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Teaching Introduction to Python Programming

Dive into the basics of programming and learn how to lead a successful introductory computer science class. This course covers everything from learning effective debugging methods to teaching computer science in a blended classroom. Perfect for teachers with limited or no programming experience.

Overview & Highlights

High School
Contact Hours

Course Overview

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Get an overview of the Intro Python Professional Pevelopment course. Learn about key principles and ideas for teaching the course, discuss access and equity in the field of Computer Science, and set goals and expectations for how to make the most out of this course.
How CodeHS Works
This module covers strategies to leverage CodeHS tools for grading, progress monitoring, providing feedback, creating & customizing courses/sections, using the IDE, using curricular resources, and other platform tools and resources.
Karel in Python Bootcamp
Students learn the basics of programming by giving Karel the Dog commands in a grid world.
Basic Python Bootcamp
Advanced Python Bootcamp
Teaching Python
In this module we'll go over teaching the basics of programming with Tracy the Turtle. We will cover common misunderstandings, explain ways to teach these concepts in the classroom, and how to grade student programs.
Debugging Strategies
This module includes several debugging strategies including common misunderstandings about debugging code, ways to teach problem-solving and debugging concepts in the classroom, and how to grade student programs.
Teaching a Blended Computer Science Class
Learn what leading a blended classroom with both online and offline activities looks like, and learn helpful ideas and best practices for incorporating online learning into a traditional classroom.
Course Wrap-Up
The Course Wrap-Up module includes an end-of-course survey, an Intro to CS in Python 3 completion badge, a Certificate of Completion, and information about earning graduate credit.

Offline Handouts