Select by Tag
3.3 CSS Select by Class
3.4 CSS Select by ID
5.2 Multi-file Websites
3.2 Layout and Web Design Theory
7.2 Planning Your Site
8.4 Links
8.2 Structure of an HTML Page
8.9 Introduction to CSS
8.10 CSS Select by Tag
8.11 CSS Select by Class
8.12 CSS Select by ID
8.14 Multi-file Websites
1.2 Structure of an HTML Page
1.4 Links
2.1 Introduction to CSS
2.2 CSS Select by Tag
2.3 CSS Select by Class
2.4 CSS Select by ID
3.2 Multi-file Websites
7.2 Layout and Web Design Theory
10.2 Planning Your Site
13.5 Creating a Sitemap
13.4 Let's Add Pages!
4.2 CSS Select by Tag
4.3 CSS Select by Class
4.4 CSS Select by ID
5.2 Multi-file Websites
7.5 Creating a Sitemap
7.4 Let's Add Pages!
2.2 Structure of an HTML Page
2.4 Links
3.1 Introduction to CSS
3.2 CSS Select by Tag
3.3 CSS Select by Class
3.4 CSS Select by ID
9.2 Layout and Web Design Theory
8.9 Multi-file Websites
9.4 Planning Your Site
7.2 Structure of an HTML Page
7.4 Links
8.1 Introduction to CSS
8.2 CSS Select by Tag
8.3 CSS Select by Class
8.4 CSS Select by ID
1.2 Structure of an HTML Page
1.4 Links
2.1 Introduction to CSS
2.2 CSS Select by Tag
2.3 CSS Select by Class
2.4 CSS Select by ID
7.2 Layout and Web Design Theory
7.2 Structure of an HTML Page
7.4 Links
8.1 Introduction to CSS
8.2 CSS Select by Tag
8.3 CSS Select by Class
8.4 CSS Select by ID
4.15 Multi-file Websites
2.2 Structure of an HTML Page
2.4 Links
3.1 Introduction to CSS
3.2 CSS Select by Tag
3.3 CSS Select by Class
3.4 CSS Select by ID
5.2 Multi-file Websites
24.2 Multi-file Websites
3.2 Structure of an HTML Page
3.4 Links
4.1 Introduction to CSS
4.2 CSS Select by Tag
4.3 CSS Select by Class
4.4 CSS Select by ID
9.2 Layout and Web Design Theory
12.1 Planning Your Site
3.2 Structure of an HTML Page
3.4 Links
4.1 Introduction to CSS
4.2 CSS Select by Tag
4.3 CSS Select by Class
4.4 CSS Select by ID
9.2 Layout and Web Design Theory
12.1 Planning Your Site
5.13 Multi-file Websites
2.2 Structure of an HTML Page
2.4 Links
3.1 Introduction to CSS
3.2 CSS Select by Tag
3.3 CSS Select by Class
3.4 CSS Select by ID
5.2 Multi-file Websites
2.2 Structure of an HTML Page
2.4 Links
3.1 Introduction to CSS
3.2 CSS Select by Tag
3.3 CSS Select by Class
3.4 CSS Select by ID
5.2 Multi-file Websites
1.2 Structure of an HTML Page
1.4 Links
2.1 Introduction to CSS
2.2 CSS Select by Tag
2.3 CSS Select by Class
2.4 CSS Select by ID
5.9 Multi-file Websites
2.2 Structure of an HTML Page
2.4 Links
3.1 Introduction to CSS
3.2 CSS Select by Tag
3.3 CSS Select by Class
3.4 CSS Select by ID
6.2 Planning Your Site
10.2 Layout and Web Design Theory
2.2 Structure of an HTML Page
2.4 Links
3.1 Introduction to CSS
3.2 CSS Select by Tag
3.3 CSS Select by Class
3.4 CSS Select by ID
11.2 Planning Your Site
14.2 Layout and Web Design Theory
8.3 Structure of an HTML Page
8.5 Links
9.1 Introduction to CSS
9.2 CSS Select by Tag
9.3 CSS Select by Class
9.4 CSS Select by ID
9.6 Multi-file Websites
2.2 Structure of an HTML Page
2.4 Links
3.1 Introduction to CSS
3.2 CSS Select by Tag
3.3 CSS Select by Class
3.4 CSS Select by ID
4.2 Multi-file Websites
9.2 Layout and Web Design Theory
2.4 Let's Add Pages!
2.5 Creating a Sitemap