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Utah Computer Science: 1st Grade

This course is aligned to UT standards and designed to provide computer science instruction for Utah 1st Grade students. It is meant to be taught approximately weekly.

Overview & Highlights

Elementary School
Number of Lessons

Overview of Lessons

Getting Started with Coding

Welcome to CodeHS!

Students will learn how to log in and use the CodeHS Playground.

Introduction to ScratchJr

Students will be able to navigate the ScratchJr interface to create a scene with characters.


Students will be able to explain what an event is in programming and use multiple event blocks in a program.

Sequences: Digital Responsibilities

Students will be able to use sequences to program characters and explain how to be responsible online.
Coding in Math

Adding within 20 and Sequences (Unplugged)

Students will be able to write a sequence to solve a maze while counting up to 20.

Divide Shapes into Equal Parts

Students will be able to create an animation to partition circles and rectangles into equal parts.

Combining Shapes

Students will be able to create composite shapes then use event and motion blocks to create a scene with the composite shapes.

Grid: Solving Mazes

Students will be able to design a maze and use the grid to program a character to move through the maze.

Finding an Unknown in a Word Problem

Students will be able to use events and sequences to create a number story for addition and subtraction.

Story Problems: Add and Subtract within 20

Students will be able to use events to create a scene that represents an addition or subtraction story problem.

Algebraic Thinking: Find an Unknown Number Up to 10 in a Number Story

Students will be able to create an interactive program to visualize algebraic thinking and solve for unknown numbers in number stories.

Place Value: Adding Up to 20

Students will be able to use events in ScratchJr to illustrate how to decompose a two digit number into tens and ones.

Greater Than and Less Than: Two-Digit Numbers

Students will be able to use events to create a program that tells if a number is greater than, less than, or equal to another number.
Coding in Science

Adaptations and Survival: Camouflage

Students will be able to illustrate and explain how living things use camouflage to survive in their environments.

Light and Shadows

Students will be able to identify and communicate the sources and effects of light by creating a program that uses events to trigger a character's sequence.

Sound and Pitch

Students will be able to create and use animation to model sound and pitch, and to explain the relationship between sound and vibration.

Sun and Moon, Day and Night

Students will be able to use loops to model the movements of the sun and moon and show the pattern of day and night.

Phases of the Moon

Students will be able to use message events to model the phases of the Moon.

Animal Life Cycles

Students will be able to use message events to model the butterfly life cycle.
Coding in ELA

Build a Sentence

Students will be able to create an interactive program that uses events to write sentences and then read them aloud.

Phonics: Digraphs

Students will be able to create a phonics program with digraphs using events and recordings.

Punctuation: Write a Great Sentence!

Students will be able to create sequences with loops to write sentences with correct punctuation and spacing.

Storytelling Animations Part 2

Students will be able to design a program to retell the sequence of a story.

Original Story Animations - Fiction Story

Students will be able to develop an original story and create a program to animate a story.
Coding in Social Studies

Our Responsibilities

Students will be able to use sequences to program two characters to explain how to be responsible in school and at home.

Create a Map

Students will be able to create a map and program a character to follow the map.

Economic Choices

Students will be able to use message events to cause character interaction and describe how people make choices between wants and needs.
More Coding Lessons & Projects

Hide and Seek Game

Students will use the hide block to program an interactive game of hide-and-seek.

Grow and Shrink Blocks in Motion

Students will be able to create a program using motion blocks and grow and shrink blocks to change the size of characters.

Introduction to Repeat Loops

Students will be able to use repeat loops to run a section of code multiple times.

Loops: Predator and Prey

Students will be able to use events, sequences, and loops to program two animal characters to interact with each other.

Forever Loop Dance Party

Students will be able to create a sequence using a “repeat forever” loop to make characters repeat actions.

Message Events: Simon Says

Students will be able to use message events to make one character communicate to many characters in a program.


Students will be able to describe what bugs are and find and correct bugs in sequences.
Seasonal Projects

Seasonal Project (Summer): Pop the Balloons

Students will be able to create a summer-themed game to pop balloons using events and loops.
Digital Literacy


Students will be able to explain why strong passwords are used and describe good practices to keep personal digital information safe.

Computer Basics

Students will be able to identify what a computer is and understand how technology impacts our lives. Students will be able to demonstrate their understanding of input and output devices and explain the difference between hardware and software.

Digital Research 1: Guided Research

Students will be able to identify and collect information from research sources and assess the relevance of information.

Research Presentations

Students will be able to create a program to communicate research findings visually.

Machine Learning: What is a Blorg?

Students will be able to explain how AI can learn information by being trained to identify an alien.

Giving Credit Through Attributions

Students will be able to explain why giving credit for another person's ideas and creations is important. They will reuse parts of a story to make a new story and give attribution to the original creator.

Impacts of Technology in Our World

Students will be able to create a program to demonstrate how technology impacts our world.

Online Etiquette

Students will be able to make appropriate choices to follow online etiquette rules.

Basic Data and Programming Project

Students will be able to collect data and create a program to present their data visually.

Data Storage with Symbols

Explain that computers use, and store data with, symbols, and be able to use symbols to create legends for maps.

Data Patterns and Predictions

Students will be able to identify and describe patterns in data visualizations, then create a program using events to communicate patterns and predictions from a given data set.
Offline Handouts

Lesson Previews