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Oklahoma Computer Science 1st Grade

This course is designed to provide computer science instruction for Oklahoma 1st grade students. Students learn programming and principles of computer science, including: computing systems, networks and the Internet, data analysis, algorithms and programming, and impacts of computing.

Overview & Highlights

Elementary School
Number of Lessons

Overview of Lessons

Optional Review

Welcome to CodeHS!

Students will learn how to log in and use the CodeHS Playground.

Scout Adventures 1: Introducing Scout

This lesson is part of a sequential story-driven unit. Students will be able to explore the ScratchJr interface and add characters.

Scout Adventures 2: Scout Starts Exploring

This lesson is part of a sequential story-driven unit. Students will be able to add backgrounds and a page to ScratchJr.

Scout Adventures 3: Scout Meets a Friend

This lesson is part of a sequential story-driven unit. Students will be able to delete and modify characters in ScratchJr.

Scout Adventures 4: Scout Explores the Forest

This lesson is part of a sequential story-driven unit. Students will be able to explore and use motion blocks to move characters around the stage in ScratchJr.

Scout Adventures 5: Scout and Bluebird Help

This lesson is part of a sequential story-driven unit. Students will be able to build a sequence of motion blocks to move characters around the stage to collect objects.

Scout Adventures 6: Scout Celebrates with Friends

This lesson is part of a sequential story-driven unit. Students will be able to create a celebration scene in ScratchJr by adding characters, pages, backgrounds, and sequences of motion blocks with events.
Sequences and Events

Drawing Tools: Nature Walk

Students will be able to use drawing tools to create a nature-walk scene.


Students will be able to explain what an event is in programming and use multiple event blocks in a program.

Sequences: Digital Responsibilities

Students will be able to use sequences to program characters and explain how to be responsible online.

Hide and Seek Game

Students will use the hide block to program an interactive game of hide-and-seek.

Grow and Shrink Blocks in Motion

Students will be able to create a program using motion blocks and grow and shrink blocks to change the size of characters.

Introduction to the Wait Block

Students will be able to use "wait" blocks to cause characters to pause in a program.

Introduction to Debugging

Students will be able to find and correct bugs in sequences.

CodeHS Coding Card Game: Loops

Students will be able to work together to create a sequence of instructions with loops to move Scout through a maze.

CodeHS Coding Card Game: Loops 2

Students will be able to work together to create a sequence of instructions with loops to move Scout through a maze.

Introduction to Repeat Loops

Students will be able to use repeat loops to run a section of code multiple times.

Loops: Catching Butterflies

Students will be able to use "show" and "hide" blocks and loops to create a butterfly-catching game.

Loops: Predator and Prey

Students will be able to use events, sequences, and loops to program two animal characters to interact with each other.

Forever Loop Dance Party

Students will be able to create a sequence using a “repeat forever” loop to make characters repeat actions.
Message Events

Introduction to Message Events

Students will be able to program a relay race that uses messages to cause characters to interact.

Message Events: Simon Says

Students will be able to use message events to make one character communicate to many characters in a program.


Students will be able to describe what bugs are and find and correct bugs in sequences.

Create an Original Story Animation

Students will be able to create a program to animate an original story.

Speed Block: Bouncy Ball

Students will be able to use speed blocks and messages to program a character to move at different speeds.

Garden Project

Students will use message events, grow, shrink, hide, and show blocks to animate seeds growing in a garden.

Variables: Keeping Score

Students will be able to create a program that simulates keeping score using a variable

Pages: Create a Tapping Game

Students will be able to create a game that moves from one page to the next using "go to page" blocks.

Create a Mini Golf Game

Students will be able to use messages and loops to create a mini golf game.

Impacts of Technology in Our World

Students will be able to create a program to demonstrate how technology impacts our world.

Digital Greeting Card

Students will be able to create a digital greeting card with events and loops.

Grid: Solving Mazes

Students will be able to design a maze and use the grid to program a character to move through the maze.

End Block: Program a Race

Students will be able to complete a project to program a race and use the “end” block in an animation.

Grid: Arctic Animation

Students will be able to use the grid in ScratchJr to create an animation.
Culmination Projects

About Me Project

Students will be able to plan a program to describe their characteristics and interests.

River Crossing Game

Students will be able to program obstacles in a game and change the level of difficulty using speed blocks.

Space Travel Project

Students will be able to create and explore ways to program a multipage story using messages, loops, and sequences.
Digital Literacy

Computer Basics

Students will be able to identify what a computer is and understand how technology impacts our lives. Students will be able to demonstrate their understanding of input and output devices and explain the difference between hardware and software.

Input Devices

Students will be able to identify and use computer input devices.


Students will be able to explain why strong passwords are used and describe good practices to keep personal digital information safe.

Online Etiquette

Students will be able to make appropriate choices to follow online etiquette rules.

Computer Detectives: Computer Problems

Students will be able to describe basic hardware and software problems.

Networks and the Internet

Students will be able to explain what a network is and how people communicate over networks and the Internet. They will model how messages are communicated using the Internet.

Get Organized with Files

Students will be able to use a mock desktop environment to modify files, demonstrate appropriate file-naming conventions, and organize files into folders.

Digital Research 1: Guided Research

Students will be able to identify and collect information from research sources and assess the relevance of information.

Research Presentations

Students will be able to create a program to communicate research findings visually.

Giving Credit Through Attributions

Students will be able to explain why giving credit for another person's ideas and creations is important. They will reuse parts of a story to make a new story and give attribution to the original creator.

Data Patterns and Predictions

Students will be able to identify and describe patterns in data visualizations, then create a program using events to communicate patterns and predictions from a given data set.

Basic Data and Programming Project

Students will be able to collect data and create a program to present their data visually.

Advanced Data and Programming

Students will be able to develop an investigative question, collect data using a survey, and create a program to present the data visually.

Data Storage with Symbols

Explain that computers use, and store data with, symbols, and be able to use symbols to create legends for maps.

3D Design: Introduction

Students will be able to add, move, scale, and rotate 3D shapes in Tinkercad® to create a 3D face and personalized keychain. This lesson requires student accounts in an external site.

Machine Learning: What is a Blorg?

Students will be able to explain how AI learns by recognizing patterns in data and identify the attributes AI uses, including those in recognition software that help distinguish humans.
Offline Handouts