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Utah Computer Science: 2nd Grade

This course is aligned to UT standards and designed to provide computer science instruction for Utah 2nd Grade students. It is meant to be taught approximately weekly.

Overview & Highlights

Elementary School
Number of Lessons

Overview of Lessons

Getting Started with Coding

Welcome to CodeHS!

Students will learn how to log in and use the CodeHS Playground.

Introduction to ScratchJr

Students will be able to navigate the ScratchJr interface to create a scene with characters.

Debugging: Events and Sequences

Students will be able to find and fix errors in provided code.
Coding in Math

Introduction to the Grid

Students will be able to use the grid feature to move characters to a specific location on the stage.

Counting with Mazes

Students will be able to use counting skills to design a maze requiring a specific number of steps.

Story Problems: Add and Subtract within 100

Students will be able to create a program to model a math story problem.

Telling Time

Students will be able to use sequences and events to create an analog clock and display time in digital and analog forms.

Create Your Own Story Problem

Students will be able to solve addition and subtraction word problems by using events to create a scene.

Identify Shapes by Attributes

Students will be able to create a program to draw and identify shapes with specified attributes.

Place Value: Ones, Tens, and Hundreds

Students will be able to connect a digit’s place in a number to its value and create an interactive program that uses events.

Events and Money

Students will be able to create a program that tells the value of a set of coins.

Algebraic Thinking: Finding a Two-Digit Unknown

Students will be able to create an interactive program to visualize algebraic thinking and solve for large unknown numbers in number stories.

3D Shapes

Students will be able to draw 3D shapes and create a quiz game to review attributes of 3D shapes.
Coding in Science

Properties of Matter

Students will be able to use conditionals to program a robot to make accurate decisions and to group different types of matter according to their properties.

Designing Solutions from Nature

Students will be able to create a program using events that show how humans survive in their environments by mimicking plants and animals.

Changing Landforms

Students will create a sequence to show how a volcanic eruption changes Earth’s surface.

Preventing Erosion

Students will create a program to compare multiple solutions designed to slow or prevent wind or water from changing the shape of the land.

Changes in the Environment

Students will be able to identify changes in the environment and their causes, and then use animation to model environmental changes.

Seed Dispersal

Students will create a program using message events and loops to model how an animal can help disperse seeds.
Coding in ELA

Build a Sentence

Students will be able to create an interactive program that uses events to write sentences and then read them aloud.

Punctuation: Write a Great Sentence!

Students will be able to create sequences with loops to write sentences with correct punctuation and spacing.

Original Story Animations - Fiction Story

Students will be able to develop an original story and create a program to animate a story.
Coding in Social Studies

Communities Modify Their Environment

Students will be able create a program that shows how people modify their environment in a community.
More Coding Lessons & Projects

Tap-a-Mole Game

Create an interactive game using events.

Message Events: Scout Plays in the Forest

Students will be able to use message events to control the flow of a program.

Pages: Scout's Travels

Students will be able to use messages to help Scout travel between pages in a program.

Loops: Follow the Path

Students will be able to identify patterns, and create a program using loops.

Debugging: Message Events and Loops

Students will be able to find and fix (debug) message event and loop errors in the provided code.

Design an Adventure Game

Students will be able to create a story-based, multi-page game using Computer Science skills they have learned.

Moving Targets Game

Create a moving target game using sequences, events, and pages.


Students will be able to describe what bugs are and find and correct bugs in sequences.

Variables: Keeping Score

Students will be able to create a program that simulates keeping score using a variable
Seasonal Projects

Seasonal Project (Fall): Gathering Apples Game

Students will be able to create a fall-themed collecting game using events and loops.

Digital Greeting Card

Students will be able to create a digital greeting card with events and loops.

Seasonal Project (Spring): Create a Chase Game

Students will be able to create a spring-themed chase game using loops and events.
Digital Literacy

Computer Detectives: Computer Problems

Students will be able to describe basic hardware and software problems.

Networks and the Internet

Students will be able to explain what a network is and how people communicate over networks and the Internet. They will model how messages are communicated using the Internet.

Machine Learning: AutoDraw

Students will be able to describe how AutoDraw uses AI and a classifier to recognize and suggest drawings.

Get Organized with Files

Students will be able to use a mock desktop environment to modify files, demonstrate appropriate file-naming conventions, and organize files into folders.

Digital Research 2: Choice Research

Students will be able to communicate research findings through programming.

Impacts of Technology in Our World

Students will be able to create a program to demonstrate how technology impacts our world.


Students will be able to explain why strong passwords are used and describe good practices to keep personal digital information safe.

Data Storage with Symbols

Explain that computers use, and store data with, symbols, and be able to use symbols to create legends for maps.

Data Patterns and Predictions

Students will be able to identify and describe patterns in data visualizations, then create a program using events to communicate patterns and predictions from a given data set.

Advanced Data and Programming

Students will be able to develop an investigative question, collect data using a survey, and create a program to present the data visually.

Giving Credit Through Attributions

Students will be able to explain why giving credit for another person's ideas and creations is important. They will reuse parts of a story to make a new story and give attribution to the original creator.
Offline Handouts

Lesson Previews