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Utah Computer Science: 5th Grade

This course is aligned to UT standards and designed to provide computer science instruction for Utah 5th Grade students. It is meant to be taught approximately weekly.

Overview & Highlights

Elementary School
Number of Lessons

Overview of Lessons

Getting Started with Coding

Welcome to CodeHS!

Students will learn how to log in and use the CodeHS Playground.

Introduction to Computer Science and Scratch

Students will be able to define important computer science vocabulary and create a simple program in Scratch.

Creating Algorithms

Students will be able to program multiple algorithms and assess which one best meets their needs.

Creating Turtle Graphics

Students will be able to use the pen tool in Scratch to create looping turtle graphics.

Conditionals: Underwater Exploration

Students will be able to create a program that uses conditionals.
Coding in Math

Animating Sprites with Division

Students will be able to use division to animate sprites with loops and wait blocks.

Classifying Quadrilaterals in a Hierarchy

Students will be able to create a program using events to classify quadrilaterals in a hierarchy, and use comments to document their code.

Decimal Division and Conditionals

Solve division problems with decimals and use conditionals to program an interactive division game with levels.

Decimal Multiplication and Conditionals

Students will be able to use if/then conditionals to review multiplication with decimals.

Unit Converter

Students will be able to use variables and conditionals to program a unit conversion calculator to convert between measurements.

Multiplication Quiz Game

Students will be able to create a multiplication quiz game using variables, operators, conditionals, and loops.

Add and Subtract Fractions

Students will be able to use broadcast messages and comparison operators to create a fractions quiz game. They will recognize and use patterns in their program.

Area of a Rectangle with Tiles

Students will be able to use variables and loops to model the fractional area of a rectangle using tiles.
Coding in Science

Constructive and Destructive Processes

Students will be able to create an animation that models how volcanoes change surface features through a constructive process.

Exploring Ecosystems

Students will be able to program a model to illustrate the flow of energy in an ecosystem.

Animal Classification

Students will be able to use events to create a program that models how animals are sorted into groups.

Earth Systems

Students will be able to create a program using multiple event blocks to model how wind and rain impact the geosphere.

Cycle of Matter

Students will be able to use events and messages to create an animated model of the cycle of matter.

Effects of Pollution

Students will be able to write a program with if/then/else blocks in Scratch to explain how their actions can affect water pollution.

Day and Night

Students will be able to use comparison operators and conditionals to show how the Earth’s rotation causes day and night.

Physical Changes

Students will be able to write a program with variables and conditionals that has the user adjust the temperature of a sprite so it will change between a solid, liquid, and gas.

Scale of Planets in the Solar System

Students will be able to create a program to calculate and model the scale and properties of planets in the Solar System.
Coding in ELA

Animating Poetry

Students will be able to break a poem into sections to understand literal and metaphorical meanings and create an animated reading of a poem in Scratch. This version of the lesson is focused on both ELA and Computer Science concepts.

Nonfiction Animated Recordings

Students will be able to use events to create a clear, animated reading of a nonfiction text.

Creative Storytelling

Students will be able to plan and animate a story using events and sequences.

Punctuate a Title

Students will be able to create a game using conditionals and operators to demonstrate their understanding of punctuation in titles.
Coding in Social Studies

The US Government

Students will be able to use “if/else” conditionals in a program to model how a bill becomes a law.

Digital Flashcards

Students will be able to use broadcast messages to build a set of digital flashcards for any subject.

Revolutionary War Timeline

Students will be able to create and control an interactive timeline using inputs, events, conditionals, and variables.

Interactive Map of the 13 Colonies

Students will be able to use events, conditionals, and variables to create an interactive map of the 13 colonies. They will be able to break a large program into smaller tasks to ease program development.
More Coding Lessons & Projects

Animation Loops Project

Students will be able to use repeat loop blocks to program an animation with multiple scenes.

Debugging: Make a Pizza

Students will be able to decompose a program to debug and make the program run as intended.

Game Mechanics with Comparison Operators

Students will be able to use comparison operators and variables to create ending game mechanics.

Variables in Dance

Students will be able to use variables to control pitch and dance speeds in a program.

Operators: Coin Flip

Students will be able to create a coin flipping program using variables and operators.

Conditionals: Mazes

Students will be able to create a program that uses conditionals.

Plan a Quest

Students will be able to plan and decompose the steps needed to create a quest program.

Pinball Game Project

Students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of pinball game design principles and apply their knowledge to create a functional and engaging pinball game.

Game Design Project

Students will be able to design and create a game using multiple programming skills such as loops, conditionals, and variables.
Seasonal Projects

Seasonal Project (Fall): Gathering Apples Game

Students will be able to create a fall-themed collecting game using loops, conditionals and variables.
Digital Literacy

Our Words Have Power (Cyberbullying)

Students will be able to explain what cyberbullying is how it affects others, how to be an upstander by taking action, and that work developed online is the property of the creator.

Data Storage

Students will explain that the amount of space required to store data differs based on the type of data and level of detail.

Using Digital Tools to Create Line Graphs

Students will be able to examine a table of information and convert the values into a data visualization (line graph) that supports a claim.

3D Design: Keyboard Accommodations

Students will be able to use the align tool to position shapes together as they create an accessible keyboard in Tinkercad®. This lesson requires student accounts in an external site.

Training AI Using Data

Students will explore, understand, and model how artificial intelligence is trained with data to make predictions.

Online Collaboration

Students will be able to explain that collaboration and communication can be done online and offline, and that collaborating with others can provide a diverse perspective.

Computer Detectives: Hardware and Software Problems

Students will be able to solve simple hardware and software problems

Networks Part 2: Network Protocols

Students will be able to explain what a network protocol is and how protocols allow data transfer over different networks. They will model how information is transferred as a series of packets via a protocol.

Giving Credit Through Attributions

Students will be able to give appropriate attribution when creating or remixing programs and sharing images online.
Offline Handouts

Lesson Previews