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CodeHS Lessons

Understand elements of web design, including HTML5, CSS3, responsive design, site usability and accessibility, relation of site to business, and story the site reveals about the business.

2.1 Introduction to HTML
2.3 Formatting Text
2.5 Images
2.9 HTML Styling
3.1 Introduction to CSS
4.1 Homepage: Your First Website
1.1 Introduction to HTML
1.3 Formatting Text
1.5 Images
1.9 HTML Styling
3.1 Homepage: Your First Website
1.1 Introduction to HTML
1.2 Structure of an HTML Page
1.9 Introduction to CSS
1.12 CSS Select by ID
1.14 Project: Your First Website
1.1 Introduction to HTML
1.2 Structure of an HTML Page
1.9 Introduction to CSS
1.12 CSS Select by ID
1.14 Project: Your First Website
4.1 Introduction to HTML
4.2 Structure of an HTML Page
4.9 Introduction to CSS
4.12 CSS Select by ID
5.1 Project: Your First Website
1.1 Introduction to HTML
1.2 Structure of an HTML Page
1.9 Introduction to CSS
1.12 CSS Select by ID
1.14 Project: Your First Website
6.1 Introduction to HTML
6.2 Structure of an HTML Page
6.12 Introduction to CSS
6.15 CSS Select by ID
6.1 Introduction to HTML
6.2 Structure of an HTML Page
6.12 Introduction to CSS
6.15 CSS Select by ID
1.2 Introduction to HTML
1.3 Structure of an HTML Page
1.10 Introduction to CSS
1.13 CSS Select by ID
7.1 Introduction to HTML
7.3 Formatting Text
7.5 Images
7.8 HTML Styling
8.1 Introduction to CSS
9.1 Homepage: Your First Website
9.1 Introduction to HTML
9.2 Structure of an HTML Page
9.9 Introduction to CSS
9.12 CSS Select by ID
9.14 Project: Your First Website
7.1 Introduction to HTML
7.3 Formatting Text
7.5 Images
7.8 HTML Styling
8.1 Introduction to CSS
9.1 Homepage: Your First Website
6.1 Introduction to HTML
6.2 Structure of an HTML Page
6.12 Introduction to CSS
6.15 CSS Select by ID
6.1 Introduction to HTML
6.2 Structure of an HTML Page
6.12 Introduction to CSS
6.15 CSS Select by ID
6.1 Introduction to HTML
6.2 Structure of an HTML Page
6.12 Introduction to CSS
6.15 CSS Select by ID
6.1 Introduction to HTML
6.2 Structure of an HTML Page
6.12 Introduction to CSS
6.15 CSS Select by ID
11.15 CSS Select by ID
11.12 Introduction to CSS
11.1 Introduction to HTML
11.2 Structure of an HTML Page
6.1 Introduction to HTML
6.2 Structure of an HTML Page
6.12 Introduction to CSS
6.15 CSS Select by ID
4.1 Introduction to HTML
4.2 Structure of an HTML Page
4.9 Introduction to CSS
4.12 CSS Select by ID
5.1 Project: Your First Website
4.1 Introduction to HTML
4.2 Structure of an HTML Page
4.11 Introduction to CSS
4.14 CSS Select by ID
2.1 Introduction to HTML
2.3 Formatting Text
2.5 Images
2.9 HTML Styling
3.1 Introduction to CSS
4.1 Homepage: Your First Website
6.1 Introduction to HTML
6.2 Structure of an HTML Page
6.12 Introduction to CSS
6.15 CSS Select by ID
6.1 Introduction to HTML
6.2 Structure of an HTML Page
6.12 Introduction to CSS
6.15 CSS Select by ID
8.1 Introduction to HTML
8.2 Structure of an HTML Page
8.9 Introduction to CSS
8.12 CSS Select by ID
8.14 Project: Your First Website
4.1 Introduction to HTML
4.2 Structure of an HTML Page
4.9 Introduction to CSS
4.12 CSS Select by ID
5.1 Introduction to HTML
5.2 Structure of an HTML Page
5.9 Introduction to CSS
5.12 CSS Select by ID
14.1 Project: Your First Website
6.1 Introduction to HTML
6.2 Structure of an HTML Page
6.12 Introduction to CSS
6.15 CSS Select by ID
2.1 Introduction to HTML
2.3 Formatting Text
2.5 Images
2.9 HTML Styling
3.1 Introduction to CSS
4.1 Homepage: Your First Website
2.1 Introduction to HTML
2.3 Formatting Text
2.5 Images
2.9 HTML Styling
3.1 Introduction to CSS
4.1 Homepage: Your First Website
1.1 Introduction to HTML
1.3 Formatting Text
1.5 Images
1.8 HTML Styling
2.1 Introduction to CSS
3.1 Homepage: Your First Website
6.1 Introduction to HTML
6.2 Structure of an HTML Page
6.12 Introduction to CSS
6.15 CSS Select by ID